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Shaker A. Mousa, PhD, MBA, FACC, FACC, FAHA
Professor of Pharmacology, Vice Provost
Chairman of The Pharmaceutical Research Institute,
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
College of Pharmacy, Alexandria University, Egypt
College of Pharmacy, Alexandria University, Egypt
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Widener University, Chester, PA
A. Personal Statement
M. Sc.
Post doctoral
Pharmacy and Pharm Sc.
Biochemical Pharmacology
Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Management and Finance
Dr. Mousa has longstanding experience in vascular and hematology/oncology research using Nano
biotechnology and other cutting edge technologies, which is apparent in his bibliography. The multidisciplinary
team that he has assembled over the years have extensive expertise in all components of the proposed
project. This team includes a nanotechnologist, chemists, clinical pathologists, pharmacologists, analytical
chemists, and biotechnologists. The inclusion of both preclinical investigators and clinical experts will enable
the team to take the proposed concepts from the bench to the bedside.
B. Positions and Honors
Professional Experience:
Research Pharmacologist: Program Leader of Nuclear Myocardial Perfusion Imaging, DuPont
Radiopharmaceuticals, N. Billerica, MA
Senior Res. Investigator: Chairman of Ischemia/Reperfusion Working Group, DuPont Critical
Senior Res. Pharmacologist: Chairman of Antiplatelet Working Group, DuPont Merck
Pharmaceuticals, Wilmington, DE
DuPont Research Fellow Chair of Angiogenesis & Thrombosis Working Group, DuPont
2002-Present Tenure Professor of Pharmacology, Executive Vice President and Chairman of Pharmaceutical
Research Institute (PRI), Albany College of Pharmacy and Health sciences, Albany, NY
Visiting Positions:
1997-Present Adjunct Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
1998-Present Visiting Scholar, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
1999-Present Adjunct Professor, Temple University, Sol Sherry Thrombosis Res. Center, Philadelphia, PA
Adjunct Professor, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
2003-Present Adjunct Professor, University at Albany, Chemistry Department, Albany, NY
2004-Present Adjunct Professor, State University of New York at Buffalo, NY
2006-Present Professor of Bioethics, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY
2009-Present Adjunct Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
2010-Present Visiting Professor, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Clayton and Smith Memorial Award for Excellence in Original Research, Ohio State University
1988 Marketing Excellence award, Diagnostic imaging, DuPont
Summit award, DuPont Merck Pharmaceuticals
Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FACC)
Fellow of the National American Clinical Biochemistry (FACB)
Grant Review Committees: Member of NIH Study Section Fellowships (F30-F33), Member of NIH Study
Section for R21, R15, R03 Vascular Biology, Member of NIH Scientific Advisory Committee, American Institute
of Biological Science, Member of NIH Study Sections SBIR/STTR , Member of Department of Defense Study
Section, Member: Several ad hoc NIH study sections, Member, Department of Veteran Affairs Review
Committee, Member of various pharmaceutical and biotechnology company grant review committees,
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09)
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Reviewer for foundations including the Swiss National Science Foundationand the Australian National Science
Other Experience and Professional Memberships
Fellow of the Circulation Council, America Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), American Association for
Advancement of Science, fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FACC)
Fellow of the American Clinical Biochemistry (FACB), American Association of Cancer Research (AACR),
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), New York Academy of Sciences, American
Society of Pharmacology & Exp. Therapeutics. (ASPET), American Society of Hematology (ASH), International
Society of Angiology, American Heart Association: Thrombosis Council and Circulation & Basic Research
Councils, Honored member of Phi Kappa Phi Society, American-Egyptian Scholar, International Society of
Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Patents: Dr. Mousa holds over 300 US and International Patents for discovering novel anti-angiogenesis
strategies, antithrombotics, anti-integrins, anti-cancer, and non-invasive diagnostic approaches.
Selected Peer-reviewed Publications (Selected from over 1,000 peer-reviewed publications 2000-2011):
1. Helluin O, Chan C, Vilaire G, Mousa S, DeGrado W, Bennett J: The activation state of avb3 regulates
platelet and lymphocyte adhesion to intact and thrombin-cleaved osteopontin. J. Biol Chem. 2000; 275
(24): 18337-18343
2. Hein, T.W., Platts, S.H., Waitkus-Edwards, K.R., Kuo, L., Mousa, S.A., Meininger, G.A.: Integrin-binding
peptides containing RGD produce coronary arteriolar dilation via cyclooxygenase. Am J Physiology. 2001;
281(6): H2378-84.
