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June 22, 2014 latest episode of Are You Afraid of the
Pentecost 2 / Proper 7 Dark? to come on YTV. The original series
The Rev. Kim Gilliland ran from 1990 to 1996. It was revived for
two more seasons in 1999 and 2000. It
Romans 6:1-11
featured a group of adolescents who called
Matthew 10:24-33
themselves the Midnight Society. Every
night they’d gather around a campfire and
Don’t be afraid of anyone!
one of them would tell a scary story. The
Everything that is hidden will
story was the basis of the episode. Some of
be found out, and every secret
them were pretty good. I expect that you
will be known. Whatever I say
can still see the reruns somewhere in the
to you I the dark, you must tell
900 channel universe we live in. And if not,
in the light.
you can always
them online
like I do.
I think most children go through a
stage when they think it’s cool to
experience scary things. Those of you who
are now in your twenties and early thirties
may remember R.L Stine’s infamous
Goodbumps books. The first book was
published in 1992. Our boys couldn’t wait
for the next one to hit the bookstores and
libraries. They were extremely popular.
Believe it or not, at their height Scholastic
the publisher was selling 4 million
Goosebumps books every month. It goes to
show much children can be addicted to the
scare factor.
Both Goosebumps and Are You
Afraid of the Dark? were critical and
financial successes. Why? Again because I
think there is a certain attraction to those
things that scare us. There is a certain
excitement in not knowing what is going to
happen. And I think the reality is that, on
some level, all of us get goosebumps
because in some ways we are all afraid of
the dark.
I was thinking about that this week
when I read what Jesus said in Matthew
10:26 (CEV), “Don’t be afraid of anyone!
Everything that is hidden will be found out,
and every secret will be known. Whatever I
say to you in the dark, you must tell in the
light.” Are you afraid of the dark? Lots of
reading people are. But Jesus said not to be afraid.
Goosebumps, they were waiting for the Don’t be afraid of anyone. Don’t be afraid
of anything. Don’t be afraid of the dark.
Why not? Because what is hidden will August. So is our son Stephen and that’s
eventually be found out. What is said in the pretty exciting. Two down and two to go.
dark will eventually be told in the light.
And I have a wedding in the fall as well.
That’s great. I enjoy doing weddings. It’s
I think that it’s interesting that Jesus one of the fun parts of ministry.
used a set of unexpected opposites in this
passage. He talked about fear and he talked
One of the things that we have to do,
about the opposite of fear. In our lower of course, is plan for the ceremony. There’s
story world the opposite of fear as a form that the couple fills out that gets
something like confidence or assurance. them looking at various options. Then we
Maybe even bravery. But that is was not come into the sanctuary and start to talk
Jesus’ understanding. In his upper story about the logistics of how we will be
perspective the opposite of fear is light. “ standing. Some couples are really surprised
Do not be afraid,” he said. “Do not let your to discover that I prefer to have them facing
lower story fears overwhelm you because the congregation while I’m off to the side a
what I offer you is my upper story light to little bit. There’s often an initial panic:
show you the way and to lead you into all “You mean I have to face everyone? I can’t
do that! I’ll be too nervous!”
To that I respond with two things.
The things that scare us the most are First of all, it makes no sense for me to face
often the things we can’t see. It’s the the
unknown that causes our nerves to fray and
our emotions to get raw. Usually, when the people because they really don’t want to
things that scare us are revealed in the light see me. You could have a blow up minister
of day, they lose their fear factor. Once the doll up here with a audio being played.
unknown becomes known, the reason to People wouldn’t care. They want to see the
fear dissipates and disappears.
couple that is getting married. The second
thing that I say to couples is that if they are
For example, here we are, right at worried about being nervous then they
the start of the annual summer wedding should definitely not have their backs to the
season. That’s a great lower story ritual. congregation. That’s because when you
How scary is that? It can be pretty scary, have your back to someone or something,
especially when the bills start to roll in. I’m you don’t know what’s going on behind
officiating at quite a few weddings this you which only adds to your stress. But it
summer. I’m doing a military wedding in can be quite comforting to be able to turn to
London in July. Two young couples for the your family and friends and be able to see
congregation are getting married in the faces of the people who love you the
most. I think that strikes a chord with most
people and the fear seems to diminish.
Jesus said that in our lower story
experience, we should not be afraid of
anyone or anything. But then he made an
exception. He told us whom we should
fear. In Matthew 10:28 (CEV) Jesus said,
“Don’t be afraid of people. They can kill
you, but they cannot harm your soul.
Instead, you should fear God who can
destroy both your body and your soul in
hell.” That’s pretty heavy stuff but what
does it mean?
I want to tell you first of all that I
purposely read this passage from the
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
because I think it translates the Greek into
English more accurately than other
translations. The New International
Version gives us the more traditional
wording. It says, “Do not be afraid of those
who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
Rather, be afraid of the one who can kill
both the body and the soul in hell.” The
NIV, on the surface, is a more accurate
word for word translation then the CEV but
it does not always convey the same depth
of understanding. The NIV says to fear the
one who can kill both body and soul in
hell. When we hear those words, most of
our thoughts go immediately to Satan. It is
Satan that wants to kill both our bodies and
our souls.
