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NOTES-Chapter 12 Section 1: Plans for Reconstruction
Main Idea: Northern leaders had differing ideas for dealing with the many issues
and challenges of restoring the southern states to the Union.
The South after the War
Property Losses
• Property values drop to ____________ what they were before the war
• Many plantations lost workers (20% white male population died; slaves fled)
• Transportation systems, especially ____________________, were devastated
Challenges for African Americans and the South
• 4 million newly freed slaves
• No money, ______________________, or job prospects
• Federal government still needed to address what role African Americans
would play in _______ and what would happen to former Confederate states
Wartime Reconstruction
Freedmen’s Bureau
• March 1865: Congress creates the Freedmen’s Bureau: __________________
to both black and white southerners
• The Northern army had seized many ________________________ during the
war and paid former slaves to stay and work
• Some former slaves earned enough to ______ the land from the government
Lincoln’s Reconstruction and Opposition
• 1862: Lincoln appointed military governors to run the South
• Ten Percent Plan: when _______ of a state’s voters took an oath of loyalty,
they could organize a new state government that ________________ slavery
• Arkansas, Louisiana, and Tennessee rejoined the Union under this plan
• Congressional leaders opposed this plan for two reasons: readmitting states
should be a Congressional decision and it was too lenient
• 1864: Wade-Davis Bill: required ________ of voters to pledge loyalty to
rejoin the union
• Lincoln killed this bill with a _____________________ because he thought it
was too harsh
Lincoln’s Assassination
• Lincoln’s popularity and political skill probably would have made him
ultimately victorious in his battle with Congress over Reconstruction if he had
• April 14, 1865: ______________________________________, a Southerner,
shot and killed Lincoln while he was watching a play at Ford’s Theatre
• The assassination was part of a larger plot to kill the vice-president and the
cabinet, but the other assassins failed
• He was later killed in a shoot-out with Union troops
• Lincoln’s assassination meant that Southerner _________________________
was now president of the United States and in charge of Reconstruction
Johnson and Congress Differ over Reconstruction
Early Relations
• Most Republicans thought they could work with Johnson because he
believed the South should be punished for ______________ even though he
was a Southerner
• But Johnson really wanted to harm the _______________ planter class (he
grew up poor), not the entire South
• Congress was in recess until Dec. 1865, and Johnson felt he had the power to
run Reconstruction while they were out of town
Opposition to Johnson’s Plan
• Johnson’s Plan included a loyalty oath (no specific %) but added one
condition: Southerners with property over $20,000 had to apply for a
__________________________ from the President
• Republican Congressional leaders Sumner and _________________________
were opposed to the plan because it didn’t help former slaves
• By the time they came back to DC, all states but ____________ had met
Johnson’s requirement
NOTES-Chapter 12 Section 2: Congressional Reconstruction
Main Idea: Congress took control of Reconstruction as a new, radical branch of the
Republican Party was emerging.
Reconstruction Under President Johnson
Southern State Governments
• South welcomed Johnson’s approach ~ it gave power to the _____________
• Southerners wanted to rebuild government under ___________ control
• Johnson also believed that African-Americans should ______ have a place in
Southern government
• Most Southerners elected to Congress were former generals or government
leaders in the ____________________________
Black Codes and Southern Defiance
• States were required to ratify the 13th Amendment but quickly passed
____________________: laws that kept African Americans in slave-like
conditions and dependent upon plantations (required to sign year-long
contracts, couldn’t own property, couldn’t own guns)
• ______________________ formed to enforce laws and customs through terror
Congress Takes Control of Reconstruction
Northern Opposition
• Northerners originally supported Johnson’s plan but quickly became disturbed
at what was happening to African Americans in the South
• Leniency with the South and implementation of Black Codes leads to
Congress fights Back
• ________________________________________ under Thaddeus Stevens
favored tougher requirements for Southern states and wanted economic
opportunity and political equality for freed slaves
Johnson versus Congress
• when Congress returned from recess, they passed a bill extending aid through
the Freedmen’ Bureau
• They also passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 which gave African Americans
citizenship and equal rights
• Johnson ______ both bills claiming they were unnecessary and unconstitutional
• Both bills were passed over his veto
• _____________________ was determined to take control of Reconstruction
Radical Reconstruction
Reconstruction Acts
• Worried that the Supreme Court would overturn the Civil Rights Act, Congress
passed the _______________________: granted citizenship to all persons born
or naturalized in the US and granted them equal protection under the law
• After wins in the 1866 election, Radical Republicans passed the Reconstruction
Acts: divided the South into ________________________________ controlled
by a general until the state ratified the 14th Amendment and gave African
American men the right to vote
• Tennessee was the only state exempt from military reconstruction
because it has a large number of Union supporters and had met most of
the Radical Republicans demands.
