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Department of Communication Studies
The University of Michigan
105 South State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
phone: 1-734-764-6718
fax: 1-734-764-3288
email: [email protected]
Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Communication Arts, University of
Wisconsin at Madison
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies, University of Michigan at Ann
Faculty Associate, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research,
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Affiliated Faculty, Departments of Psychology and Women’s Studies, University of
Michigan at Ann Arbor
Assistant Professor, Department of Speech Communication, University of Illinois at
Full Faculty Member, Division of Nutritional Sciences, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
Associate Professor, Department of Communication, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
Conrad Humanities Professorial Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Professor, Department of Communication Studies, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Director, Media Psychology Program, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for
Social Research, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
A.B., University of Michigan. Residential College, Individualized Concentration in Media and Art
M.A., University of Wisconsin. Communication Science, major in Media Effects
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Communication Science, major in Media Effects, minor in Social
and Developmental Psychology
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Harrison, K., & Cantor, J. (1997). The relationship between media consumption and eating disorders.
Journal of Communication, 47, 40-67.
Harrison, K. (1997). Does interpersonal attraction to thin media personalities promote eating disorders?
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 41, 478-500.
Devine, P. G., Plant, E. A., & Harrison, K. (1999). The problem of “Us” versus “Them” and AIDS stigma.
American Behavioral Scientist, 42, 1208-1224.
Harrison, K., & Cantor, J. (1999). Tales from the screen: Enduring fright reactions to scary media. Media
Psychology, 1, 97-116.
Harrison, K. (2000). The body electric: Thin-ideal media and eating disorders in adolescents. Journal of
Communication, 50, 119-143.
Harrison CV
Harrison, K. (2000). Television viewing, fat stereotyping, body shape standards, and eating disorder
symptomatology in grade school children. Communication Research, 27, 617-640.
Harrison, K. (2001). Ourselves, our bodies: Thin-ideal media, self-discrepancies, and eating disorder
symptomatology in adolescents. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 20, 289-323.
Harrison, K. (2003). Television viewers’ ideal body proportions: The case of the curvaceously thin woman.
Sex Roles, 48, 255-264.
Harrison, K., & Fredrickson, B.L. (2003). Women’s sports media, self-objectification, and mental health in
Black and White adolescent females. Journal of Communication, 53(2), 216-232.
Aubrey, J. S., Harrison, K., Kramer, L., & Yellin, J. (2003). Variety versus timing: Gender differences in
college students’ sexual expectations as predicted by exposure to sexually oriented television.
Communication Research, 30(4), 432-460.
Kassing, J.W., Billings, A.C., Brown, R.S., Halone, K.K., Harrison, K., Krizek, B., Mean, L.J., & Turman,
P.D. (2004). Communication in the community of sport: The process of enacting, (re)producing,
consuming, and organizing sport. Communication Yearbook, 28, 373-408.
Aubrey, J. S., & Harrison, K. (2004). The gender-role content of children's favorite television programs and
its links to their gender-related perceptions. Media Psychology, 6, 111-146.
Harrison, K. (2005). Is ‘fat free’ good for me? A panel study of television viewing and children’s
nutritional knowledge and reasoning. Health Communication, 17(2), 117-132.
Fredrickson, B., & Harrison, K. (2005). Throwing like a girl: Self-objectification predicts adolescent girls’
motor performance. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 29, 79-101.
Harrison, K., & Marske, A. L. (2005). Nutritional content of foods advertised during the television
programs children watch most. American Journal of Public Health, 95(9), 1568-1574.
Gentles, K., & Harrison, K. (2006). Television and perceived peer expectations of body size among African
American adolescent girls. Howard Journal of Communications, 17, 39-55.
Harrison, K. (2006). Scope of Self: Toward a model of television’s effects on self-complexity in
adolescence. Communication Theory, 16, 251-279.
Harrison, K., & Hefner, V. (2006). Media exposure, current and future body ideals, and disordered eating
among preadolescent girls: A longitudinal panel study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 35, 146-156.
Harrison, K., Taylor, L.D., & Marske, A.L. (2006). Women’s and men’s eating behavior following exposure
to ideal-body images and text. Communication Research, 33(6), 507-529.
Harrison, K. (2006). Fast and sweet: Nutritional attributes of television food advertisements with and
without Black characters. Howard Journal of Communications, 17(4), 249-264.
Harrison, K., & Bond, B. J. (2007). Gaming magazines and the drive for muscularity in preadolescent boys:
A longitudinal examination. Body Image: An International Journal of Research, 4, 269-277.
Moriarty, C., M., & Harrison, K. (2008). Television exposure and disordered eating among children.
Journal of Communication, 58(2), 361-381.
Harrison CV
Zhang, Y., Miller, L., & Harrison, K. (2008). The relationship between exposure to sexual music videos
and young adults’ sexual attitudes. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 52(3), 368-386.
Harrison, K. (2009). The Multidimensional Media Influence Scale: Confirmatory factor structure and
relationship with body dissatisfaction among African American and Anglo American children. Body Image:
An International Journal of Research, 6(3), 207-215.
