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Level IB (First Year – Spring Semester)
(Based on KIN 352K – Therapeutic Modalities in Athletic Training)
Therapeutic Modalities
Teaching Objective 1:
The student will relate the findings of a physical examination to determine the
appropriate course of treatment.
Specific Outcomes
1. The student will perform a physical examination to identify the current inflammatory
ATS will assess an injured athlete for the presence of inflammation, through
history, inspection or observation, and / or palpation
2. The student will perform a physical examination and interview to identify the
indications, contraindications, and precautions to various treatment protocols.
ATS will take a history and perform an assessment using observation or
inspection of the injured body part. The ATS will use this information to
determine indications, contraindications and precautions of the treatments
Teaching Objective 2:
The student will demonstrate the ability to apply therapeutic modalities.
Specific Outcomes
1.The student will demonstrate the ability to select the appropriate parameters for and
then prepare and apply the following:
a. cold whirlpool treatment
b. controlled cold therapy unit
c. ice pack
d. vapo-coolant spray
e. ice immersion
f. ice massage
g. cryokinetics
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Level 1B
1. The student will demonstrate the ability to select the appropriate parameters for and
then prepare and apply the following:
a. moist heat pack
b. paraffin treatment
c. contrast bath
d. warm whirlpool treatment
1. The student will demonstrate the ability to select the appropriate parameters for and
then prepare and apply the following:
a. sensory-level pain control treatment
b. noxious-level pain control treatment
c. motor-level pain control treatment
d. muscle re-education treatment
e. muscle pumping treatment
f. muscle atrophy retardation treatment
g. acute edema treatment
h. muscle splinting/spasm treatment
i. iontophoresis treatment
2. The student will set-up and apply the following types of electrical stimulation units:
a. monophasic stimulator (e.g., high volt stimulation)
b. biphasic stimulator (e.g., Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation [TENS],
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation [NMES])
c. direct current (e.g., iontophoresis)
d. alternating current (e.g., interferential, NMES)
e. multifunction electrical stimulation devices
1. The student will demonstrate the ability to select the appropriate parameters for
and then prepare and apply the following:
a. thermal ultrasound treatment
b. non-thermal ultrasound treatment
c. combination electrical-stimulation/ultrasound treatment
d. phonophoresis treatment
e. indirect application of ultrasound treatment (underwater, bladder)
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Level 1B
1. The student will demonstrate the ability to select the appropriate parameters for
and then prepare and apply the following:
a. mechanical traction
b. manual traction
c. positional traction
Intermittent Compression
1.The student will demonstrate the ability to select the appropriate parameters for and
then prepare and apply intermittent compression to the upper and lower extremities.
Therapeutic Massage
1. The student will demonstrate the ability to prepare and apply a massage treatment.
2. The student will demonstrate the ability to properly perform the following therapeutic
massage strokes:
a. effleurage
b. petrissage
c. friction (circular, transverse)
d. tapotement
e. vibration
f. myofascial release techniques
Injury Evaluation and Physical Examination Skills
Teaching Objective 3:
The student will demonstrate the ability to palpate anatomical structures.
