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Landscape Unit Progress Checklist Tick and date as appropriate
Geography Skills
I can name and locate 4 glaciated upland areas in the
UK and 2 non-glaciated upland areas in the UK
I can explain 3 reasons why ice ages happen
I can describe an upland glaciated landscape
I can describe the glacial processes of abrasion and
I can describe freeze thaw weathering and explain the
conditions required for it to occur
I can draw annotated diagrams showing the formation
of a corrie
I can describe and explain the formation of a corrie,
arête and pyramidal peak
I can draw annotated diagrams showing the formation
of a U shaped valley ( glacial trough)
I can describe and explain the formation of a U shaped
valley ( glacial trough)
I can use an OS map to identify features of glacial
erosion such as corries, arêtes, pyramidal peaks and U
shaped valleys.
I can describe the changes in land use that occur as you
increase in altitude.
I can explain how the weather affects changes in land
use as you increase in altitude.
I can explain how the relief, soil quality and landscape
affects how the land is used as you increase in altitude.
I can discuss the aims of a National Park(NP)
I can describe the land uses in a National Park such as
the Cairngorm NP
I can discuss the conflicts that can occur between land
uses in a National Park such as the Cairngorm NP
I can find different land uses on an OS map
I can describe the relief on an OS map
I can’t do this
I can do some
of this
I can do this
Coastal Landscape Unit Progress Checklist Tick and date as appropriate
Geography Skills
I can describe and explain the factors which affect
erosion at the coastline e.g. fetch, geology and waves
I can describe the processes which affect erosion at the
coastline e.g. hydraulic action, attrition, corrosion and
I can describe and explain the formation of cliffs
I can describe and explain the formation of headlands
and bays
I can describe and explain the formation of a stack
e.g. headland- wave cut notch- cave-arch-stack then
I can describe the process of longshore drift
I can describe and explain how a spit is formed
e.g. longshore drift-change in coastline-spit
I can describe how a spit becomes a bar or a tombolo
I can identify coastal erosional features on an OS map
e.g. cliffs, caves, stacks, headlands, bays
I can identify coastal depositional features on an OS map
beaches, spits, bar, tombola, lagoons
I can describe how land at the coast can be used and
identify major land users.
I can describe and explain how land users at the coast
may come into conflict with each other.
Using the case study of Studland Bay, I can describe and
explain any conflict issues of the land users.
Using the case study of Studland Bay, I can describe and
explain how these conflicts can be resolved (solutions)
Using the case study of Studland Bay, I can describe and
explain the organisations which can help in the
management of the coastline.
Urban Geography
I know the difference between site, settlement and
I know what services are and I know examples of high,
middle and low order services and where they can be
found in a settlement.
I know the basic land use models (Burgess model) and
where each different land use zone can be found.
I know the characteristics of all the major land use zones
(CBD, Old Industry, Old Housing, New Housing, New
Industry, Edge of town developments).
I can explain the characteristics of the major land use
I can’t do this
I can do some
of this
I can do this
zones. I understand how land price is important to this.
I can identify all the major land use zones on an OS map.
I can use 6 figure grid references to identify urban
features on an OS map.
I can explain urban land use on an OS map.
I can describe and explain the changes to the CBD of
Glasgow in recent years.
I can describe and explain the changes to the Inner City
od Glasgow (Old housing and Old industry = Gorbals and
the Clyde regeneration) in recent years.
I can describe the land use at the edge of settlements
and I understand the conflicts that can occur there.
I can identify the solutions to conflicts at the edge of
I can explain the advantages and disadvantages of the
location of an out of town shopping centre.
I know the problems that traffic can cause for a
Developed world city such as Glasgow.
I know the problems that traffic can cause for a
Developing world city such as Sao Paulo, Brazil.
I know the problems that urban development can cause
for a Developing world city such as Sao Paulo, Brazil.
With reference to the Favelas.
I know the solutions to urban problems in a Developing
world city such as Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Population and Development
I know what development indicators are and I can name
examples of social and economic indicators.
I can explain the value of indicators and why one
indicator is not enough. I can also explain why HDI is a
better way of measuring development.
I can describe the factors that affect birth and death rate
in Developing countries.
I know the factors that affect birth and death rate in
Developed countries.
I know how to describe and explain population
I know the reasons for different population distribution.
I can read and understand population structures
I can explain the problems that a youthful population can
I can describe the solution and policies used to stop a
rapidly growing population.
I can explain the one child policy in China.
I can explain the problems that an aging population can
I can describe the solution and policies used to combat
an aging population.
I can explain a number of policies used to change the
population structure of a country.
I can describe and explain stages 1-5 of the Demographic
Transition Model.
Weather and Climate Unit Progress Checklist tick and date as appropriate
Geography Skills
I can interpret a climate graph – calculate range, annual
precipitation and make comments/identify patterns
I can explain how latitude, altitude, ocean currents,
distance from the sea, wind direction, aspect and
rainshadow can affect climate
I know the 5 main air masses that can affect the UK and
can describe the weather that they bring
I can describe and explain how an air mass could affect
people in the UK e.g. a prolonged spell with tropical
continental air mass in the summer
I can describe and explain the weather that would occur
in summer and winter if a depression was passing over
the UK
I can identify all the met office symbols and can match
them with areas on a synoptic chart
I can describe and explain the weather that would occur
in summer and winter if high pressure was overhead
I can identify a ridge of high pressure and a trough of low
pressure and describe the weather each brings
I can make connections between the weather and
coastal and glaciated landscapes
I can’t do this
I can do some
of this
I can do this