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New Mercer Commons
Exercise Circle: This class is offered almost
every morning at 9:30. It is a “sit and be fit” class
custom designed for seniors at New Mercer,
with music and singing to make the class even
more enjoyable!
Strength & Balance: In this new exercise class,
which is offered a few times a month, residents
are encouraged to stand with the support of a
chair to work on balance and leg strength.
July 2 017
900 Centre Avenue
Fort Collins, CO
Scrabble: If you like spelling or word games,
you’ll enjoy making words with random letters
to get the highest scores.
Rumikub: if you like the card game rummy
this game is for you! Similar to the rummy card
game but played with tiles.
Yahtzee: The object of the game is to score
points by rolling five dice to make certain
dice combinations. The dice can be rolled up
to three times in a turn to try to make various
scoring combinations.
Did you know? Technically we should be
celebrating on the 2nd of July not the 4th.
The 2nd of July 1776 the Declaration of
Independence was presented to the Continental
Congress, and not approved until the 4th.
Making the 4th the day 13 colonies were on the
road to freedom as a sovereign nation.
As always, this most American of holidays
will be marked by parades, fireworks, and
backyard BBQ’s across the country. Most
Beef will come from Texas, Chicken from
Alabama, Georgia or North Carolina. Lettuce
from California and Potatoes from Idaho or
Washington. Watermelon from California,
Florida, or Texas and apples for pie from
Washington or New York. Enjoy your allAmerican meal!
Penny Poker: In five-card draw, you can turn
in up to three cards one time to make the best
five-card poker hand you can. Average cost per
round is 2 to 3 pennies.
Word Games: Come play giant crossword
puzzles, brain games, and words within words
where you take the letters of one word and try
to make as many other words with the letters
as you can!
Happy Hour: Come for beverages – both
alcoholic and nonalcoholic – and enjoy visiting
with other residents while snacking on a
variety of yummy chips and crackers!
Gina DiGiallonardo
Sharlene Higley
Jessica Thornes
Sari Oberndorf
Jamie Winden
Jessica Gasparian
Cindy Miszczuk
Michele Hanna
Connie Smith
New Mercer Commons | July 2017
Gary Halsey
Please see your calendar
for dates and times.
West & Pines addition
outings in July
* Lunch Bunch to IHOP
* Shopping trips to Walgreens
* Field trip to the
Loveland History Museum
* A Scenic Van Ride
East Side (Memory Care)
*2 Scenic Van Rides!
Upcoming Events - East Side
* Jammin with Jim
* Scott Jensen plays guitar for
the Birthday Party
Upcoming Events - Everyone
The Harmonettes Choir: the Fort
Collins Senior Center’s choir group
which performs monthly.
Scott Jensen plays guitar and sings
for the 4th of July party at 3:15 in
the west Dinning room!
* Jammin’ w/Jim: A modern, jazzy
take on those familiar tunes played
on keyboard for you to sing along
Please sign up on the “outings board” near the nurse’s
station in the west building, or the front desk of the Pines
addition. All outings will meet at the Nurses station for the
West and the Front Desk for those on the Pines addition.
The craft club would like to invite
you all to come help our cause! We
are making stuffed animals to donate
to children in need. On Wednesday
July 26th at 10:45 at the Dogwood
table, please join us in putting
stuffing in the pre-sewn critters!
New Mercer Commons partnered
with the Garth Englund Blood
Center to host a Columbine blood
drive in June. Employees from across
the Columbine campus participated
in the drive. We donated 30 pints
of blood. One donation can help
up to three people. The Garth
Englund Center helps supply blood
to Poudre Valley Hospital, Medical
Center of the Rockies, and to Estes
Park Medical Center. Thank you to
everyone who donated!
You may see a
photographer in
our building over
the next several
months. Stephanie McCollister Cox
is currently working with Columbine
to create images of our community
and our activities. Come meet her
at 10:45 a.m. Tuesday, July 20, in the
Media Room to learn more about her
photography projects and the work
she is doing around New Mercer
Commons! Later this month, on July
27 in the Media Room, Stephanie
will share travel images and stories
from her recent trip to New Zealand.
New MercerCommons | July 2017
Laurelle moved
into New Mercer
Commons recently
with his wife
Drusilla of 69 years.