Specific Outcomes
1. The student will identify and palpate the following:
a. bony landmarks of the head, trunk, spine, scapula, and extremities
1. head
a. frontal bone
b. sphenoid bone
c. nasal bone
d. zygomatic bone
i. zygomatic arch
e. maxilla bone
f. mandible bone
i. angle of mandible
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Level 1B
ii. ramus
iii. condylar process
iv. temporomandibular joint
g. parietal bone
h. temporal bone
i. mastoid process
i. occipital bone
i. external occipital protuberance
j. hyoid bone
2. trunk
a. sternum
i. sternal notch
ii. manubrium
iii. body
iv. xyphoid process
v. sternoclavicular joint
b. ribs
i. shaft / body of ribs 1-12
c. clavicle
i. sternal border
ii. sternoclavicular joint
iii. acromion border
iv. acromioclavicular joint
d. spine
i. Cervical
1. spinous processes 1-7
2. transverse processes 1-7
ii. Thoracic
1. spinous processes 1-12
2. transverse processes 1-12
iii. Lumbar
1. spinours processes 1-5
2. transverse processes 1-5
iv. Sacrum
1. sacro-iliac joint
2. level of S1
3. level of S2
4. inferior lateral angle
5. sacral base
6. sacral hiatus
v. Coccyx
3. scapula
a. inferior angle
b. superior angle
c. lateral angle
d. vertebral border
e. axillary border
f. spine of scapula
g. supraspinous fossa
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Level 1B
h. infraspinous fossa
i. acromion process
i. acromioclavicular joint
j. coracoid process
4. upper extremity
a. humerus
i. head
ii. anatomical neck
iii. greater tubercle
iv. lesser tubercle
v. bicipital groove
vi. surgical neck
vii. shaft
viii. lateral epicondyle
ix. lateral supracondylar ridge
x. medial epicondyle
xi. medial supracondylar ridge
xii. capitulum
xiii. trochlea
xiv. olecranon fossa
b. radius
i. head
ii. neck
iii. shaft
iv. styloid process
c. ulna
i. olecranon process
ii. styloid process
iii. head
iv. shaft
d. carpals
i. scaphoid
ii. lunate
iii. triquetral
iv. pisiform
v. trapezium
vi. trapezoid
vii. capitate
viii. hamate
1. hook of hamate
ix. carpal-metacarpal joints
e. metacarpals
i. heads
ii. shafts
iii. bases
iv. metacarpal-phalangeal joints
v. carpal-metacarpal joints
f. phalanges
i. proximal
ii. middle
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Level 1B
metacarpal-phalangeal joints
proximal interphalangeal joints
distal interphalangeal joints
5. pelvis
a. ilium
i. posterior superior iliac spine
ii. anterior superior iliac spine
iii. anterior inferior iliac spine
iv. iliac crest
v. iliac fossa
vi. sacral iliac joint
b. ischium
i. ischial tuberosity
c. pubis
i. pubic tubercle
ii. body of pubis
iii. pubic sympysis
6. lower extremity
a. femur
i. head
ii. neck
iii. shaft
iv. greater trochanter
v. lateral condyle / epicondyle
vi. medial condyle / epicondyle
vii. adductor tubercle
viii. trochlear notch / patellar notch
b. patella
i. apex
ii. base
iii. medial facet
iv. lateral facet
c. tibia
i. lateral condyle / plateau
ii. medial condyle / plateau
iii. tibial tuberosity / tubercle
iv. shaft
v. proximal tibiofibular joint
vi. medial malleolus
vii. distal tibiofibular joint
d. fibula
i. head
ii. shaft
iii. proximal tibiofibular joint
iv. distal tibiofibular joint
v. lateral malleolus
e. tarsals
i. calcaneus
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Level 1B
1. sustentaculum tali
2. medial tuberosity (plantar)
ii. talus
1. neck
2. sinus tarsi
iii. navicular
iv. medial cuneiform
v. intermediate cuneiform
vi. lateral cuneiform
vii. cuboid
f. Metatarsals
i. 1-5
ii. Base
iii. Shaft
iv. head
v. Metatarsal-phalangeal joints
vi. Base / tuberosity of 5th metatarsal
vii. Sesamoid bones
g. phalanges
i. distal
ii. middle
iii. proximal
iv. proximal interphalangeal joints
v. distal interphalangeal joints
vi. metatarsal-phalangeal joints
b. soft tissue structures of the head, trunk, spine, and extremities
1. head
a. temporal m.
b. masseter m.
c. sternocleidomastoid m.
d. scalenus m.
e. nasal cartilage
f. platysma m.
g. anterior cervical lymph nodes
h. frontal sinus
i. maxillary sinus
j. thyroid cartilage
k. tracheal cartilage / trachea
l. ear
i. auricle
ii. scaphoid fossa
iii. triangular fossa
iv. concha
v. lobule
vi. helix
vii. antihelix
viii. tragus
ix. external acoustic meatus
2. trunk
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Level 1B
latissimus dorsi m.
external oblique m.
rectus abdominus m.
quadratus lumborum m.
pectoralis major m.
intercostals m
trapezius m.
i. superior segment
ii. middle segment
iii. inferior segment
rhomboid major m.
rhomboid minor m.
teres major m.
teres minor m.
supraspinatus m.
infraspinatus m.
levator scapulae m.
3. spine
a. splenius
i. capitis
ii. cervicis
b. iliocostalis m.
i. cervicis
ii. thoracis
iii. lumborum
c. longissimus m.
i. capitis
ii. cervicis
iii. thoracis
d. spinalis
i. thoracis
ii. cervicis
iii. capitis (semispinalis)
e. thoracolumbar fascia
f. multifidus
4. pelvis / hip
a. inguinal ligament
b. iliopsoas muscle
c. tensor fascia latae m.
d. gluteus maximus
e. gluteus medius
f. piriformis
g. inguinal lymph nodes
5. upper extremity
a. deltoid m.
i. anterior
ii. middle
iii. posterior
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Level 1B
b. triceps brachii m.
c. biceps brachii m.
i. tendon of long head
ii. tendon of short head
d. brachialis m.
e. brachioradialis m.
f. flexor carpi radialis m.
g. flexor digitorum m.
h. palmaris longus m.
i. flexor carpi ulnaris m.
j. abductor pollicis brevis m.
k. abductor pollicis longus m.
l. flexor pollicis brevis m.
m. abductor digiti minimi m.
n. flexor digiti minimi m.
o. flexor digiti minimi tendons
p. extensor carpi ulnaris m.
q. extensor carpi radialis longus m.
r. extensor carpi radialis brevis m.
s. extensor digitorum m.
t. extensor digitorum tendons
u. extensor digiti minimi m.
v. extensor digiti minimi tendon
w. extensor pollicis brevis m.
x. extensor pollicis longus m.
y. axillary lymph nodes
z. ulnar collateral ligament (elbow)
aa. annular ligament (elbow)
bb. radial collateral ligament (elbow)
cc. radial collateral ligament (wrist)
dd. ulnar collateral ligament (wrist)
ee. volar plates (phalanges)
ff. collateral ligaments (phalanges)
6. lower extremity
a. thigh
i. sartorius m.
ii. rectus femoris m.
iii. iliotibial tract
iv. vastus lateralis m.
v. vastus medialis m.
vi. vastus intermedius m.
vii. patellar tendon
viii. quadriceps tendon
ix. pectineus m.
x. adductor longus m.
xi. adductor minimus m.
xii. adductor brevis m.
xiii. adductor magnus m.
xiv. gracilis m.
xv. pes anserine
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Level 1B
xvi. semitendinosus m.
xvii. semimembranosus m.
xviii. biceps femoris
xix. plantaris
xx. popliteal fossa
b. knee
i. medial collateral ligament
ii. lateral collateral ligament
iii. medial joint space / joint line
iv. lateral joint space / joint line
c. leg & foot
i. gastrocnemius m.
ii. soleus m.
iii. peroneus longus m.
iv. peroneus longus tendon
v. peroneus brevis m.
vi. peroneus brevis tendon
vii. peroneus tertius m.
viii. Achilles tendon
ix. Tibialis posterior tendon (ankle)
x. Flexor digitorum longus tendon (ankle)
xi. Flexor digitorum longus / brevis tendons (plantar foot)
xii. Flexor hallucis longus tendon (ankle)
xiii. Flexor hallucis longus tendon (plantar foot)
xiv. Anterior tibialis m.
xv. Anterior tibialis tendon
xvi. Extensor hallucis longus tendon
xvii. Extensor digitorum brevis m.
xviii. extensor digitorum longus m.
xix. extensor digitorum longus tendons
xx. plantar aponeurosis / plantar fascia
xxi. anterior talofibular ligament
xxii. calcaneofibular ligament
xxiii. posterior talofibular ligament
xxiv. anterior tibiofibular ligament
xxv. deltoid ligament complex
7. abdominal and thoracic structures
a. rectus abdominus
b. external oblique
c. costal cartilages
d. upper right quadrant
i. liver
e. upper left quadrant
i. spleen
f. lower right quadrant
i. appendix
g. lower left quadrant
h. kidneys
8. primary neurological and circulatory structures
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Level 1B
Farr 9/30/2005
common carotid artery
brachial artery
radial artery
femoral artery
posterior tibial artery (ankle)
dorsalis pedis artery
ulnar n. (elbow)
median n. (wrist)
sciatic n. (hip)
common peroneal n. (knee)
tibial n. (popliteal fossa)
tibial n. (ankle)
Level 1B