Martins, N., Williams, D. C., Harrison, K., & Ratan, R. A. (2009). A content analysis of female body
imagery in video games. Sex Roles, 61, 824-836.
Harrison, K., Bost, K. K., McBride, B. A., Donovan, S. M., Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Kim, J., Liechty, J.
M., Wiley, A., Teran-Garcia, M., & Jacobsohn, G. C. (2011). Toward a developmental conceptualization of
contributors to overweight and obesity in childhood: The Six-Cs Model. Child Development Perspectives,
5(1), 50-58.
Martins, N., Williams, D. C., Harrison, K., & Ratan, R. A. (2011). Virtual muscularity: A content analysis of
male video game characters. Body Image: An International Journal of Research, 8(1), 43-51.
Shim, J. E., Kim, J., Mathai, R. A., & The STRONG Kids Research Team (Harrison, K., Bost, K. K.,
McBride, B. A., Donovan, S. M., Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Liechty, J. M., Wiley, A., Teran-Garcia, M., &
Fiese, B.) (2011). Associations of infant feeding practices and picky eating behaviors of preschool children.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 111(9), 1363-1368.
Martins, N., & Harrison, K. (2012). Racial and gender differences in the relationship between children’s
television use and self-esteem: A longitudinal panel study. Communication Research, 39(3), 338-357.
Harrison, K., & Liechty, J. (2012). Preschoolers’ media exposure and dietary habits: The primacy of
television and the limits of parental mediation. Journal of Children and Media, special issue on Children,
Media, and Health, 6(1), 18-36.
Quintero Johnson, J. M., Harrison, K., & Quick, B. (in press). Understanding the effectiveness of the
entertainment-education strategy: An investigation of how audience involvement, message processing, and
message design influence health information recall. Journal of Health Communication.
Fisher, C. L., Goldsmith, D., Harrison, K., Hoffner, C. A., Segrin, C., & Wright, K. (in press).
Communication and mental health: A conversation from the CM Café. Communication Monographs.
Published Book Chapters and Original Research Reports
Cantor, J., & Harrison, K. (1997). Ratings and advisories for television programming: University of
Wisconsin, Madison study. National Television Violence Study (Vol. 1), (pp. III-1 to III-50). Newbury Park:
Cantor, J., Harrison, K., & Krcmar, M. (1998). Ratings and advisories: Implications for the new ratings
system for television. In J. T. Hamilton (Ed.), Television violence and public policy, (pp. 179-211). Ann
Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
Cantor, J., Harrison, K., & Nathanson, A. (1998). Ratings and advisories for television programming:
University of Wisconsin-Madison study. National Television Violence Study (Vol. 2), (pp. 267-322).
Newbury Park: Sage.
Harrison, K. (2001). Body image, media effect on. In Jorge R. Schement (Ed.), Encyclopedia of
communication and information (pp. 79-81). New York: MacMillan Reference.
Harrison CV
Harrison, K. (2002). Fitness and excitation. In J. Bryant, J. Cantor, & D. Roskos-Ewoldsen (Eds.),
Communication and emotion: Essays in honor of Dolf Zillmann. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Levine, M. P., & Harrison, K. (2003). Media’s role in the perpetuation and prevention of negative body
image and disordered eating. In J. K. Thompson (Ed.), Handbook of eating disorders and obesity (pp. 695717). New York: John Wiley.
Ward, L.M., & Harrison, K. (2005). The impact of media use on girls’ beliefs about gender roles, their
bodies, and sexual relationships: A research synthesis. In E. Cole & J. H. Daniel (Eds.), Featuring females:
Feminist analyses of media (pp. 3-23). Washington, D.C.: APA Books.
Harrison, K. (2006). Body image, girls and young women. In J. Arnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of children,
adolescents, and the media. Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage.
Harrison, K. (2007). Television viewers’ ideal body proportions: The case of the curvaceously thin woman.
In L. C. Lederman (Ed.), Beyond these walls: Readings in health communication (pp. 361-372). New York:
Oxford University Press.
Harrison, K., & Hefner, V. (2008). Media, body image, and eating disorders. In B. J. Wilson & S. L.
Calvert (Eds.), The Handbook of children, media, and development (pp. 381-406) . Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Harrison, K. (2008). Adolescent body image and eating in the media: Trends and implications for adolescent
health. In P. E. Jamieson and D. Romer (Eds.), The changing portrayal of adolescents in the media since
1950 (pp. 165-197). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Harrison, K., & Levine, M. P. (2008). Effect of media on eating disorders and body image. In J. Bryant and
Oliver, M. B. (Eds.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (3rd ed., pp. 490-516). Mahwah, NJ:
Harrison, K. (2009). Media and the body. In R. L. Nabi & M. B. Oliver (Eds.), The Sage handbook of media
processes and effects (pp. 393-409). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Harrison, K. (2010). Virtually perfect: The “ideal” in thin-ideal media, and its effects on young people. In
Carrillo, M.V., Jiménez, M., & Sánchez, M. (Eds.), Media and Body Cult (pp. 137-150). Mexico: Pearson.
Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Harrison, K., Nelson, M.R., Christoph, M.J. (in press). Exploring marketing
targeted to youth in food stores in Advances in Communication Research to Reduce Childhood Obesity
(Williams, J., Pasch, K., Collins, C., Eds.). New York: Springer.
Funded Grants
“Women viewing women’s sports: The body benefits of sports spectatorship” (1998). Funded by the
Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan. PI: Kristen Harrison. $3,804.
“Sports media, eating disorders, and self-objectification” (1999). Funded by the Office of the Vice
President for Research, University of Michigan. PI: Kristen Harrison, with Co-I Barbara L. Fredrickson.
“Childhood predictors of disordered eating” (1999). Funded by the Eating Disorders and Exercise Network,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. PI: Kristen Harrison. $10,000.
“It’s great to be a girl: Learning to overcome gender-based censorship in middle school” (1999). Funded by
the Institute for Research on Women and Gender, University of Michigan. PI: Abigail Stewart, with Co-Is
Kristen Harrison, Monique Ward, Barbara L. Fredrickson, Karin Martin, Laurie Morgan. $15,000.
Harrison CV
“The Body Electric (and Print): Mass Media, Physical Identity, and Health” (2002). Five-year Faculty
Scholars Award from the William T. Grant Foundation. PI: Kristen Harrison. $300,000.
“The Body Electric (and Print): Mass Media and Physical Identity in African- and Anglo-American
Children” (2004). Humanities Released Time Award granted by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for
Research, University of Illinois. PI: Kristen Harrison. $9,000.
“Familial, Cultural, and Community Influences on Anticipatory Occupational Socialization in AfricanAmerican Youth” (2005). William T. Grant Scholars Award to Support Junior Researchers of Color,
secured by Kristen Harrison to fund the research of junior scholar Trina J. Wright, under Kristen Harrison’s
mentorship. PI: Kristen Harrison, with Co-I Trina J. Wright. $60,000.
“Our Virtual Bodies, Ourselves: The Video Game Imagery and Effects Project” (2006). Campus Board
Research Grant, University of Illinois. PI: Dmitri Williams, with Co-I Kristen Harrison. $21,235.
“The STRONG Kids Project: Cross-Disciplinary Investigation of Media Effects on Childhood Obesity and
Health Within Family and Community Contexts” (2008). Illinois Council on Food and Agricultural
Research (C-FAR) Sentinel Grant. PI: Kristen Harrison, with Co-Is Sharon Donovan, Brent McBride, and
Kelly Bost. $300,000 awarded, $138,000 received due to state budget cuts.
Supplemental funding supplied by the Illinois Department of Human Services, Bureau of Child Care
Development, with additional co-PI Angela Wiley (2008). $97,000.
Supplemental funding supplied by the University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer, and
Environmental Sciences, Office of Associate Dean for Research (2009). $53,152.
“Trajectories of Unhealthy Weight Gain and Eating Habits in Preschool Age Children: A Cells-to-Society
Approach” (2010). PIs: Barbara Fiese and Sharon Donovan, with Co-Is Kelly Bost, Diana GrigsbyToussaint, Kristen Harrison, Janet Liechty, Juhee Kim, Brent McBride, Margarita Teran Garcia, and Angela
Wiley, University of Illinois Health and Wellness Initiative Seed Grant Program, 2010-2011. $49,937.
“Illinois Transdisciplinary Obesity Prevention Program (I-TOPP)” (2011). PIs: Sharon Donovan, Barbara
Fiese, David Buchner, and Rod Johnson, with co-Is Kristen Harrison, Kelly Bost, Diana Grigsby-Toussaint,
Craig Gundersen, Charles Hillman, Juhee Kim, Soo Lee, Janet Liechty, Brent McBride, Margarita TeranGarcia, and Angela Wiley. USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative grant, 2011-2016. $4,500,000.
“The Placemat Protocol: Assessing Preschooler Dietary Health Literacy and Its Family Correlates” (2011).
PI: Kristen Harrison. Illinois Transdisciplinary Obesity Prevention Program (I-TOPP) seed grant, 20112012. $9,980.
Keynote Address
Harrison, K. (spring 2007). Keynote speaker, Behavioral Sciences Conference of the North, University of
Alaska, Anchorage, AK.
Invited Colloquia
Harrison, K. (spring 1998). “Media Exposure, Self-Discrepancies, and Disordered Eating,” invited talk for
the University of Michigan Research Center for Group Dynamics, Ann Arbor, MI.
Harrison, K. (spring 1998). “Media Effects on Children and Adolescents,” invited talk for the University of
Michigan Program in Women’s Studies, Ann Arbor, MI.
Harrison CV
Harrison, K. (fall 1998). “Media Exposure and Eating Disorders in Females and Males,” invited talk for
visiting journalists attending a conference co-sponsored by the University of Michigan Department of
Communication Studies and the Institute for Research on Women and Gender, Ann Arbor, MI.