Laurelle and his
wife moved from The Winslow and
had lived there since the facility
opened in 2005. Laurelle was born
in South Dakota and spent most of
his life on his farm there. He worked
extremely hard on his farm and
was in charge of 320 acres. In South
Dakota, Laurelle had chickens,
turkeys and other live stock. Laurelle
and Drusilla had 2 beautiful children
who they adored. When their son
got older he helped tremendously
on the farm and acquired even more
acres of land to farm.
A skill of his was playing the
accordion. He played in a band with
his sister and friend every weekend.
His sister played the piano and his
friend played the guitar. He always
loved accordion music so that is why
he began playing the instrument.
After working many tough years on
the farm, Laurelle retired and worked
at South Dakota State University in
the Dairy Science Department. In
the department there were 50 cows
that were milked by machines. The
milk was used for ice cream and the
rest was sold to other places. After
retirement, Laurelle and his wife
spent their winters in Arizona to
stay warm. In Arizona, Laurelle took
up golfing. For staring a sport later in
life he was fairly good at golfing and
it was something he enjoyed doing.
Laurelle is a friendly, warm man who
would love to share stories and pictures.
If you see him around introduce your
self and get to know him!
Can you guess which restaurant serves up 700
million pancakes, 5.3 million pounds of T-bone
steaks, 100 million cups of coffee, 14 million
gallons of orange juice, 1.5 million gallons of maple
syrup, 214 million eggs, and 32 million pounds of
sausage, bacon, and ham – all in one year?
You’d be right if you guessed IHOP – the readily
accepted acronym for International House of
Pancakes- July’s destination for New Mercer
Lunch Bunchers.
When the first IHOP opened in 1958 in California,
diners quickly took to the concept of a restaurant
based on pancakes served all day long and
today there are 1,697 restaurants in all 50 states
as well as in Bahrain, Canada, Dubai (UAE),
Guam, Guatemala, Kuwait, Mexico, Panama, the
Philippines, Puerto Rico, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.
IHOP’s menu includes an array of pancakes
(can someone say Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘N Fruity®
Pancakes?), waffles, French toast, and crepes.
What if you’re not a fan of breakfast for lunch?
Or dinner? The restaurant’s menu also includes
soups, salads, sandwiches, burgers, and entrees.
Resident Birthdays
Donal Fisher – 7/5
Betty Landen – 7/17
Sylvia Baker – 7/25
Betty Waller – 7/15
Russell Hunter – 7/24
Nancy Campbell – 7/28
Staff Birthdays
Mackenzie Erickson – 7/2
Tara Thoen – 7/3
Donna Bright – 7/8
Anna Silerio – 7/12
Breanna Treaster – 7/16
Jamie Krause – 7/21
Emily Jorrey – 7/3
Davina Lau – 7/4
Frank Nerness – 7/9
Gary Halsey – 7/13
Johana Hernandez – 7/20
Staff Anniversaries
Khadija Alwalda – 9 yrs
Mariah Brown – 2 yrs
Gina DiGiallonardo – 8 yrs
Leslie Martin – 7 years
Breanna Treaster – 3 yrs
Karen Borton – 4 yrs
Afton Geouge – 1 year
Vivian Lopez – 1 year
Kellie Towne – 6 yrs
Kaylynn Tsuyama – 2 yrs
Community Open House
Saturday, July 29th
from 3 – 5 p.m.
151 W. Lake Street
Join us for tours of the state-of-the-art
CSU Health and Medical Center and learn
about all of the services available to the
public. The new facility, located at the
corner of College Avenue and Prospect
Road is focused on elevating the health
and well-being of the Northern Colorado
Representatives from all members of
this unique and innovative building
partnership, including CSU Student Health
Network, UCHealth, Associates in Family
Medicine, Poudre Infusion Therapy,
Columbine Health Systems Center for
Healthy Aging, and Kendall Reagan
Nutrition Center, will be on hand to
answer questions and provide information
about services offered to everyone in
the community.
Free parking for the Community Open
House is available on-site in the lot on the
north side of the building and in CSU lot
#575 across Lake Street from the building.
Attendees are encouraged to take the
MAX bus to the Prospect Station, which
is located directly outside the building.
Ample bike parking is available outside the
main entrance on the north side of the
building and at the MAX station.
