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Introduction To Fat Loss
Module: 1
This low-carbohydrate, moderate-protein and moderate-fat diet is focused on
real foods as the solution to Insulin Resistance Syndrome (IR), sometimes called
Metabolic Syndrome or Syndrome X. It is mainly refined foods, especially sweets,
combined with deficient exercise that gets people into trouble so a program
based on whole foods, not more refined food products, is the best long-term
solution in IR, and a host of other health problems as well. It is also recommended
to take a good multiple vitamin/mineral.
Based on human evolutionary history and physiology this should be your most
natural and optimal diet. It reflects what our Paleolithic ancestors (i.e., before
agriculture) evolved eating over a million years and, as such, has the highest
potential of supporting healing and preventing disease. In addition, this diet is
naturally alkalizing, which is considered by some people to be healthier than the
typical western diet.
If you need more dietary support than this document provides, please email me
directly at [email protected]
It will take at least 2 to 3 months to re-establish normal insulin sensitivity. If there
is severe IR or obesity it could take much longer to stabilize. However, most
people will experience some improvements early on in the program. After
stabilization has been shown through lab values, blood pressures, improved
energy, loss of weight (especially abdominal), loss of carbohydrate cravings and
loss of hypoglycaemic symptoms, then switching to the Maintenance Diet for
Insulin Resistance is possible. However, it will be essential to continue to monitor
the lab values, signs, symptoms and weight.
With this diet you should not be hungry until it’s time for the next meal. If this is
happening try increasing the non-starchy vegetables, nuts, fats and/or protein
intake in the meals. Do not avoid naturally fatty foods, but limit saturated fats.
[email protected]
Avoid hydrogenated oils and fried foods. For hypoglycaemia symptoms eat
smaller more frequent meals. Try to eat for hunger and not emotional reasons. If
you must eat for emotional reasons, eat non-starchy vegetables or lean protein.
Snacks should be non-starchy vegetables, nuts, seeds or protein foods.
PROBLEM CARBOHYDRATES (refined and starchy) – The cause of the problem!
· No potatoes or simple sugars/carbohydrates (common table sugar, fructose,
sweets, cookies, candy, ice cream, pastries, honey, fruit juice, soda pop,
alcoholic beverages, etc.). Anything that tastes sweet (including artificial
sweeteners and Stevia) may raise insulin levels, thus aggravating IR and
perpetuating the cravings for sweets. As IR improves, sweet cravings usually
· Almost no grain products (breads, pasta, cornbread, corn tortillas, crackers,
popcorn, etc.) and no refined grains/carbohydrates (white flour products, white
pasta, white rice, etc.).
· Whole grains (whole brown rice, wheat, rye, barley and buckwheat) only in very
small amounts.
GOOD CARBOHYDRATES (non-refined and non-starchy)
· Small amounts of fruit are OK but eat it with protein meals and not alone.
Berries are best. No dried fruit.
· Eat lots and lots of non-starchy vegetables. Raw or lightly cooked is best. These
should be the main source of carbohydrates in the diet. Fresh vegetables are
best, frozen is OK but canned is to be avoided except for canned tomatoes and
tomato sauce.
· Legumes (beans, peas, peanuts, soybeans, soy products, etc.) have a low
glycaemic index so are OK.
Source your protein from a grass fed source, my personal recommendation is, they provide high quality, butcher standard meat at a very
competitive prices. Please CLICK HERE for 4 free chicken breasts with your first
order as a gift from me 
[email protected]
· Consume moderate amounts of leaner meats, seafood and fish. The best are
wild fish, wild game, free-range chicken & turkey, range-fed beef, lamb, buffalo
and naturally grown pork. Grain/Grass -fed means more saturated fats and
omega-6 oils. Wild and range-fed means less of these and more omega-3s. The
more omega-3’s the better. Feeding grain to animals, like cows, that were
meant to eat grass is not healthy for the animal or the person eating the animal.
· If you do not have a dairy allergy, some dairy is OK. Interestingly, the lower the
fat in milk the more it raises the blood sugar, so low fat milk is worse than whole
milk. But the best is no milk, it raises the blood sugar too much, plus cow's milk
is for calves, not people. Other dairy products are okay. Use only unsweetened
yogurt. Limit butter and no hydrogenated margarine.
· Eggs are fine unless you have allergies to them, but the best are eggs from freerange chickens and eggs grown to be high in omega-3 oils.
· For most people: moderate amounts of nuts (walnuts, macadamia nuts,
almonds, cashews, pecans, etc.) and seeds (sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, etc.).
Raw are best. Walnuts are high in omega-3s. Nut and seed butters are good
(almond, cashew, sesame). Peanut butter and peanuts are legumes.
· Consume moderate amounts of healthy oils. A low-fat diet is not healthy, nor is
it compatible with this diet.
· Healthy oils are: Monounsaturated oils (olive, canola, nuts). Polyunsaturated
oils that are high in omega-3 oils (canola, flax, fish oils, walnuts). Saturated fats
from vegetable sources (coconut, palm, avocado).
· Limit animal sources of saturated fats as found in dairy products (cheese, butter,
etc.) and most commercial red meats.
· Freely add healthy oils to salads, sauces for vegetables and when cooking lean
meats. Natural palm and coconut oil are excellent for cooking and frying. Flax oil
is high in omega-3 oils but goes rancid very easily so refrigerate and do not heat
and add only after cooking.
· No hydrogenated oils and limit fried foods. Some low-heat frying with natural
palm and coconut oil is okay.
[email protected]
Drink lots of pure water.
· Organic is always best when available.
· Cut down on salt but feel free to use other spices liberally.
· Except for non-starchy vegetables, the other carbohydrates should be limited to
protein meals.
· It is usually safe to assume that most processed foods will interfere with this
diet, even if low-carb.
· Finally, it must be emphasized that exercise is a very important component of
success. Training for fat loss will be covered in Module 2.
Highly recommended vegetables.
Eat as many of these as possible for the best health.
Collard greens
Peppers(all kinds)
Dandelion greens Purslane
Beet greens
Bok Choy
Brussel sprouts
Cabbage (green
Swiss chard
and red)
Lettuce (avoid
Turnips greens
Chinese cabbage
Mustard greens
[email protected]
Vegetables to use in
Green beans
Peas (actually a
New potatoes
to avoid.
(actually a