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The Beatles
Evie Nulty
Who are the
• John Lennon
• Paul McCartney
• Ringo Starr
• George Harrison
They played
Lead Guitar
George Harrison
Rhythm Guitar
John Lennon
Ringo Starr
Bass Guitar
Paul McCartney
The Beatles are from Liverpool
Beatles Amazing Facts
• They Started in 1960
• They have done over 300 songs
• The band started with 5 people, 2 left
the band
• Ringo Starr was the second drummer
who joined the band
• The Beatles have won 7 Grammy Awards
• George Harrison's favourite sweets were
Jelly Babies.
The Beatles are so Famous they have there own
Museum in the Albert Dock called ‘The Beatles Story’.
Here is a picture of me at the museum
The Beatles first song was ‘Love Me Do’. Here is the
picture from the song
Everyone started calling The Beatles the Fab 4 after
this song because it was so good.
Fab is an old word that means good
Another famous song is Penny Lane which came out in
1967. The name of the song was from a street where Paul
McCartney and John Lennon would meet to get a bus into
Here is a picture of me at Penny Lane
Another famous song was ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’.
This song was about John Lennon playing in the garden
of a Salvation Army house named Strawberry Field as a
Here is a picture of me at the gates to Strawberry Fields
The Beatles Break Up
• Sadly after 10 years The Beatles broke up in
• ‘Let It Be’ was the last album they did
• They all carried on playing music after they
broke up
• They all stayed good friends after they broke
The Beatles Today
• John Lennon was shot and died on
8 December 1980.
• George Harrison died from Cancer on
29 November 2001 .
• Ringo Starr is alive and well. Still works
in music but is famous for his voice in
Thomas the Tank Engine.
• Paul McCartney is also alive and well.
He has just got married AGAIN and can
be seen in concert today
Ringo Starr
Paul McCartney