A Campus Open House and Student
Celebration Events will be held in
Learn more about the CSU Health
and Medical Center at
The craft club would like to invite
you all to come help our cause! We
are making stuffed animals to donate
to children in need. On Wednesday
July 26th at 10:45 at the Dogwood
table, please join us in putting
stuffing in the pre-sewn critters!
New Mercer Commons partnered
with the Garth Englund Blood
Center to host a Columbine blood
drive in June. Employees from across
the Columbine campus participated
in the drive. We donated 30 pints
of blood. One donation can help
up to three people. The Garth
Englund Center helps supply blood
to Poudre Valley Hospital, Medical
Center of the Rockies, and to Estes
Park Medical Center. Thank you to
everyone who donated!
You may see a
photographer in
our building over
the next several
months. Stephanie McCollister Cox
is currently working with Columbine
to create images of our community
and our activities. Come meet her
at 10:45 a.m. Tuesday, July 20, in the
Media Room to learn more about her
photography projects and the work
she is doing around New Mercer
Commons! Later this month, on July
27 in the Media Room, Stephanie
will share travel images and stories
from her recent trip to New Zealand.
New MercerCommons | July 2017
Laurelle moved
into New Mercer
Commons recently
with his wife
Drusilla of 69 years.
Laurelle and his
wife moved from The Winslow and
had lived there since the facility
opened in 2005. Laurelle was born
in South Dakota and spent most of
his life on his farm there. He worked
extremely hard on his farm and
was in charge of 320 acres. In South
Dakota, Laurelle had chickens,
turkeys and other live stock. Laurelle
and Drusilla had 2 beautiful children
who they adored. When their son
got older he helped tremendously
on the farm and acquired even more
acres of land to farm.
A skill of his was playing the
accordion. He played in a band with
his sister and friend every weekend.
His sister played the piano and his
friend played the guitar. He always
loved accordion music so that is why
he began playing the instrument.
After working many tough years on
the farm, Laurelle retired and worked
at South Dakota State University in
the Dairy Science Department. In
the department there were 50 cows
that were milked by machines. The
milk was used for ice cream and the
rest was sold to other places. After
retirement, Laurelle and his wife
spent their winters in Arizona to
stay warm. In Arizona, Laurelle took
up golfing. For staring a sport later in
life he was fairly good at golfing and
it was something he enjoyed doing.
Laurelle is a friendly, warm man who
would love to share stories and pictures.
If you see him around introduce your
self and get to know him!
Can you guess which restaurant serves up 700
million pancakes, 5.3 million pounds of T-bone
steaks, 100 million cups of coffee, 14 million
gallons of orange juice, 1.5 million gallons of maple
syrup, 214 million eggs, and 32 million pounds of
sausage, bacon, and ham – all in one year?
You’d be right if you guessed IHOP – the readily
accepted acronym for International House of
Pancakes- July’s destination for New Mercer
Lunch Bunchers.
When the first IHOP opened in 1958 in California,
diners quickly took to the concept of a restaurant
based on pancakes served all day long and
today there are 1,697 restaurants in all 50 states
as well as in Bahrain, Canada, Dubai (UAE),
Guam, Guatemala, Kuwait, Mexico, Panama, the
Philippines, Puerto Rico, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.
IHOP’s menu includes an array of pancakes
(can someone say Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘N Fruity®
Pancakes?), waffles, French toast, and crepes.
What if you’re not a fan of breakfast for lunch?
Or dinner? The restaurant’s menu also includes
soups, salads, sandwiches, burgers, and entrees.
Resident Birthdays
Donal Fisher – 7/5
Betty Landen – 7/17
Sylvia Baker – 7/25
Betty Waller – 7/15
Russell Hunter – 7/24
Nancy Campbell – 7/28
Staff Birthdays
Mackenzie Erickson – 7/2
Tara Thoen – 7/3
Donna Bright – 7/8
Anna Silerio – 7/12
Breanna Treaster – 7/16
Jamie Krause – 7/21
Emily Jorrey – 7/3
Davina Lau – 7/4
Frank Nerness – 7/9
Gary Halsey – 7/13
Johana Hernandez – 7/20
Staff Anniversaries
Khadija Alwalda – 9 yrs
Mariah Brown – 2 yrs
Gina DiGiallonardo – 8 yrs
Leslie Martin – 7 years
Breanna Treaster – 3 yrs
Karen Borton – 4 yrs
Afton Geouge – 1 year
Vivian Lopez – 1 year
Kellie Towne – 6 yrs
Kaylynn Tsuyama – 2 yrs
Community Open House
Saturday, July 29th
from 3 – 5 p.m.
