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Name: ________________________
Midterm Review Guide II
The Enlightenment
Summary: Beginning in the 1500’s, the ____________________________ introduced a way of
thinking based on ______________________and ______________________ instead of
acceptance of _________________ authority. These changes inspired intellectuals to apply
_________________ to the study not only of science but also human ____________. The
thinkers of the Enlightenment used this emphasis on reason to suggest___________ in government
and society. Some monarchs even were influenced by these ideas to make small reforms in their
countries. These monarchs became known as ___________________. Many Europeans were
influenced by these ideas and sought to change the old order. These changes had an impact on
Europe and America as _____________________ and ___________________ideas grew and
contributed to ______________________.
Key People and Groups:
_________________-governments based on the consent of the governed; all people born with
natural rights; role of the government is to protect those rights
_____________________-separation of powers
_____________________- Freedom of speech and religious toleration
_____________________- Governments based on the general will of the people
____________________- Russian monarchy who was an example of an enlightened despot
Key Terms:
The French Revolution
Summary: _________________________, __________________ in the tax structure,
discontent among the __________________, the poor rule of King Louis XVI, and inspiration from
the ___________________Revolution contributed to the outbreak of the French Revolution. The
French overthrow the monarchy and established a democratic government in France. The French
government soon became _________________ and began the _____________________. Political
opponents were _________________ as the radicals tried to maintain power. The Reign of Terror
ended with the death of __________________. __________________ gained power and began
to create a French Empire in Europe. Napoleon helped spread ______________________ ideas
across Europe. The French Revolution and the success of Napoleon increased _________________
within France.
Key People/Groups:
Key Terms:
Congress of Vienna
After the defeat of Napoleon, European leaders met at the Congress of Vienna to restore the
____________________________ in Europe, redraw Europe’s ___________, and restore
European ___________________
Key People/Groups:
Key Terms:
Revolutions in Latin America
Summary: In the late 1700’s, ___________________ ideas spread from ______________ and
the _____________________ to Latin America. Educated ______________ in Latin America
read works from Enlightenment writers. The success of the ________________________ showed
that foreign rule could be overthrown. _____________________ also influenced Latin Americans.
Beginning in the 1790’s, led by ____________________ leaders, they struggled to gain
_________________ and __________________ from colonial powers such as ______________.
Key People/Groups:
__________________________- Haiti
__________________________- South America
__________________________- South America
Key Terms:
Summary: Starting in the late 1700’s, nationalism became a major force that helped inspire
uprisings across Europe and Latin America. The ____________________________ and
_______________________________ increased nationalism in France. In areas that had been
conquered by Napoleon, nationalism increased among people who didn’t want to be under
___________________________. In fact, _______________________ often occurs in areas
that are placed under foreign control. In the mid 1800’s, nationalism led to the creation of two
strong, united nations: _________________ and ________________. In some instances,
nationalism was force which pulled empires apart. Two examples of this are
______________________ and the _________________________. In the 1900’s, conflicts
caused by nationalism in the __________ in southeastern Europe contributed to the outbreak of
Key People/Groups:
G. Mazzini, C. Cavour, and G. Garibaldi- _________________
Key Terms:
Industrial Revolution
Summary: In the mid-1700’s, the _______________________ in Europe increased food production
which led to an increase in ____________________. The Agrarian Revolution contributed to the
Industrial Revolution, which began in ____________________ and then spread to other countries.
Cities grew rapidly as people moved from rural areas into the cities looking for jobs in
__________________. The development of the _________________________and other
improvements in transportation increased the development of the factory system and urbanization.
Economic and social conditions around the world changed dramatically as a result of the Industrial
Revolution. Many new ideas about how to deal with the problems developed, and ______________
were enacted. Eventually, industrialization led to __________________, increased
____________________, and increased global ___________________________.
Key People/Groups:
Key Terms:
Summary: In the 1800’s, industrialized powers greatly expanded their _______________. These
countries were motivated by economic, political, and social factors. ________________ took
control of India. Great Britain and several other European countries engaged in a scramble for
control of _____________. Imperial powers also forced _____________ to grant ___________
trading concessions. This led to the growth of _______________in China. Other effects of
imperialism included the growth of the global economy, the spread of western culture, and conflicts
between imperial powers. ______________________ movements often grew out of attempts to
resist imperial rule
Key People/Groups:
_______________________- King of Belgium; established trade agreements in the Congo which
gave them access to rubber; increased European interest in Africa
_________________________- strong supporter of British imperialism in Africa
________________________-led the Zulu tribe of southern Africa, resisted British imperialism;
lost because of superior British weapons
__________________________-British trade company which gained control of India
__________________________-Rebelled against the B.E.I in India when they were forced to
follow rules which went against their religious values
___________________________- Chinese martial arts society that unsuccessfully fought against
foreign influence in China; were defeated by a multi-national force
____________________________- leader of Chinese nationalist movement that replaced Qing
Dynasty; wanted to end foreign domination in China
Key Terms:
Japan and the Meiji Restoration
In 1853, Commodore ___________________________ sailed to Japan with an American fleet.
The Japanese were impressed by the strength of the American navy and opened Japan up to
_________________________. This ended a long policy of ____________________ from
foreigners in Japan. The Japanese realized that they had to ______________________if they
wanted to resist ________________________________ and compete with the West. The
_______________ Emperor removed the Tokugawa Shogun and used ____________________
ideas to begin a program of modernization and _____________________________ that quickly
turned Japan into a major industrial power. In the 1890’s and 1900’s, Japan used its modern
____________________ to become a global imperial power.
Key People/Groups:
Key Terms: