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Becoming the Person God Wants You to Be
A Study of the Fruit of the Spirit….Lesson 1
Pastor Derick Easter, MPA, MMin
What kind of people does God want us to be? The reality is that God wants us to become more and
more like Jesus Christ. This means God wants us to be Christlike. To become Christlike, we must allow
the Holy Spirit to work in our lives to produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit. There are nine elements of the
fruit of the Spirit that make us like Christ.
In John 15 Jesus uses an illustration of a vineyard to tell us how to allow the Holy Spirit to produce fruit
in our lives. In this passage Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, and God is the Divine Gardener.
Before we can deal with the fruit of the Spirit I think that it is important for us to know how the Holy
Spirit will produce this fruit. There are two things we must do to become the people God wants us to be.
We must allow God to be our ____________________
Our Heavenly father is our spiritual gardener so He knows the importance of pruning, which is the act of
removing unnecessary parts from a plant to increase fruit production and quality.
Jesus Christ is the _________________ and children of God are the _______________________
In Matthew 7:20 Jesus tells us how to recognize true believers__________________________________
There are two ways that God prunes us
1. God prunes us with the ______________________
When we read and apply the word to our lives it has a way of revealing the things that prevent us from
producing the fruit of the Spirit.
2. God prunes us with ___________________________
If we refuse to apply the word to our lives and make the required changes God can chip away at us with
problems. Read Psalm 119:67
We must also _____________________ in _____________________
To bear spiritual fruit and become the people God wants us to be we must abide in Christ. To abide in
Christ we must do two things.
1. We must _____________________________________________________
Abiding in Christ means that we must be filled with the Holy Spirit. Read Ephesians 5:18
2. We must______________________________________________________
We have two guides in life the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. If we are serious about becoming the people
God wants us to be we must be serious about the bible. We need to hear it, read it and with the help of
the Holy Spirit apply it to our lives.