151 W. Lake Street
Join us for tours of the state-of-the-art
CSU Health and Medical Center and learn
about all of the services available to the
public. The new facility, located at the
corner of College Avenue and Prospect
Road is focused on elevating the health
and well-being of the Northern Colorado
Representatives from all members of
this unique and innovative building
partnership, including CSU Student Health
Network, UCHealth, Associates in Family
Medicine, Poudre Infusion Therapy,
Columbine Health Systems Center for
Healthy Aging, and Kendall Reagan
Nutrition Center, will be on hand to
answer questions and provide information
about services offered to everyone in
the community.
Free parking for the Community Open
House is available on-site in the lot on the
north side of the building and in CSU lot
#575 across Lake Street from the building.
Attendees are encouraged to take the
MAX bus to the Prospect Station, which
is located directly outside the building.
Ample bike parking is available outside the
main entrance on the north side of the
building and at the MAX station.
A Campus Open House and Student
Celebration Events will be held in
Learn more about the CSU Health
and Medical Center at
New Mercer Commons
Exercise Circle: This class is offered almost
every morning at 9:30. It is a “sit and be fit” class
custom designed for seniors at New Mercer,
with music and singing to make the class even
more enjoyable!
Strength & Balance: In this new exercise class,
which is offered a few times a month, residents
are encouraged to stand with the support of a
chair to work on balance and leg strength.
July 2 017
900 Centre Avenue
Fort Collins, CO
Scrabble: If you like spelling or word games,
you’ll enjoy making words with random letters
to get the highest scores.
Rumikub: if you like the card game rummy
this game is for you! Similar to the rummy card
game but played with tiles.
Yahtzee: The object of the game is to score
points by rolling five dice to make certain
dice combinations. The dice can be rolled up
to three times in a turn to try to make various
scoring combinations.
Did you know? Technically we should be
celebrating on the 2nd of July not the 4th.
The 2nd of July 1776 the Declaration of
Independence was presented to the Continental
Congress, and not approved until the 4th.
Making the 4th the day 13 colonies were on the
road to freedom as a sovereign nation.
As always, this most American of holidays
will be marked by parades, fireworks, and
backyard BBQ’s across the country. Most
Beef will come from Texas, Chicken from
Alabama, Georgia or North Carolina. Lettuce
from California and Potatoes from Idaho or
Washington. Watermelon from California,
Florida, or Texas and apples for pie from
Washington or New York. Enjoy your allAmerican meal!
Penny Poker: In five-card draw, you can turn
in up to three cards one time to make the best
five-card poker hand you can. Average cost per
round is 2 to 3 pennies.
Word Games: Come play giant crossword
puzzles, brain games, and words within words
where you take the letters of one word and try
to make as many other words with the letters
as you can!
Happy Hour: Come for beverages – both
alcoholic and nonalcoholic – and enjoy visiting
with other residents while snacking on a
variety of yummy chips and crackers!
Gina DiGiallonardo
Sharlene Higley
Jessica Thornes
Sari Oberndorf
Jamie Winden
Jessica Gasparian
Cindy Miszczuk
Michele Hanna
Connie Smith
New Mercer Commons | July 2017
Gary Halsey
Please see your calendar
for dates and times.
West & Pines addition
outings in July
* Lunch Bunch to IHOP
* Shopping trips to Walgreens
* Field trip to the
Loveland History Museum
* A Scenic Van Ride
East Side (Memory Care)
*2 Scenic Van Rides!
Upcoming Events - East Side
* Jammin with Jim
* Scott Jensen plays guitar for
the Birthday Party
Upcoming Events - Everyone
The Harmonettes Choir: the Fort
Collins Senior Center’s choir group
which performs monthly.
Scott Jensen plays guitar and sings
for the 4th of July party at 3:15 in
the west Dinning room!
* Jammin’ w/Jim: A modern, jazzy
take on those familiar tunes played
on keyboard for you to sing along
Please sign up on the “outings board” near the nurse’s
station in the west building, or the front desk of the Pines
addition. All outings will meet at the Nurses station for the
West and the Front Desk for those on the Pines addition.