3. Abulencia JA, Tien N, McCarty OJT, Mousa SA, Konstantopoulos K: Antiplatelet Efficacy of a Novel NonPeptide GPIIb-IIIa Antagonist, XV454, in In Vitro Flow Models of Thrombosis: Comparison with c7E3.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology 2001; 21(1): 149-163
4. Dupont, E., Falardeau, P., Mousa, S.A., Dimitriadou, V., Pepin, M.C., Wang, T., Alaoui-Jamali, M.A.:
Antiangiogenic and antimetastatic properties of Neovastat (AE-941), an orally active extract. Clin Exp
Metastasis 2002;19(2):145-153.
5. Amirkhosravi A, Mousa SA, Amaya M, Frances JL: Inhibition of tumor cell-induced platelet aggregation
and lung metastasis by the oral GpIIb/IIIa antagonist XV454. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2003; 90 (3):
6. Naik MU, Mousa SA, Parkos CA, Naik UP. Signaling through JAM-1 and alphav-beta3 is required for the
angiogenic action of bFGF: dissociation of the JAM-1 and alphav-beta3 complex. Blood 2003; 102: 21082114
7. Amirkhosravi A, Mousa SA, Amaya M, Frances JL: Antimetastatic effect of tinzaparin, a Low molecular
weight Heparin. J Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2003; 1(9): 1972-1976
8. Mousa, S. A., Bozarth, J., & Barrett, J. S. Pharmacodynamic properties of the low molecular weight
heparin, tinzaparin: effect of molecular weight distribution on plasma tissue factor pathway inhibitor in
healthy human subjects. J Clin Pharmacol, 2003;43(7), 727-734.
9. Colman, R.W., Pixley, R.A., Sainz, I.M., Song, J.S., Isordia-Salas, Mohamed S., Powell, J., Mousa, S.A.:
Inhibition of angiogenesis by antibody blocking the action of proangiogenic high-molecular-weight
kininogen. J Thrombosis Haemostasis 2003; 1 (1); 164-173.
10. Marcinkiewicz, C, Weinreb, PH, Calvete, JJ, Kisiel, DJ, Mousa, SA, et al: Obtustatin, a potent selective
inhibitor of alpha1/Beta1 integrin in vitro and angiogenesis in vivo. Cancer Research 63: 2020-2023, 2003.
11. Mousa SA, Mohamed S. Inhibition of endothelial cell tube formation by the low molecular weight heparin,
tinzaparin, is mediated by tissue factor pathway inhibitor. Thrombosis Haemostasis. 2004; 92(3):627-633.
12. Davis FB*, Mousa SA*, O'Connor L, Mohamed S, Lin HY, Cao HJ, Davis PJ. Proangiogenic action of
thyroid hormone is fibroblast growth factor-dependent and is initiated at the cell surface. Circulation
Research 2004; 94(11):1500-1506 (Contributed equally).
13. Mousa, S. A. Elevation of plasma von Willebrand factor and tumor necrosis factor-a in obese subjects and
their reduction by the low molecular weight heparin tinzaparin. Int Angiol 2005; 24(3), 278-281.
14. Sehgal LR, Wong J, He J, Wood T, Takagi I, Eldibany M, Caprini J, Mousa SA. Novel in vitro perfusion
model to study the interaction between coagulation and blood-borne metastasis. J Cell Biochem.
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09)
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15. Mousa SS, Mousa SS, Mousa SA. Effect of resveratrol on angiogenesis and platelet/fibrin-accelerated
tumor growth in the chick chorioallantoic membrane model. Nutr Cancer. 2005; 52(1):59-65.
16. Mousa SA, O'Connor LJ, Bergh JJ, Davis FB, Scanlan TS, Davis PJ. The proangiogenic action of thyroid
hormone analogue GC-1 is initiated at an integrin. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2005; 46(3):356-60.
17. Mousa AS, Mousa SA. Anti-angiogenesis efficacy of the garlic ingredient alliin and antioxidants: role of
nitric oxide and p53. Nutr Cancer. 2005; 53(1):104-10.
18. Mousa SA. Alpha v integrin affinity/specificity and antiangiogenesis effect of a novel tetraaza cyclic peptide
derivative, SU015, in various species. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2005; 45(5):462-7.
19. Mousa SA, Mohamed S, Wexler EJ, Kerr JS. Antiangiogenesis and anticancer efficacy of TA138, a novel
alphavbeta3 antagonist. Anticancer Res. 2005; 25(1A):197-206.
20. Mousa, S. A. Inhibitory effect of C-reactive protein on the release of tissue factor pathway inhibitor from
human endothelial cells: reversal by low molecular weight heparin. Int Angiol 2006; 25(1), 10-13.
21. Mousa, S. A., Linhardt, R., Francis, J. L., & Amirkhosravi, A. Anti-metastatic effect of a non-anticoagulant
low-molecular-weight heparin versus the standard low-molecular-weight heparin, enoxaparin. Thromb
Haemost, 2006; 96(6), 816-821.
