Download Diet Exam Questions The part of a balanced diet mainly responsible

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Diet Exam Questions
The part of a balanced diet mainly responsible for muscle growth and repair is:
(1 mark)
Maintaining a balanced diet is essential for all performers.
What is dehydration? How can a performer avoid becoming dehydrated?
(2 marks)
If a performer does not have a balanced diet, they may experience problems.
Name one of these problems (not dehydration).
Describe the problem you have named and state how this problem might have
been caused.
(3 marks)
Protein is an important substance in a performer’s diet as it is used for the growth
and repair of muscle. Name one other substance important in a performer’s diet
and explain why it is important.
(2 marks)
A balanced diet is very important for a sports performer.
Explain why carbohydrates are a necessary part of a performer’s diet. (2 marks)
Explain why it is important to maintain an intake of fluids (water) when taking
part in sporting activity.
(2 marks)
Explain what is meant by the term obesity. (2 marks)
Maintaining a balanced diet is important.
Give two reasons why fats are an important substance in a balanced diet.
(2 marks)
Explain what a performer needs to consider regarding their diet immediately
after training, or taking part in a competition.
(3 marks)
Diet Exam Questions
Tyrone follows the same routine every day from Monday to Friday.
He gets up at 8am, has a shower and then has a full English breakfast.
At 8.45am either his mum or dad will drive him to school. On the way they stop at
the shops and he buys sweets, chocolate bars and crisps to eat at break and
At break time Tyrone goes to the school canteen and gets a large slice of
chocolate cake as he usually eats most of his chocolate bars between lessons.
1pm is lunchtime and Tyrone has a packed lunch most days which includes a
pork pie, pasty, cheese and ham sandwiches on white bread, a couple of cans of
cola and two packets of crisps. On Fridays he has school dinner as it is chips day
and he usually has double chips, cheese and gravy.
Explain two harmful effects Tyrone’s diet is having on his health. (4 marks)
Explain two changes Tyrone should make to his diet. (4 marks)
Suggest an alternative packed lunch that Tyrone could take to school. (3 marks)