Download Dakotas Championship Tournament Invitation

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February 6, 2017
Dear South Dakota and North Dakota Collegiate Forensic Programs:
The Dakotas Intercollegiate Forensics Committee cordially invites you to the 2017 Dakotas
Championship Tournament to be held at North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, on Friday,
February 17 and Saturday, February 18, 2017. If you have any questions, please contact this
year’s host, Najla Amundson at [email protected] or at 701-799-8487.
Parliamentary Debate:
We will host 4 preliminary rounds of Parliamentary Debate, and out rounds as necessary on
Saturday. Debate will operate on NPDA times (7-8-8-8-4-5). Teams will have 15 minutes of
preparation time after announcement of the resolution in the competition room.
Warm prep will NOT be allowed. Students should plan to prepare on their own, without
coaching aid. We will adhere to NPDA rules dictating that students are allowed only a dictionary
for preparatory materials.
Note: a minimum of SIX debate teams will be necessary for the debate portion of the
tournament to take place. Fewer entries will result in cancellation of Parliamentary Debate.
Individual Events:
We will be offering two rounds of the eleven AFA events. New to this year’s tournament is an
entry cap of 4 entries per event per school. Final rounds will be held in categories with
entries sufficient for more than one section. A third round of events will be hosted in events with
only one section.
Students may enter up to six events, three events per pattern.
Flights are as follows:
A: Ext, Pro, POI, ADS, Inf, Poe
B: Imp, CA, DI, Pers, Duo, Extemp Interp
Experimental Event:
There will be an experimental event this year: Extemporaneous Interp. Contestants will be given
a piece of literature and have 30 minutes to prepare an oral interpretation performance. Each
round will be from a different genre of literature (Prose, Poetry, Drama). Use of manuscript is
required. Maximum time is 7 minutes including introductions.
Black paper, tape, glue, scissors, and pencils will be provided to those competing in
Extemporaneous Interpretation. Please bring your own binder.
Dakotas Membership: Membership is open to any college or university in South Dakota or North
Dakota. A $50 membership fee can be paid by each school at registration.
Parli entry fees are $10/team entry and $20 per uncovered team judging fee. One judge covers
two teams.
IE entry fees are $8 per entry slot, $15 per uncovered entry slot. One judge covers six slots.
Schools are encouraged to bring enough judges to cover their entries.
The entry deadline is Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 5:00 pm. Entries are to submitted to Drops after the deadline will result in additional fees: $10 for each IE drop and
$30 drop each Parli team.
Lodging Information:
There are many choices at a variety of price points in Fargo, ND and most are no more than 15
minutes away from NDSU. Email [email protected] if you have questions.
Schedule for Dakotas’ State Tournament
February 17-18, 2017, NDSU, Fargo, ND
Friday, February 19
1:00 pm
Registration for teams with debate – Minard 230
Parli Rd. 1
Parli Rd. 2
Parli Rd. 3
Parli Rd. 4
Saturday, February 20
7:45 – 8:45 am
Registration for IE-only teams (Technology Center 351)
Parli Quarters
Extemp Draw 1
Round 1A (Ext, Pro, POI, ADS, Inf, Poe)
Extemp Draw 2
Round 2A (Ext, Pro, POI, ADS, Inf, Poe)
Parli Semis
12:30 pm
EI Draw 1
Round 1B (Imp, CA, DI, Pers, Duo, EI)
EI Draw 2
Round 2 B
Extemp Draw Final
Finals (or R 3) A
EI Draw Final
Finals (or R 3) B
Parli Final
Awards! Room 230 Minard Hall
Interstate Oratorical Competition:
This tournament serves as the national ISO qualifier. For students competing in persuasion,
please remember the ISO rules. Speeches will not be timed, but must adhere to the maximum
1800 word limit. Only 20% of material may be quoted. For other rules, please consult the
Interstate Oratorical Association.
All events will count towards sweepstakes for both North Dakota and South Dakota Schools.
This is a change from years past. Debate points will be halved for individual sweeps tabulation.
Team debate sweepstakes will be recognized.
Competition will consist of three rounds with results based on the cumulative ranks/rates of the
competitors. Students will be ranked from 1-5 and rated from 25 to 1 in each round.
Sweepstakes points for teams and individuals will be assigned as follows:
Final placing rounds:
1st place ranking = 10 points
2nd place ranking = 8 points
3rd place ranking = 6 points
4th place ranking = 4 points
5th place ranking = 2 point
6th place or above = 1 point
Preliminary Rounds:
1st place ranking = 3 points
2nd place ranking = 2 points
3rd place ranking = 1 point
Parliamentary Points:
Final round:
Win, 20 points, Loss, 10 points
Win, 8 points, Loss, 6 points
Preliminary rounds:
Win, 3 points
Awards will be presented to:
The top 3 schools in team sweepstakes.
The top 3 competitors in individual sweepstakes.
The top 3 competitors in each event.
The top 3 competitors in debate sweepstakes.
The top 3 teams in debate sweepstakes
Tie breaking criteria: rank/rate/judge’s preference.