Harrison, K. (fall 1999). “Thin-Ideal Media, Self-Discrepancies, and Eating Disorders,” invited talk for the
Michigan State University Department of Communication.
Harrison, K. (spring 2000). “Media and Body Image,” invited talk for the Women’s Forum sponsored by
Michigan congressional representatives John Dingell and Lynn Rivers, Dearborn, MI.
Harrison, K. (fall 2001). “Ethics of Advertising to Children,” invited talk for the University of Michigan
Business School, Ann Arbor, MI.
Harrison, K. (fall 2001). “Effects of Women’s Sports Media,” invited talk for the University of Michigan
School of Kinesiology, Ann Arbor, MI.
Harrison, K. (fall 2001). “Media and the Body: A Program of Research,” invited talk for the University of
Arizona Department of Communication, Tucson, AZ.
Harrison, K. (spring 2002). “Media and the Body: Sports as Overlooked Genre,” invited talk for the
University of Alabama Institute for Communication Research, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Harrison, K. (spring 2002). “The Body Electric: A Program of Research,” invited talk for the University of
Illinois Department of Speech Communication, Urbana, IL.
Harrison, K. (spring 2002). “Viewing like a Girl: Sports Media, Gender, and Race,” invited talk for the first
annual Sports Communication Colloquium, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Harrison, K. (fall 2002). “Viewing like a Girl: Sports Media and Self-Objectification,” invited talk for the
University of Illinois Department of Psychology, Champaign, IL.
Harrison, K. (fall 2003). “Television and Children’s Nutritional Knowledge and Reasoning,” invited talk for
the University of Illinois Department of Psychology, Champaign, IL.
Harrison, K. (fall 2004). “Pour Some Sugar on Me: Children, Television, and Nutrition,” invited talk for the
University of Illinois Department of Educational Psychology, Champaign, IL.
Harrison, K. (fall 2004). “Kryptonite for the Control Freak: Lessons from the Front on Managing the Chaos
of Recruitment and Tracking,” invited talk for the William T. Grant Foundation annual Fall Scholars
Meeting, New York City, NY.
Harrison, K. (spring 2005). “Children, Television, and Nutrition,” invited talk for the University of Illinois
College of Communication, Urbana, IL.
Harrison, K. (spring 2005). “The Thick and Thin of It: Media, Body Image, and the Obesity Myth,” invited
talk for the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.
Harrison, K. (spring 2005). “The Television Diet: Implications for Children’s Nutrition,” invited talk for the
Indiana University Department of Telecommunications, Bloomington, IN.
Harrison, K. (spring 2006). Invited panelist, Expert Panel Meeting to Address Children, Television
Viewing, and Weight Status, at the Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
Harrison, K. (fall 2006). Invited panelist, Annenberg Health Media Coding Project Planning Meeting,
Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Harrison CV
Harrison, K. (spring 2007). Invited panelist, Annenberg Changing Portrayal of Youth Conference, Rancho
Mirage, CA.
Harrison, K. (fall 2007). “The Body Electr(on)ic: Lessons from a Decade of Research on Media, Body
Image, and Eating Disorders,” invited talk at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC.
Harrison, K. (fall 2007). “Building a Program of Research in Media Effects and Health,” invited talk for the
University of Wisconsin Department of Communication Arts, Madison, WI.
Harrison, K. (spring 2009). “Virtually Perfect: Adolescent Responses to Digital Image Retouching,” invited
talk for the Northwestern University School of Communication, Evanston, IL.
Harrison, K. (spring 2009). “Virtually Perfect: Digital Image Retouching and Adolescents’ Self- and OtherPerceptions,” invited talk for the University of Pennsylvania Annenberg School of Communication,
Philadelphia, PA.
Harrison, K. (spring 2009). “Virtually Perfect: Digital Image Retouching and Adolescent Appearance
Standards,” invited talk for the University of Wisconsin Department of Communication Arts, Madison, WI.
Harrison, K. (fall 2009). “Digital Image Retouching and Adolescent Self-Perceptions: Test of an
Informational Intervention,” invited talk for the conference “Mass Media and Eating Disorders,”
Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Seville, Spain.
Harrison, K. (winter 2010). Invited panelist, Midwest Winter Workshop, Northwestern University, Evanston,
Harrison, K. (winter 2010). Invited panelist for workshop entitled “Cross-Campus Discussion Incorporating
a Cells-To-Society Framework to Study Childhood Obesity and Family Health,” Family Resiliency Center,
University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.
Harrison, K. (winter 2010). “Digital Perfection and Media Effects on Appearance Standards among
Adolescents,” invited talk for the Department of Psychology Clinical/Community division, University of
Illinois, Champaign, IL.
Harrison, K. (winter 2010). “Impact of Media on Body Image and Eating Disorders,” invited talk for the
campus community at NoBody Is Perfect, a campus-wide event in honor of National Eating Disorders Week,
University of Illinois, Champaign, IL.
Conference Presentations
Harrison, K., & Cantor, J. (1995). The relationship between media consumption and eating disorders.
