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World War II
• American entry into
WWII: US support of
the allies and Pearl
• Debate over the 2nd
Front: Tension
between US, Britain,
and USSR
• Radar; D-Day and V-E
Home Front
• Mr. New Deal was
replaced by Dr. Win-theWar
• Women: Rosie the Riveter
• African Americans:
Segregated units but
fought for Double-V
• Mexican Americans
crucial to economy in the
• Native American coders
Japanese American Internment
• Contrast between
Chinese Americans
and Japanese
Americans: Repeal of
Chinese Exclusion
Law but Internment of
Japanese Americans
• Was it wrong to intern
Japanese Americans?
Why and why not?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
• Manhattan Project to
make the bomb before
• Four alternatives to
end the war against
Japan: Invasion;
Soviet entry; Keep
Emperor; Atomic
• Enola Gay debate
Impact of WWII
• The beginning of the
“American Century”
• Bitter US-Soviet tension
foreshadowed the Cold
• Expansion of federal
government in all walks of
American life, including
science and technology
• Rise of the American
West: war industries