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:45 Penny Poker-D
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Bingo-PDR
4:00 Wii Bowling 1-LR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:30 Coffee Social-PDR
1:30 Catholic Rosary-MR
3:15 4th of July Party w/
10:00 Jammin’ w/ Jim-DR
1:30 Nu-Step-FR
2:30 Shopping trip (Pines)-FD
2:45 Cribbage-D
4:00 Wii Bowling 2-LR
9:30 Sunday Sport-MR
10:45 Word Games-D
1:30 Manicures-C/UAQ
3:15 Netflix Documentary-MR
4 Independence Day
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:15 Church Service-DR
11:00 Lunch Bunch (west)-NS
2:45 Trivia-D
4:00 Wii Bowling 2-LR
10:00 St. Joseph’s Mass-MR
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Bingo-DR
4:00 Wii Bowling 3-LR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:45 Manicures (West)-C
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Happy Hour-PDR
4:00 Wii Bowling 2-LR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:45 Yahtzee-D
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:30 Field Trip to Loveland
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:15 Church Service-DR
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Bingo-PDR
4:00 Wii Bowling 2-LR
9:30 Sunday Sport-MR
10:45 Word Games-D
1:30 Current Events-D
3:15 Netflix DocumentariesMR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:45 Penny Poker-D
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Cribbage-D
4:00 Wii Bowling 1-LR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:45 1st Presbyterian-LR
1:30 Catholic Rosary-MR
2:45 Bday Party with Sydney-DR
4:00 Wii Bowling 2-LR
10:15 Harmonette’s Choir-DR
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Bingo-DR
4:00 Wii Bowling 3-LR
9:30 Sunday Sport-MR
10:45 Hymn Sing Along-D
1:30 Manicures-C/UAQ
2:45 Trivia-D
4:00 Hand Massages-D
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:45 Penny Poker-D
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Bingo-PDR
4:00 Wii Bowling 1-LR
Blood Pressure Clinic
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
House Meeting/Food Committee 10:45 Manicures (West)-C
10:30 West-D
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Pines-MR
2:45 Bingo-DR
1:30 Catholic Rosary-MR
4:00 Wii Bowling 2-LR
4:00 Wii Bowling 3-LR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:45 Meet & Greet w/
photographer Stephanie-MR
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Scrabble-D
4:00 Wii Bowling 1-LR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
11:15 Lunch Bunch (Pines)-FD
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:30 Shopping Trip (West)-NS
4:00 Wii Bowling 3-LR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:15 Church Service-DR
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Bingo-PDR
4:00 Wii Bowling 2-LR
9:30 Sunday Sport-MR
10:45 Yahtzee-D
1:30 Manicures-C/UAQ
3:15 Netflix DocumentariesMR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:45 Penny Poker-D
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Bingo-PDR
4:00 Wii Bowling 1-LR
9:30 Sunday Sport-MR
10:45 Hymn Sing Along-D
1:30 Manicures-C/UAQ
2:45 Bingo-PDR
4:00 1 to 1 visits
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:30 Coffee Social-PDR
1:30 Catholic Rosary-MR
2:45 Music Melodies-MR
4:00 Wii Bowling 3-LR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:45 Craft Club-D
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Trivia
4:00 Wii Bowling 2-LR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:45 Manicures(Pines)-UAQ
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Word Games-D
4:00 Wii Bowling 1-LR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:15 Church Service-DR
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Rumikub-D
4:00 Wii Bowling 1-LR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:45 New Zealand
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Bingo-DR
4:00 Wii Bowling 1-LR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:45 Manicures (Pines)-C
1:30 Nu-Step-FR/C
2:45 Happy Hour-PDR
4:00 Wii Bowling 2-LR
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:15 Church Service-DR