Presented at the Conference of the International Communication Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Devine, P. G., Plant, E. A., & Harrison, K. (1996). AIDS-related stigma and the problem of "Us" vs.
"Them." Presented at the National Institute of Mental Health’s National Conference on AIDS-Related
Cantor, J., & Harrison, K. (1996). Ratings and advisories for television programming: University of
Wisconsin, Madison study (National Television Violence Study, Year 1). Presented at the Conference of the
International Communication Association, Chicago.
Harrison, K., & Cantor, J. (1996). Tales from the screen: Long-term anxiety reactions to scary movies.
Presented at the Conference of the International Communication Association, Chicago.
Harrison CV
Cantor, J., & Harrison, K. (1996). Ratings and advisories for television programming: University of
Wisconsin, Madison study (National Television Violence Study, Year 1). Presented at the Conference of the
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Anaheim.
Harrison, K. (1996). Attraction to thin media personalities and eating disorder symptomatology. Presented
at the Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Anaheim.
Cantor, J., Harrison, K., & Nathanson, A. (1997). Ratings and advisories for television programming:
National Television Violence Study Years One and Two. Presented at the Conference of the National
Communication Association, Chicago.
Harrison, K. (1997). Media exposure and eating disorders: A research program. Presented at the Women's
Health and Life Forum, Ypsilanti, Michigan.
Harrison, K. (1998). Risk groups and risky behaviors: The impact of message framing on AIDS stigma.
Presented at the Conference of the National Communication Association, New York.
Harrison, K., & Fredrickson, B. (1998). Women’s sports media, self-objectification, and “throwing like a
girl.” Presented at the Conference “Breaking Barriers: Embodied and Empowered,” University of North
Carolina at Greensboro.
Harrison, K. (1999). The body electric: A program of research on thin-ideal media and eating disorders.
Presented at the Conference of the Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago.
Harrison, K. (1999). Torn between two selves: Media exposure, self-discrepancies, and eating disorders.
Presented at the Conference of the International Communication Association, San Francisco.
Harrison, K. (1999). The body electric: Thin-ideal media and eating disorders in adolescents. Presented at
the Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, New Orleans.
Harrison, K. (1999). Ourselves, our bodies: Thin-ideal media, self-discrepancies, and eating disorders in
adolescents. Presented at the Conference of the American Psychological Association, Boston.
Harrison, K. (2000). Ourselves, our bodies: A program of research on thin-ideal media, self-discrepancies,
and disordered eating in young people. Presented at the Conference of the Midwest Psychological
Association, Chicago.
Stevens, J., & Harrison, K. (2000). The sex-role content of children’s favorite television shows and its links
to their self- and other-perceptions. Presented at the Conference of the International Communication
Association, Acapulco.
Harrison, K. (2000). Thin-ideal television, fat stereotyping, and disordered eating in gradeschool children.
Presented at the Conference of the International Communication Association, Acapulco.
Stevens, J., Harrison, K., Kramer, L., & Yellin, J. (2000). Exposure to sexual media and college students’
sexual expectations. Presented at the Conference of the National Communication Association, Seattle.
Harrison, K. (2000). Televison viewing, fat stereotyping, body shape standards, and eating disorder
symptomatology in grade school children. Presented at the Conference of the National Communication
Association, Seattle.
Harrison, K., & Fredrickson, B.L. (2001). Viewing like a girl, throwing like a girl: The impact of women’s
sports media on adolescent girls’ athletic performance. Presented at the Conference of the International
Communication Association, Washington, D.C.
Harrison CV
Harrison, K., & Fredrickson, B.L. (2001). Women’s sports media and self-objectification in adolescent girls.
Presented at the Conference of the International Communication Association, Washington, D.C.
Fredrickson, B.L., & Harrison, K. (2001). Throwing like a girl: The effects of self-objectification on
physical performance. Presented at the Conference of the American Psychological Association, San
Harrison, K. (2001). Ideal-body media and ideal body proportions. Presented at the Conference of the
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C.
Harrison, K. (2002). Television viewing and women’s and men’s perceptions of the ideal female figure.
Presented at the Conference of the Broadcast Education Association, Las Vegas.
Harrison, K. (2002). The (little) body electric: Media, food, fat, and children. Presented at the tenth annual
Medstart Conference, “Surroundings and Society: Shaping Our Children,” University of Michigan.
Harrison, K., & Fredrickson, B. (2002). Women's sports media, self-objectification, and mental health in
black and white adolescent females. Presented at the Conference of the National Communication
Association, New Orleans.
Harrison, K., & Taylor, L. (2002). Effects of idealized male images and text on men's body image and eating
behavior. Presented at the Conference of the National Communication Association, New Orleans.
Harrison, K., & Taylor, L. (2003). Women’s and men’s eating behavior following exposure to ideal-body
images and text. Presented at the Conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego.
Harrison, K. (2003). Is “fat-free” good for me? A panel study of television viewing and children’s
nutritional knowledge and reasoning. Presented at the Conference of the Association for Education in
Journalism and Mass Communication, Kansas City.
Harrison, K. (2003). Television and children’s understanding of nutrition. Presented at the Conference of
the National Communication Association, Miami.
