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By Harold C. Felder
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
► Why
our view of the Bible important?
► The Bible is inspired
► The Bible is inerrant
► Summary
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Why is it Important?
► It
Is the Foundation of our Faith
 The Bible is a record of God’s promises and the
fulfillment of those promises
 The Bible is our main source for the life, death,
and resurrection of Jesus
 Without Jesus, there is no redemption and we
are still in our sins.
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Why is it Important?
► Need
for Objective Truth
 Everyone needs their world view grounded in
objective truth
 If there is a God there is an objective source of
 If the Bible is the Word of God, it should serve
as our source
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
The Bible is Inspired
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Claims to be Inspired
► Evident
from the formula “It is written”
► Jesus indicated that not even the
smallest part of a Hebrew letter could
be broken
► Even the tenses are inspired
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Claims to be Inspired
► Biblical
inspiration extends to ever
part of the words and all they teach
or imply
► All of Scripture is equally inspired
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Demonstrates to be Inspired
► Evidence
of the testimony of the Holy
► Evidence from the transforming ability
of the Bible
► Evidence from the influence of the
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Demonstrates to be Inspired
► Evidence
from the unity of the Bible
 One theme—Jesus Christ
 One problem—sin
 One solution—the Savior
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Demonstrates to be Inspired
► Evidence
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
from the historicity of the
Demonstrates to be Inspired
► Testimony
of Jesus
 Jesus affirmed its historicity
also verified the historicity of Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Isaiah, and
 Jesus affirmed its divine authority
 Jesus affirmed its imperishability
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Demonstrates to be Inspired
► Testimony
of Jesus
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
it is inspired
it is unbreakable
it is inerrant
it’s ultimate supremacy
Demonstrates to be Inspired
► Prophecy
 The Bible contains 1,817 prophecies.
Twenty-seven percent of the Bible is
 There are 191 prophecies concerning the
anticipated Jewish Messiah and Savior.
Each was literally fulfilled in the life, death,
resurrection, and ascension of Jesus of
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Demonstrates to be Inspired
► Prophecy
 Mathematicians have calculated the
probability of sixteen predictions being
fulfilled in one man at 1 in 1045. If we go
to forty-eight predictions, the probability is
1 in 10157
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Evidence from Prophecy
► Prophecies
concerning Israel
 Israel to be conquered by Assyria
722 B.C., the Assyrian conqueror Sargon II,
conquered Israel. He scattered 27,000 of its
inhabitants among Mesopotamia and Media
(Albert Edward Bailey, History Of The Hebrew
►Lev. was written by Moses circa 1444 B.C,
hundreds of years before its fulfillment
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Evidence from Prophecy
► Prophecies
concerning Israel
 Israel to become a nation again
re-population of Israel (northern kingdom)
did not begin to occur until the eighteenth
century (Encyclopedia Britannica, s.v. "Israel,
history of.“)
►The book of the prophet Jeremiah was
completed around 586 B.C, 185 centuries before
its fulfillment in 1948.
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Evidence from Prophecy
► Prophecies
concerning Israel
 Judah to go into captivity
586 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon,
conquered Jerusalem, capital of Judah. He
striped the city of everything of value. Nearly all
of the population was carried into exile. (Albert
Bailey, History of the Hebrew Commonwealth)
►Isaiah accurately predicted these events around
700 B.C., 114 years before the actual exile took
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Evidence from Prophecy
► Prophecies
concerning Israel
 Judah to be delivered from captivity
The Great" was born between 590 and
580 B.C. and became known as, conqueror of
Persia. History clearly states that it was this
Cyrus who overthrew the Babylonians in 539
(Encyclopedia Britannica, s.v. "Cyrus II.“)
►In 538, Cyrus released the captives from exile to
return to their homeland and rebuild their city
and sanctuary
(History of Hebrew Commonwealth)
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Evidence from Prophecy
► Prophecies
concerning world history
 Fall of Babylon
539 B.C., 142 years after the prophecy was
written, the Persians and Medes walked into
Babylon with little or no resistance
(Encyclopedia Britannica, s.v. "Babylon.“)
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Evidence from Prophecy
► Prophecies
concerning world history
 Rise of the Persia
kings did succeed the current king (Cyrus
II). The fourth king was Xerxes. He invaded
Greece in 480 B.C. In what has became known as
the Greco-Persian war of Xerxes, 480-479 (Barton
Payne, Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy)
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Evidence from Prophecy
► Prophecies
concerning world history
 Fall of Persia
the Great conquered the Medo-Persian
Empire around 330 B.C., over two hundred years
after Daniel's prophecy. (John F. Walvoord, The
Nations in Prophecy)
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Evidence from Prophecy
► Prophecies
concerning Jesus
 Time of death
brings us to the year A.D. 30 as the year of
our Lord's death, just as predicted 500 years before
the event
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Evidence from Prophecy
► Prophecies
concerning Jesus
 Manner of death
writing around A.D. 115: “Christus, from
whom the name had its origin, suffered the
extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the
hands of one of our procurator, Pontius Pilatus . . ."
(Cornelius Annals 15.44)
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Evidence from Prophecy
► What
about psychics' ?
 The People’s Almanac (1976) did a study of
the predictions of twenty-five top psychics.
The results: Of the total seventy-two
predictions, sixty-six (92 percent) were totally
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
The Bible is Inerrant
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Biblical Basis for Inerrancy
► The
Bible Is the Word of God
► God cannot Err
► Therefore, the Bible cannot Err
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
The Bible Is the Word of God
► The
Bible Is God-Breathed
► The Nature of a Prophet
 Prophets as mouthpieces of God spoke only
what God put in their mouths
► The
Divine Authority of the Bible
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
The Bible Is the Word of God
► What
the Bible Says, God Says
► The Bible is Called the Word of God
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
God Cannot Err
► From
the nature of God
 God is the ultimate Moral Lawgiver
 The ultimate source of all moral perfection
cannot be less than ultimately perfect
 Hence, He cannot lie or give information
He knows to be false
► From
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
Therefore, the Bible Cannot Err
► Since
the Bible is the Word of God and
Good cannot err, then it follows that the
Bible cannot err.
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
► The
Bible claims and demonstrates it is
the inspired Word of God
► Inspiration implies inerrancy
► Since the Bible is the Word of God and
God cannot err, the Bible cannot err
©Copyright Harold C. Felder
The End
©Copyright Harold C. Felder