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Romantic poetry wikipedia , lookup

History of Literature
Old English Literature:
The old English language also called Anglo Saxon.
The greatest old English poem is Beowulf. (17th century). It contains of 3000 lines. It is the
first English epic. And the name of its author is unknown.
Epic: the story in poetry of the adventures of a brave man.
Old English prose came later than old English verse. Laws (17th Century).
Anglo Saxon trips comes from Germany, their language is harsh.
Norman’s trips come from French, their language is light, they bring Ballad.
Middle English Literature:
The English which was used from about 1100 to about 1500 is called Middle English.
The greatest poet oh this time was Geoffrey Chaucer. (The father of English poetry). Why
was he important?
1- He writes for everyone (Shakespeare).
2- The first one who wrote in English.
Geoffrey Chaucer has greatest work which is The Canterbury Tales.
Rise of Drama:Comedy originated from the beginning of drama.
The first one who translated the Bible is John Wycliff.
The most Famous plays:1- Miracle plays: plays which told by the church (Priest).
2- Mystery Plays: Plays which told by common person directed by the church.
3- Morality plays: the most common play is Everyone, in this play the characters are not
people, but they are presented as qualities such as; beauty, kind, lie and Etc.
4- Interlude: short plays which comes inter the long plays (b/w acts), in order to keep
audience stay on the stage. Some people consider it as a play of rich people to
interest them. It is often funny. One of these plays is The Four P’s by John Heywood.
John Heywood also has another play is The Play of the Weather.
Elizabethan Drama (Renaissance):The poet who introduces the Elizabethan age proper was Edmund Spenser he produces: 1The Shepherd’s Calendar.
2-Faerie Queene.
The Golden age of drama is Elizabethan age.
The first English Comedy is Ralph Roister Doister by Nicholas Udall.
16th Century is called, Renaissance, Elizabethan and Reformation.
- Gammer Gurton by Needle acted at Cambridge uni.
- Campaspe by Lyly.
The first regular English tragedy was Gorboduc in Blank Verse by Thomas Norton and
Thomas Sackville.
The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kyd is the best example of the tragedy of blood.
The first great dramatist of the time is Christopher Marlowe; his first tragedy is
Tamburlaine the Great in Blank verse.
He wrote also, The Jew of Malta, Dr. Faustus and Edward the Second.
He also the famous dramatist was also a fine lyric writer The Passionate Shepherd to his
Rise of Novel:
Henry Fielding
1- Joseph Andrews is satire on Pamela.
2- The greatest novel by Fielding is Tom Jones.
 A new kind of picture of real life was drawn by Tobias Smollett in his Picaresque
novel, Roderick Random. The novel is powerful and unpleasant.
 A later novel by Smollett, Humphrey Clinker, is in the form of letters.
 A fourth novel-writer of importance at that time was Laurence Sterne. His
Tristram Shandy made him Famuse. (confuse reader)
Gothic Novel:1- Horace Walpole wrote The Castle of Otranto.
William Beckford wrote Vathek.
Mrs Ann Radcliffe wrote The Mysteries of Udolpho
Bram Stoker wrote Dracula.
Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein.
Romanticism and the Romantic Poets:- 18th
Simple subjects and style.
Country/ nature.
Society corrupt man.
Passion/ emotion.
Noble savage.
Children are pure and innocent.
The first edition of the lyrical Ballads came as a shock. WHY?
B/C the critics considered the language too simple and the change too violent.
This important book is the signal of the beginning of the Romantic age.
It is by Wordsworth and Coleridge.
1- William Wordsworth is the poet of nature and the father of romantic. His poem is
Tintern Abbey.
2- Coleridge makes mysterious events acceptable to reader’s mind.
1- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
2- Christable.
3- Kubla Khan.
3- Lord Byron wrote Don Juan.
4- Shelley wrote Alastor or The Spirit of Solitude.
5- Keats wrote La Belle Dame Sans Merci.
Later 19th century Poets (Victorian):12345-
Victorian age
The age of the doubt
Romantic movement
Characterized by injustice and poverty.
Industrial revolution.
Tennyson’s, The Lotos Easters and In Memoriam.
 One of the greatest poetics translators was Edward Fitzgerald.
Victorian Drama:Henrik Ibsen
The father of realism, Social drama.
1- An Enemy of Peple.
2- Ghosts.
3- A Doll’s House.
Jane Austen
1- Sense and sensibility.
2- Pride and Prejudice.
3- Emma.
 Dickens’s The Social Panorama.
1- Pickwick
2- Hard times
3- Oliver Twist
4- A Tale of Two Cities.
William Makepeace Thackeray wrote Vanity Fair.
The Bronte
 Emily Bronte wrote Wuthering Heights.
 Charlotte Bronte wrote Jane Eyre.
George Eliot her real name is Mary Ann.
1- The Mill on the Floss.
2- Middlemarch.
Thomas Hardy: Nature Plays
Michael Henchard
1- The Mayor of Casterbridge.
2- Tees of the D’Urbervilles.
Charles Robert Darwin
1- The Origin of Species.
2- The Descent of man.
20th Century:Features of 20th Century:
1- Loss of faith.
2- Sexuality.
3- Cynicism (looking to life at dark view).
James Joyce, Ulysses.
Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway. (Streams of Consciousness).
George Bernard Shaw
1- Arms and the Man.
2- The Devil’s Disciple.
3- Pygmalion.
Absurd Theater:
Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot.
T. S. Eliot . The family Reunion.
Wilfred Owen (WWI) wrote Strange Meeting.
American Poetry:
1- Ernest Hemingway
 Death in the Afternoon.
 The Old Man and Sea.
2- Emily Dickinson
3- Ezra Pound