Harrison, K., Taylor, L., & Marske, A.L. (2004). Never say diet (in front of the guys): Women’s and men’s
eating behavior in response to exposure to thin-ideal media images and text. Presented at the Conference of
the International Communication Association, New Orleans.
Harrison, K., & Marske, A.L. (2004). Children, television, and the facts of the Nutrition Facts label.
Presented at the Conference of the International Communication Association, New Orleans.
Harrison, K., & Marske, A. (2004). Actual nutritional content of foods advertised during the television
programs children watch most. Presented at the Conference of the National Communication Association,
Harrison, K. (2005). Qualitative inquiry and female adolescence: A roundtable discussion. Presented at the
Qualitative Inquiry Conference, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Harrison, K. (2005). Thinking outside the bun? Racial differences in food advertisements viewed by
children. Presented at the Conference of the International Communication Association, New York.
Harrison, K. (2005). Overweight and undernourished? The nutritional content of food advertisements
viewed by children. Presented at the Conference of the International Communication Association, New
Harrison CV
Harrison, K. (2005). Longitudinal support for the Scope of Self model of media effects. Presented at the
Conference of the National Communication Association, Boston.
Harrison, K. (2005). Scope of self: Toward a model of television’s effects on self-complexity in youth.
Presented at the Conference of the National Communication Association, Boston.
Harrison, K., & Hefner, V. (2006). Media exposure, current and future body ideals, and disordered eating
among preadolescent girls: A longitudinal panel study. Presented at the Conference of the International
Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.
Harrison, K., & Bond, B. J. (2006). Ideal-body print media and preadolescent boys’ drive for muscularity.
Presented at the Conference of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Zhang, Y., Miller, L., & Harrison, K. (2006). Sexual music videos and young adults’ sexual attitudes.
Presented at the Conference of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX.
Martins, N., & Harrison, K. (2006). Race and gender differences in the relationship between television
viewing and self-esteem. Presented at the Conference of the National Communication Association, San
Antonio, TX.
Harrison, K., & Wright, T. J. (2007). Cross-racial mentoring: Mentoring junior colleagues of color in
academia, perspectives from mentors and mentees on developing successful relationships. Presented at the
Biannual Conference of the Society for Research on Child Development, Boston, MA.
Moriarty, C. C., & Harrison, K. (2007). Television exposure and disordered eating among children: A
longitudinal panel study. Presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication
Association, San Francisco, CA.
Quintero-Johnson, J., & Harrison, K. (2007). The role of distance between narrative and educational
content in predicting the effectiveness of health messages. Presented at the Annual Conference of the
National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Harrison, K. (2008). A picture’s worth 1000 words: Effects of ideal-body imagery and text on selfobjectification. Presented at the3rd International Congress on Women’s Mental Health, Melbourne,
Hefner, V., & Harrison, K. (2008). Media body ideals and the 3rd person effect among adolescents:
Findings from a focus group study. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Broadcast Education
Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Martins, N., Williams, D., Harrison, K., & Ratan, R. A. (2008). A content analysis of female body imagery
in video games. Presented at the Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, San
Diego, CA.
Bond, B. J., & Harrison, K. (2008). Media-induced fright reactions: The case of the Virginia Tech massacre.
Presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Harrison, K. (2009). The Multidimensional Media Influence Scale: Confirmatory factor structure and
relationship with body dissatisfaction among children. Presented at the Annual Conference of the
International Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Harrison, K. (2010). Adolescent perceptions of self and others following exposure to digitally manipulated
media images. Presented at the Biennial Conference of the Society for Research on Adolescence,
Philadelphia, PA.
Harrison CV
Harrison, K., Bost, K. K., McBride, B. A., Donovan, S. M., Grigsby-Toussaint, D. S., Kim, J., Liechty, J.
M., Wiley, A., Teran-Garcia, M., & Jacobsohn, G. C. (2010). Toward a developmental conceptualization of
media and other contributors to child obesity: The Six-Cs Model. Presented at the Annual Conference of the
International Communication Association, Singapore.
Martins, N., Williams, D., Harrison, K., Ratan, R. (2010). Virtual masculinity: A three-dimensional content
analysis of male video game characters. Presented at the Annual Conference of the National Communication
Association, San Francisco, CA.
Harrison, K., & Liechty, J. (2011). Preschoolers’ media exposure and dietary habits: The primacy of
television and the limits of parental mediation. Presented at the Biennial Conference of the Society for
Research on Child Development, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Harrison, K., & Liechty, J. (2011). Television viewing and preschoolers’ healthful and unhealthful dietary
habits. Presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA.
Liechty, J. M., Clarke, S., Moore, R., & Harrison, K. (2011). Early body image socialization in families:
Exploring parental beliefs, behaviors, and strategies. Presented at the Seventh International Congress of
Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, IL.
Harrison, K. (2011). Examining what we know: Adolescents, body image, and eating disorders. Presented at
the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association Preconference “Media, child health,
and wellbeing: Setting the research agenda,” Boston, MA.
