Download Deciduous Forest Biome Study Guide

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Deciduous Forest Study Guide
What are ephemerals?
What is a deciduous forest?
Where does the energy of the deciduous forest come from?
What is the process of succession?
What role do decomposers play in the forest?
What is a qualitative observation?
What is a quantitative observation?
What is positive reinforcement?
What is a hypothesis?
How does living in a group benefit an animal?
What function do each of the following bees provide to a honeybee society?
Queen Bee:
Worker Bee:
What kind of learning did Pavlov demonstrate in dogs?
How do male crickets attract a mate?
Deciduous Forest Study Guide
Know EACH of the Key Terms for Sections 1, 2 and 3 with the exception of insight learning.
What are the five skills scientists use to learn more about the world?
What is the difference between inference and predicting?
What are the four scientific attitudes?
What three things do plants use to make food during photosynthesis?
How do branches help a plant during photosynthesis?
Where do the valuable minerals come from that are found on the floor of the deciduous forest?