1:45 Scenic Van-Ride-FD/NS
4:00 Wii Bowling 3-LR
Please be aware that all activities are subject to
change, see board in dining room for most current activities
9:30 Exercise-DR/MR
10:45 Penny Poker-D
2:00 Movie Matinee’-MR
Activities Location Key:
( Pines Building ) | FR= Fitness Room| PDR= Pine | Dinning Room | MR=Media Room | UAQ= Upstairs | Aquarium | J= East | Juniper Table |
( West Building ) | NS= Nurses Station | DR= Dinning Room | C= Cedar Kitchen | D= Dogwood Hall | LR= Living Room |
4 Independence Day
9:45 Exercise
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Penny Ante
1:45 Hand Care
2:45 States and Capitols
4:15 Walks
9:45 Balloon Ball
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Sing Along
1:45 In the year
2:30 Bingo
4:15 Hand Care
9:45 Exercise
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Encouraging Words
1:45 Henry’s Wives
2:30 Bingo
4:00 Hymn Sing Along
9:45 Balloon Ball
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Penny Ante
1:45 Biographies
2:30 Hand Care
3:45 Patio Time
9:45 Exercise
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Soccer
1:45 Believe It Or Not
2:45 Biographies
4:00 Hand Care
9:45 Word Games
10:30 Balloon Ball
10:30 Morning Snack
1:45 Tai Chi
2:45 Bingo
4:00 Patio Time
9:45 Walks
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Encouraging Words
1:45 40’s Singers
2:45 Bingo
4:15 Patio time
10:00 Pet Visit
10:30 Morning Snack
1:45 Exercise
2:45 Wacky Laws
4:15 Book Look
9:45 Exercise
10:30 Word Games
10:30 Morning Snack
1:45 Wit & Wisdom
2:30 Roberta & Mary
4:15 Book Look
9:45 Exercise
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Bingo
2:00 Movie
10:15 Church Service
10:30 Morning Snack
11:15 Short Stories
1:45 Balloon Ball
2:45 Classical Music
4:15 Book Look
10:30 Short Stories
10:30 Morning Snack
1:45 Bingo
2:45 Life Stories
4:15 Patio time
9:45 Walks
10 30 Morning Snack
10:30 Animal Facts
1:45 Country Classics
2:45 Balloon Ball
4:15 Classic T.V
9:45 Walks
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Today in History
1:30 Music Melodies
3:15 4th of July Party
4:15 Poetry Corner
9:45 Penny Ante
10:30 1st Presbyterian
10:30 Morning Snack
1:30 Music Melodies
3:15 Nu- Step
4:15 Classic TV
9:45 Walks
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Balloon Ball
1:30 Music Melodies
3:15 Nu-Step
4:15 Jokes
9:45 Balloon Ball
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Life Stories
1:30 Music Melodies
3:15 Nu- Step
4:15 Classic Music
10:00 Jammin/Jim
10:30 Morning Snack
1:45 Strength & Balance
2:45 Trivia
4:15 You Be The Judge
10:00 Harmonettes
10:30 Morning Snack
1:45 Strength & Balance
2:45 Bingo
4:00 Shoulder Massage
9:45 Exercise
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Bingo
1:30 Jacks Mailboxes
3:15 Walk
4:15 You Be TheJudge
9:45 Exercise
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Bingo
1:45 Biographies
2:45 Fun Food
4:00 Music Fun
9:45 Walks
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Word Games
1:45 Exercise
2:30 Name That Animal
4:00 Sari’s Flute
10:00 Jammin w/ Jim
10:30 Morning Snack
1:45 Balloon Ball
2:45 Seven Wonders
4:15 Would You Rather?!
9:45 Exercise
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Scattegories
1:45 Hand Care
2:45 Historical Women
4:15 Sensory Hour
9:45 Exercise
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Biographies
1:45 Balloon Ball
3:15 Birthday Party
4:15 Book Look
9:45 Exercise
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 Everyday Heroes
1:45 Sing Along
2:45 Bowling
4:15 Scripture Reading
9:45 Exercise
10:30 Bingo
10:30 Morning Snack
1:45 Walks
2:45 Memory Madness
4:15 Patio Time
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10:15 Church Service
10:30Morning Snack
11:15 Short Stories
1:45 Exercise
2:45 Today’s Travel
4:00 Book Look
10:15 Church Service
10:30 Morning Snack
10:30 First Ladies
1:45 Van Ride
2:45 Memory Madness
4:15 Classic T.V.
10:15 Church Service
10:45 Morning Snack
11:15 Short Stories
1:45 Exercise
2:45 Word Games
4:00 Patio time
10:00 Scenic Van Ride
10:45 Morning Snack
1:45 Weird State Laws
2:45 Balloon Ball
4:00 Book Look