Harrison, K. (2011). Virtually perfect: Effects of image retouching on adolescent physical self-perceptions.
Presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA.
Harrison, K. (2011). Children after tenure: Challenges unleashed. Presented at the Annual Conference of the
International Communication Association, Boston, MA.
Harrison, K. (2012). Beyond the ivory tower: Considering the public relevance of research on adolescence
(panelist). Presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Vancouver, BC.
Harrison, K., Varava, K., Zhang, Y., Wilson, B. J., & Ogilvie, S. (2012). Digit ratio versus gender as
predictors of violent, scary, and sad media preferences and responses. To be presented at the Annual
Conference of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ.
Awards and Honors
1991 Hopwood Award in Creative Writing (major screenplay), University of Michigan.
1992 Nielsen Fellowship for Outstanding Incoming Student in Mass Communication, University of
1995 Helen K. Herman Memorial Fund Scholarship, University of Wisconsin
1997 University Dissertation Fellowship, University of Wisconsin Graduate School
2000 Excellence in Education Award, University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, & the Arts
2001 Top Competitive Paper Award, Mass Communication Division, International Communication
2001 First Place Competitive Paper Award, Visual Communication Division, Association for Education in
Journalism and Mass Communication
2003 First Place Competitive Paper Award, Special Paper Competition on Media and the Family, Mass
Communication and Society Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass
2003 Teacher Rated as Outstanding (top 10%), University of Illinois List of Teachers Rated as Excellent by
their Students (spring semester)
2003 Teacher Rated as Outstanding (top 10%), University of Illinois List of Teachers Rated as Excellent by
Harrison CV
their Students (fall semester)
2004 Top Competitive Paper Award, Mass Communication Division, International Communication
2004 Teacher Rated as Excellent (top 25%), University of Illinois List of Teachers Rated as Excellent by
their Students (fall semester)
2005 Top Paper Finalist, conference-wide interactive paper session of almost 200 competing papers,
International Communication Association
2005 Alumni Discretionary Award for Exceptional Service, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
University of Illinois
2007 Named a Teaching Mentor by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Center for Teaching
Excellence, University of Illinois
2007 Teacher Rated as Excellent (top 25%), University of Illinois List of Teachers Rated as Excellent by
their Students (spring semester)
2007 Teacher Rated as Excellent (top 25%), University of Illinois List of Teachers Rated as Excellent by
their Students (fall semester)
2008 Teacher Rated as Excellent (top 25%), University of Illinois List of Teachers Rated as Excellent by
their Students (spring semester)
2010 Top Competitive Paper Award, Children, Adolescents, and Media division, International
Communication Association (Harrison, K., Bost, K. K., McBride, B. A., Donovan, S. M., GrigsbyToussaint, D. S., Kim, J., Liechty, J. M., Wiley, A., Teran-Garcia, M., & Jacobsohn, G. C. Toward a
developmental conceptualization of media and other contributors to child obesity: The Six-Cs Model.)
2010 Top Competitive Paper Award, Mass Communication division, National Communication
Association (Martins, N., Williams, D., Harrison, K., Ratan, R. (2010). Virtual masculinity: A
three-dimensional content analysis of male video game characters.
2010 Named a Conrad Humanities Professorial Scholar, University of Illinois
2011 Teacher Rated as Outstanding (top 10%), University of Illinois List of Teachers Rated as Excellent by
their Students (spring semester)
Teaching Experience
Public Speaking (100-level undergraduate discussion sections)
Radio, TV, Film, & Society (400-level undergraduate seminar)
Media Impact on Knowledge, Values, & Behavior (300-level undergraduate large lecture)
Children & the Media (400-level undergraduate-graduate combined seminar)
Media & the Human Body (400-level undergraduate-graduate combined seminar)
Honors Seminars in Media Effects (400-level year-long honors program for undergraduate thesis)
Independent Study and Independent Research (assorted 100- and 300-level undergraduate and graduate)
Seminar on Communication Theory (master’s-doctoral seminar)
Seminar on Mass Communication & the Individual (master’s-doctoral seminar)
Media & the Human Body (400-level undergraduate-graduate combined seminar)
Children & Media (400-level undergraduate-graduate combined seminar)
Mass Communication & Emotion (master’s-doctoral seminar)
Media and Health (master’s online seminar)
Honors Program Director, Department of Communication Studies, University of Michigan
Resolution Officer for the Office of Student Conflict Resolution, University of Michigan
Undergraduate Advisor, Department of Communication Studies, University of Michigan
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Committee, University of Michigan
Consultant, University of Michigan Task Force on Eating Disorders
Secretary, Mass Communication Division of the National Communication Association
Harrison CV
Nominating Committee, International Communication Association
Awards Committee, Department of Speech Communication, University of Illinois
Strategic Planning Task Force, International Communication Association
Vice Chair-Elect, Mass Communication Division, National Communication Association
Legislative Assembly Member, National Communication Association, 2003-2004, 2006-2007.