Johnson’s Impeachment
• Tenure of Office Act required the president to ask Congress to be allowed to
fire cabinet members
• Johnson refused and fired Stanton, a supporter of Congressional Republicans
• Congress votes to _______________ him (formally accuse him of a crime)
• After a 2 month trial, Johnson is acquitted
15th Amendment
• In 1868 Republicans choose Ulysses S. Grant as their presidential candidate
• Congress pushes the ___________________________: grants African American
men the right to vote (most joined Republican Party) because most white
southern voters had supported Grant’s opponent.
• It does not include women or recognize that states might try other ways
to disenfranchise African Americans
NOTES-Chapter 12 Section 3: Republicans in Charge
Main Idea: Republican Reconstruction had a significant impact on life in the
Republican Government Brings Change to the South
Scalawags and Carpetbaggers
• Military Reconstruction changes Southern politics:
• ___________________: white Southerners who join the Republican
Party and cooperate; seen as traitors to fellow white Southerners
• Tended to be poor whites who opposed secession and the
war and hoped to gain more political power
• _____________________: northern Republicans who moved south
to reconstruct the South (also hated by most white Southerners)
African Americans
• Scalawags, carpetbaggers, and freedmen joined together to run state
• African Americans were the _____________ group of Republican voters
in the South; 700 served in state legislatures and 16 served in Congress
New State Government
• New state governments provided social services (more schools;
hospitals, railroads, and repealed black codes)
Life after Slavery for African Americans
Seeking Economic Opportunity
• African American families worked to reunite with loved ones
• Some moved to ___________ areas looking for jobs (pop. doubled in 10
cities)—small numbers moved North or West
• Most remained on their former plantations working for their former
Education and Religion
• By 1877 _________________ African Americans were enrolled in school
• The Freedmen’s Bureau had started over 4,000 schools
• African Americans also started their own _______________, which often
became the center of the community
• Some of these churches started schools (i.e. Morehouse College)
• They also created clubs, fire companies, and _______________________
Reconstruction and Land Ownership
• Some Radical Republicans wanted to seize Southern land and give it to
former slaves (Southern Homestead Act: gave government owned land
to slaves, but was repealed because former slaves lacked seed/tools only
4,000 families got land)many whites refused to sell land
• Two farming systems emerged:
• ________________________: owners provide land, tools, and
seed, the resulting crop is shared with the farmers; OR
• ________________________: owner rents land for a fixed price,
farmer is responsible for all materials and ‘owns’ resulting crop and
can choose what to plant
• Most were sharecroppers
• all ended up in poverty and in debt because they had to _____________
money to meet needs before the harvest of the crops
• Collapse of cotton prices and overproduction also hurt farmers
• Industry grew in the South during Reconstruction
• African Americans were excluded from factory jobs
• workers made lower wages than up North and were indebted to
company stores
NOTES-Chapter 12 Section 4: Reconstruction Collapses
Main Idea: A variety of events and forces led to the end of Reconstruction, which left a
mixed legacy for the nation.
Problems with Reconstruction
Terrorist groups in the South
• Ku Klux Klan most active of several different ___________ organizations
• They included planters, merchants, and poor white farmers and laborers
• Common goal: undo advances and _____________ old political and social order
• Main _____________: African American leaders but they also attacked men and
women working with the Freedmen’s Bureau
• Enforcement Acts: (1870/1871) heavy penalties including jail for preventing
people from voting
• KKK power and influence did ______________ as a result of these laws
Support for Reconstruction Declines
• White Southerners claim Enforcement Acts restrict individual rights
• Northerners were frustrated with the continued need to post troops in the South
• Taxes increased and states were deeply in debt
• Democrats won control of Congress in ________
• A 5-year depression beginning in 1873 also weakened support for Reconstruction
The End of Reconstruction
“Redeeming” the South
• The Supreme Court weakens Reconstruction in the
_________________________________: most civil rights are under state control,
14th Amendment doesn’t apply  this _______________ many of the rights won
during Reconstruction
• Terror against Southern Republicans became more brutal and bold; the federal
government did little to help
• Democrats, calling themselves ____________________, began to take control of
Southern states
The Election of 1876
• (R) Rutherford B. Hayes vs. (D) Samuel Tilden
• Tilden one vote shy of majority in Electoral College (20 votes in dispute-19 from
• Both sides made charges of voter fraud; Tilden supporters threatened to go to war
over the outcome
• Compromise of 1877: Hayes is given the 20 disputed votes becomes president;
in return all federal troops were withdrawn from the South _______________
Reconstruction’s Legacy
• 14th and 15th Amendment have profound effects for African Americans in South
and North
• 15th Amendment increases calls for women to gain right to vote
• Industrialization and economic change in the South leads to the rise of the
• Supreme Court decisions weaken 14th & 15th Amendments and allow white
Southern Democrats to control lives of African Americans
• Southerners deeply resent federal intervention
• South becomes so strongly Democratic, it becomes known as the
_________________________, Republicans cannot make gains until the 1970s