22. Mousa, S. A., O'Connor, L., Davis, F. B., & Davis, P. J. Proangiogenesis action of the thyroid hormone
analog 3, 5-diiodothyropropionic acid (DITPA) is initiated at the cell surface and is integrin mediated.
Endocrinology 2006;147(4), 1602-1607.
23. Davis FB, Tang HY, Shih A, Keating T, Lansing L, Hercbergs A, Fenstermaker RA, Mousa AS, Mousa SA,
et al. Acting via a cell surface receptor, thyroid hormone is a growth factor for glioma cells. Cancer Res.
2006; 66(14):7270-5.
24. Murugesan, S., Park, T. J., Yang, H., Mousa, S.A., and Linhardt, R. J. (2006) Blood compatible carbon
nanotubes--nano-based neoproteoglycans, Langmuir 22, 3461-3463.
25. Mousa, S. A., O'Connor, L., Rossman, T. G., & Block, E. (2007). Pro-angiogenesis action of arsenic and its
reversal by selenium-derived compounds. Carcinogenesis, 28(5), 962-967.
26. Murugesan, S., Mousa, S. A., O'Connor L, J., Lincoln, D. W., 2nd, and Linhardt, R. J. (2007) Carbon
inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor- and fibroblast growth factor-promoted angiogenesis, FEBS Lett
581, 1157-1160.
27. Hantgan RR, Stahle MC, Connor JH, Connor RF and Mousa SA. Paradoxical alpha(IIb)beta(3) priming
and clustering by orally active and intravenous integrin antagonists. Journal of Thrombosis and
Haemostasis 2007; 5(3):542-550.
28. Mousa SA, Ahmad S. Platelet GPIIb/IIIa antagonist, XV459, in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Am J
Hematol. 2007; 82(4):276-282.
29. Mousa SA, Zhang F, Aljada A, Chaturvedi S, Takieddin M, Zhang H, Chi L, Castelli MC, Friedman K,
Goldberg MM, Linhardt RJ. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of oral heparin solid dosage form in
healthy human subjects. J Clin Pharmacol. 2007;47(12):1508-20.
30. Rebbaa A, Chu F, Davis FB, Davis PJ, Mousa SA. Novel function of the thyroid hormone analog Tetrac: a
cancer chemosensitizing and anti-cancer agent. Angiogenesis 2008; 11(3):269-76.
31. Mousa SA, Bergh JJ, Dier E, Rebbaa A, O'Connor LJ, Yalcin M, Aljada A, Dyskin E, Davis FB, Lin HY,
Davis PJ. Tetraiodothyroacetic acid, a small molecule integrin ligand, blocks angiogenesis induced by
vascular endothelial growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor. Angiogenesis. 2008;11(2):183-90.
32. Yalcin M, Bharali DJ, Lansing L, Dyskin E, Mousa SS, Hercbergs A, Davis FB, Davis PJ, Mousa SA.
Tetraiodothyroacetic acid (tetrac) and tetrac nanoparticles inhibit growth of human renal cell carcinoma
xenografts. Anticancer Res. 2009; 29(10):3825-31.
33. Glinskii AB, Glinsky GV, Lin HY, Tang HY, Sun M, Davis FB, Luidens MK, Mousa SA, Hercbergs AH,
Davis PJ. Modification of survival pathway gene expression in human breast cancer cells by
tetraiodothyroacetic acid (tetrac). Cell Cycle. 2009; 8(21):3554-62.
34. Davis PJ, Davis FB, Lin HY, Mousa SA, et al.Translational implications of nongenomic actions of thyroid
hormone initiated at its integrin receptor. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2009; 297(6):E1238-46.
35. Siddiqui IA, Adhami VM, Bharali DJ, Hafeez BB, Asim M, Khwaja SI, Ahmad N, Cui H, Mousa SA, Mukhtar
H. Introducing nanochemoprevention as a novel approach for cancer control: proof of principle with green
tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate. Cancer Res. 2009 Mar 1; 69(5):1712-6.
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36. Kemp, M. M., Kumar, A., Mousa, S., Dyskin, E., Yalcin, M., Ajayan, P., Linhardt, R. J., and Mousa, S. A.
(2009) Gold and silver nanoparticles conjugated with heparin derivative possess anti-angiogenesis
properties, Nanotechnology 20, 455104.
37. Kemp, M. M., Kumar, A., Clement, D., Ajayan, P., Mousa, S.A., and Linhardt, R. J. (2009) Hyaluronan- and
heparin-reduced silver nanoparticles with antimicrobial properties, Nanomedicine 4, 421-429.
