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School District:
BHSD 228
Unit 3:
Expansion and
Civil War
Grade Level:
Time Frame:
2 weeks
Date Created:
Social Studies
American History-H
11th Grade
Topic Area:
Expansion of America,
Slavery, Causes of Civil
War, Events of Civil
Spring 2005
Date Modified:
Fall 2009
Unit Designers: Ed Lipowski, Steve Kushner, Dan Stell, Mike Hasso, Ryan Dolan, John Maniatis
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Content Standard(s):
14F - Understand the development of United States political ideas and traditions.
15A - Understand how different economic systems operate in the exchange, production, distribution and consumption of goods
and services.
16A - Apply the skills of historical analysis and interpretation.
16B5a - Describe how modern political positions are affected by differences in ideologies and viewpoints that have developed
over time (e.g., political parties' positions on government intervention in the economy).
16B2d - Identify major political events and leaders within the United States historical eras since the adoption of the
Constitution, including the westward expansion, Louisiana Purchase, Civil War, and 20th century wars as well as the roles of
Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
16B2c - Identify presidential elections that were pivotal in the formation of modern political parties.
16C2a - Describe how slavery and indentured servitude influenced the early economy of the United States.
16C3b - Explain relationships among the American economy and slavery, immigration, industrialization, labor and
urbanization, 1700-present.
16C4b - Analyze the impact of westward expansion on the United States economy.
16D3a - Describe characteristics of different kinds of communities in various sections of America during the colonial/frontier
periods and the 19th century.
16D3b - Describe characteristics of different kinds of families in America during the colonial/frontier periods and the 19th
16D4a - Describe the immediate and long-range social impact of slavery.
16D4b - Describe unintended social consequences of political events in United States history (e.g., Civil War/emancipation,
National Defense Highway Act. Students will learn how America expands across the continent under the banner of the
Manifest Destiny. They will then study the social, political, and economic forces that led to the Civil War.
Students will learn about the life of different Americans during the war along with the important events and military history of
the war. They will then examine the process in which America tried to reunite in "peace" after the war/decline of inner cities,
Vietnam War/anti-government activity).
17D - Understand the historical significance of geography.
Summary of the Unit: Students will learn how America expands across the continent under the banner of the Manifest
Destiny. They will then study the social, political, and economic forces that led to the Civil War.
Students will learn about the life of different Americans during the war along with the important events and military history of
the war. They will then examine the process in which America tried to reunite in "peace" after the war.
Enduring Understanding(s) / goal(s)
Essential Questions:
1. Empathy-What would it be like to walk in the shoes of slaves,
Students will understand:
1. Regional differences lead to Civil War.
confederates, and/or union soldiers before and after the civil war?
2. Westward expansion led to geographic, economic
2. Application-Show how the politics and economies differ between
and social changes in America
the north and the south?
3. The Agricultural South seceded from the Union.
3. Perspective-how might different historians interpret Lincoln’s
4. The Union North possessed greater resources than
intentions regarding slavery and the war?
the Confederate South.
4. Explanation-Explain the sectional differences between the north
5. The Civil War caused wide spread devastation.
and south and how did the Confederacy emerge?
5. Self-knowledge – How could you connect America’s foreign
policy today to the concept of manifest destiny?
6. Interpretation-Interpret the rapid implementation of
reconstruction affect the south?
Key Words:
Sectionalism, Nationalism, Sovereignty, Nullification, Minority President, Region, 3rd Party, States Rights, Secede,
Impeachment, Civil Rights, Emancipation, Blockade
Student objectives (outcomes):
Students will be able to:
Demonstrate on a map how Territory Expansion impacted the slavery issue.
Evaluate the cause of the Civil War (socially, politically, economically)
Discover the advantages of the North and South.
Describe the union plan to win the war.
Compare and contrast Johnson's plan against the radical republican plan to restore union.
Describe life in the army during the Civil War.
Students will know:
Pre-Civil War terms:
Seneca Falls, Abolitionist, Fugitive Slave Act, John Brown's Raid, American System, Missouri Compromise, Kansas &
Nebraska Act, Compromise of 1850, Alamo, Lone Star Republic, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Dred Scott, Uncle Tom's Cabin,
Oregon Trail, Stephen Douglas, Frederick Douglas, Henry Clay, 49ers Gold Rush, Election of 1860, Manifest Destiny, Free
Soil, Popular Sovereignty, Republican, Bleeding Kansas
Civil War – Reconstruction terms:
Jim Crow, Radicals, Thaddeus Stephens, Andrew Johnson, Civil Rights Act of 1866, 13th Amendment, 14th Amendment,
15th Amendments, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, Election of 1876, Emancipation Proclamation, Fort Sumter,
Gettysburg, Bull Run, Robert E. Lee, William T. Sherman, Jefferson Davis, 40 acres and mule, Grandfather Clause, Sherman's
March to the Sea, Election of 1864, Freedman's Bureau
Students will be familiar with:
36’30, blockade, Fredericksburg, Antietam
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task (GRASP): Civil War Theme Park
Research settings, people, vocabulary, food, entertainment
and other pieces of information about the Civil War to
design a theme park. Everything in your park must be
from the Civil War era. Design theme park
rides/attractions, menus and the lay out for a Civil War
theme park using the research/information
Other Evidence:
Journal entries
Web quests
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
What sequence of teaching and learning experiences will equip students to develop and demonstrate the desired
W = How will you ensure that all students know where they are headed in the unit, why they are headed there, and how they
will be evaluated?
Lesson plans objectives provided.
Rubrics will be used as an assessment tool.
UbD Stage 1 “Identifying Desired Results” provided for students.
H = How will you hook students at the beginning of the unit? (Unit Specific)
Discussion about advancements in equality from the Middle Passage and slavery to Civil Rights and the election of the first
African American President. Students will discuss why this is a significant issue even today. Students will also be provided
with the issue of reparations and discuss whether or not they are still relevant or deserved today.
E = What events will help students experience and explore the big idea and questions in the unit? How will you equip them
with the needed skills and knowledge? (Unit Specific)
Students will write letters from LM1 in History Alive! About the perspectives of the subgroups within the Civil War including
women of the north/south, slaves, Union and Confederate soldiers.
Also, students will participate in the Civil War Theme Park Project. (See GRASP)
R = How will you cause students to reflect and rethink? How will you guide them in rehearsing, revising, and refining their
Students will participate in journal entries.
Students will be exposed to quizzes and assessments with provided rubrics.
E = How will you help students to exhibit and self-evaluate their growing skills, knowledge, and understanding throughout the
unit? (Unit Specific)
Students will have the opportunity to self-correct assignments and assessments.
Students will have individual assignments dealing with the pre-Civil War events to the post-Civil War events.
T = How will you tailor and otherwise personalize the learning plan to optimize the engagement and effectiveness of ALL
students, without compromising the goals of the unit?
Multiple intelligence research will be utilized in creating assessments.
EPAS reading scores will assist teachers in tailoring instruction and assessment.
Students will be given a variety of assessment choices.
O = How will you organize and sequence the learning activities to optimize the engagement and achievement of ALL
students? (Unit Specific)
Each unit will be formatted in accordance with the UbD Model and approached chronologically. Teachers will pace
instruction in accordance with the EUs and EQs.
Students will begin with the pre-civil war era of American History, through Civil War events, and completing with