Graduate Admissions Committee, Department of Speech Communication, University of
Committee on Alleged Capricious Grading, Department of Speech Communication,
University of Illinois
Vice Chair, Mass Communication Division, National Communication Association
Legislative Assembly Member, National Communication Association
Chair, Mass Communication Division, National Communication Association
Panelist, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Teaching Academy, Open Forum on Tenure
Strategies, University of Illinois
Immediate Past Chair, Mass Communication Division, National Communication Association
Legislative Assembly Member, National Communication Association
Vice Chair, Instructional & Developmental Communication Division, International
Communication Association
Board Member, International Communication Association
Scientific Advisory Board Member, Johns Hopkins University Center for Adolescent Health,
advising the construction of the Healthy Adolescent Development Guide
Vice Chair and Program Planner, Instructional & Developmental Communication Division,
International Communication Association
Chair and Program Planner, Instructional & Developmental Communication Division,
International Communication Association
Chair, Instructional & Developmental Communication Division, International Communication
Chair, Department of Communication IRB, University of Illinois
Faculty Appeals Committee, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois
Advisory Board Member, Health, Wellness, and Society conference and journal development,
Common Ground Publishing, Champaign, IL
Advisory Committee, Department of Communication, University of Illinois
Board of Directors, Montessori School of Champaign-Urbana, Champaign, IL.
Co-Chair, Media and Communications Committee, Society for Research on Adolescence
Editorial Board Service and Ad-Hoc Reviewing
Editorial Board Service
Communication Studies
2005-present Body Image: An International Journal of Research
2005-present Communication Research
2005-present Media Psychology
Journal of Language and Social Psychology (special issue)
2010-present Communication Monographs
Ad-Hoc Reviewing—Publications
American Journal of Public Health, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Body Image: An
International Journal of Research, Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, Child Development, Child
Development Perspectives, Communication Reports, Communication Research, Communication Studies,
Depression and Anxiety, Developmental Psychology, Food, Culture, & Society, Health Communication,
Human Communication Research, International Journal of Psychology, Journal of Adolescent Health,
Journal of Applied Communication Research, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Journal of
Children and Media, Journal of Communication, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Journal of
Health Communication, Journal of Health & Social Behavior, Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior,
Journal of Primary Prevention, Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, Journal of Sport & Social Issues,
Harrison CV
Journal of Youth & Adolescence, Media Psychology, Psychological Bulletin, Public Health Nutrition, Sex
Roles, Social Science & Medicine, Women’s Studies International Forum
Ad-Hoc Reviewing—Organizations
International Communication Association (competitive papers), Israel Science Foundation (grant
proposals), Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers (book proposals), National Communication Association
(competitive papers), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (grant proposals), Sage Publications (book
proposals), Society for Research on Adolescence (competitive papers), University of Antwerp (grant
proposals), William T. Grant Foundation (grant proposals)
Professional Memberships
American Psychological Association
American Psychological Society
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
International Communication Association, life member
Midwestern Psychological Association
National Communication Association, life member
Society for Research in Child Development
Society for Research on Adolescence
Selected Public Commentary
In addition to dozens of national and international radio and newspaper interviews for various projects, the
following is a sampling of the media outlets that have featured stories on my research:
ABC’s 20/20. Five-minute story presented by Barbara Walters on research (Harrison & Cantor, 1999)
on enduring fright reactions to scary media.
2000 National Public Radio, the Todd Mundt Show. On-air interview with Todd Mundt about research on
enduring fright reactions to scary media.
USA Today (April). “Scary Movies and TV Programs Have Long-Lasting Effects” Summary of
research on enduring fright reactions to scary media.
NBC Detroit, MI affiliate station (October). On-camera interview on research on enduring fright
reactions to scary media.
2001 Psychology Today, (Jan/Feb). Article summarizing Harrison (2000) study on television viewing, body
standards, and eating disorder symptomatology among grade school children.
Allure (April). Brief summary of research (Harrison & Fredrickson, 2003) on sports media effects on
self-objectification in adolescent girls.
2003 NBC Champaign, IL affiliate station (November). On-camera interview on research on children’s
reactions to television.
2004 Allure (March). Summary of research on TV and ideal body proportions in women.
2005 Los Angeles Times and Miami Herald (May). Summaries of research findings on adolescent girls,
media, and clothing culture.
Press release (June) in reference to Harrison (2005), “Is fat-free good for me?” Stories included in
outlets such as FOX News, the Los Angeles Times, United Press International, WebMD, Prevention,, Harper’s Magazine, and television news outlets in California, Georgia, Washington,
Oklahoma, Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Illinois, the United Kingdom, and Brunei.
Press release (August) in reference to Harrison and Marske (2005), “Nutritional content of foods
advertised during the television programs children watch most.” Stories included in outlets such as
National Public Radio and major newspapers worldwide.
2007/8 Atlantic Monthly (December 2007) and The Daily Mail, London (March 2008). Summaries of
research on video gaming magazines and boys’ drive for muscularity (Harrison & Bond, 2007).
2011 Science Daily. Summary of Harrison et al. (2011) article on the 6Cs model of factors influencing
childhood obesity.