38. Kemp, M. M., Kumar, A., Mousa, S., Park, T. J., Ajayan, P., Kubotera, N., Mousa, S. A., and Linhardt, R. J.
(2009) Synthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles stabilized with glycosaminoglycans having distinctive
biological activities, Biomacromolecules 10, 589-595.
39. Bridoux A, Cui H, Dyskin E, Yalcin M, Mousa SA. Semisynthesis and pharmacological activities of Tetrac
analogs: angiogenesis modulators. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2009; 19(12):3259-63.
40. Mousa SA, Gallati C, Simone T, Dier E, Yalcin M, Dyskin E, Thangirala S, Hanko C, Rebbaa A. Dual
targeting of the antagonistic pathways mediated by Sirt1 and TXNIP as a putative approach to enhance the
efficacy of anti-aging interventions. Aging 2009;1(4):412-24.
41. Mousa SA, Sudha T, Dyskin E, Dier U, Gallati C, Hanko C, Chittur SV, Rebbaa A. Stress resistant human
embryonic stem cells as a potential source for the identification of novel cancer stem cell markers. Cancer
Lett. 2010 Mar 28; 289(2):208-216.
42. Bharali DJ, Mousa SA. Emerging nanomedicines for early cancer detection and improved treatment:
current perspective and future promise. Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Nov;128(2):324-35.
43. Phillips PG, Yalcin M, Cui H, Abdel-Nabi H, Sajjad M, Bernacki R, Veith J, Mousa SA. Increased Tumor
Uptake of Chemotherapeutics and Improved Chemoresponse by Novel Non-anticoagulant Low Molecular
Weight Heparin. Anticancer Res. 2011 Feb;31(2):411-9.
44. Clayton S, Mousa SA. Therapeutics formulated to target cancer stem cells: Is it in our future?. Cancer Cell
Int. 2011 Mar 25;11:7
45. Yang B, Weyers A, Baik JY, Sterner E, Sharfstein S, Mousa SA, Zhang F, Dordick JS, Linhardt RJ: Ultraperformance ion-pairing liquid chromatography with on-line electrospray ion trap mass spectrometry for
heparin disaccharide analysis. Anal Biochem 2011; 415(1):59-66.
46. Lin HY, Cody V, Davis FB, Hercbergs AA, Luidens MK, Mousa SA, Davis PJ: Identification and functions
of the plasma membrane receptor for thyroid hormone analogues. Discov Med. 2011; 11(59):337-47.
47. Bridoux A, Khan RA, Chen C, Chevé G, Cui H, Dyskin E, Yasri A, Mousa SA. Design, synthesis, and
biological evaluation of bifunctional thyrointegrin inhibitors: new anti-angiogenesis analogs. J Enzyme
Inhibitors Med Chem. 2011 Mar 14. [Epub ahead of print]
48. Wang Z, Yang B, Zhang Z, Ly M, Takieddin M, Mousa SA, Liu J, Dordick JS, Linhardt RJ. Control of the
heparosan N-deacetylation leads to an improved bioengineered heparin. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2011;
49. Beaudet JM, Weyers A, Solakyildirim K, Yang B, Takieddin M, Mousa SA, et al. Impact of autoclave
sterilization on the activity and structure of formulated heparin. J Pharm Sci. 2011; 100(8):3396-404
50. Davis PJ, Lin HY, Mousa SA, Luidens MK, Hercbergs AA, Wehling M, Davis FB. Overlapping nongenomic
and genomic actions of thyroid hormone and steroids. Steroids. 2011 Feb 25. [Epub ahead of print]
51. Lin HY, Landersdorfer CB, London D, Meng R, Lim CU, Lin C, Lin S, Tang HY, Brown D, Van Scoy B,
Kulawy R, Queimado L, Drusano GL, Louie A, Davis FB, Mousa SA, Davis PJ. Pharmacodynamic
modeling of anti-cancer activity of tetraiodothyroacetic acid in a perfused cell culture system. PLoS Comput
Biol. 2011;7(2):e1001073.
52. Davis PJ, Davis FB, Mousa SA, Luidens MK, Lin HY. Membrane receptor for thyroid hormone: physiologic
and pharmacologic implications. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2011; 51:99-115
53. Aljada A, Mousa SA: Metformin and neoplasia: Implications and indications. Pharmacol Ther. 2012
54. Mousa SA: The Future of Anticoagulant Therapy. Cardiovasc Ther. 2011 May 3. doi: 10.1111/j.17555922.2011.00281.x
55. Xu Y, Masuko S, Takieddin M, Xu H, Liu R, Jing J, Mousa SA, Linhardt RJ, Liu J: Chemoenzymatic
Synthesis of Homogeneous Ultralow Molecular Weight Heparins. Science, vol. 334 no. 6055 pp. 498-501
DOI: 10.1126/science.1207478
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09)
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