But that is an incorrect assumption.
The message of the text is more accurately
reflected in the CEV which is clear when it
says that it is God who can destroy both our
bodies and our souls. Satan may want to do
that. In fact, he can kill your body. But only
God can touch your soul. This speaks to the
main point of this verse. It is not meant to
suggest that God wants to destroy us or that
God is a big, mean, scary guy in the sky.
All it speaks to is the omnipotence of God.
God is almighty. God is all powerful. God
holds everything in the palm of his hand,
even you. That’s the upper story reality that
we need to keep in mind in our lower story
That’s why we need not fear the
things that seek to destroy us. Because
ultimately God wins. Ultimately, God’s
will will be done and God’s purpose will be
achieved. Nothing in heaven or on earth
will get in the way of that reality.
It really is an act of faith. Here’s the
question: how much are we willing to trust
God? I was talking with one of the directors
of the Windsor Youth Centre the other day.
Her name is Tamara. WYC is one of the
ministries that you may be hearing about
more in the coming year because our
Mission Committee is looking at doing
some extra focus work on it as one of our
local missions projects. The Windsor Youth
Centre began in 2010 as a dream to try to
provide assistance the homeless youth in
Windsor. The dream became a reality when
a restaurant on Wyandotte Street was
leased and renovated. For almost four years
now, the Windsor Youth Centre has been
providing a safe place for homeless teens
to go to do homework after school, use
computers, share dinner and build
pudding is if you actually act on it. You
can’t say that you trust in God and then
keep worrying about the things that you say
you are trusting God for. Tamara said that
she trust in God to provide for the needs of
the Windsor Youth Centre and I believe
her. I don’t think she sits up all night
worrying about where the funding will
come from. Why would she? Four years of
I remember how we started the experience has taught her that she can trust
Centre on a whim and a prayer and a God to provide because God always has.
mission grant from the United Church of
Canada. We had no idea how the bills
Today is our church picnic. It’s also
would be paid. We just trusted that they the last day of Sunday School until
would. I asked Tamara how things were September. I think we’ve had a very
looking for the future of WYC. She said successful year. The most important thing,
that they seldom have any extra money but of course, is that we are training up our
that the bills and salaries somehow seem to children in the faith and teaching them the
get paid every month. She isn’t always sure Bible stories. But we’ve also grown in
how or when the money will come in but numbers as a result of a whole whack of
experience tells her that it will. Then she you young married couples having babies.
remembered what a man said to her back at Keep them coming. We’ve also had some
the beginning of WYC when they were new families with children join our
wondering about funding this mission. He congregation and we so grateful that. I also
said, “What God orders up, God pays for.” believe that the Sunday School is getting a
It’s true. What God orders up, God pays bit taller as well. God has provided this
for. That’s the kind of line we need to keep year. I think we can all agree with that. Has
in mind when we fear for the future or are that taught us to trust God just a little bit
uncertain about what to do. It reminds us to more? Will we trust God to provide for the
trust in the omnipotence of God.
next year? We need a new Sunday School
co-ordinator. We can always use more
Do you believe that we can trust God teachers. Are we trusting God to provide
with the ministries of the Church? Do you those people for next year? I hope we are.
believe that if God orders something, God And I know that God is tugging at
pays for it? Even more important, do you someone’s heart strings right now,
act like you believe it? It’s one thing to say encouraging them to step up and take part
you believe something. But the proof of the in this vital ministry of the church. You
might be feeling that tug and you might
also be wondering of you’re up to the task.
I can assure you that you are because even
if on your own you can’t do it always
remember that God what God orders up,
God pays for. Don’t be afraid to step out in
faith to answer God’s call. The light of
Christ is with you.
experiences, of joy and laughter along with
the sadness and tears. But the day will
come when this life ends and we face the
biggest enemy of them all. That enemy is
death. The day will come when each of us
will walk through the Valley of the Shadow
of Death and discover what is on the other
I can not think of a single time when
God has not provided. When we have our
eyes on God’s upper story plan for us, God
has never failed to give us everything we
need. Sometimes he does it at the last
moment and sometimes he does it in ways
that we least expect, but he always does it
because God never orders up something
that God does not pay for. That’s the kind
of God we have. That’s the kind of God
who calls us to be his people. That’s the
kind of God who enables us to face our
fears and move forward in the light of
What is there? The truth is that we
don’t really know. We’re told that it’s
supposed to be amazing. We’re told that it’s
supposed to be true happiness, that every
tear shall be wiped away. But what does it
mean and what does it look like? We don’t
know. The Bible really does give us very
few details. And so that’s where we have to
When you realize that, you begin to
understand why there is no reason to fear
the darkness. There is no need to be afraid
because in Christ all things will eventually
become known. What is hidden in the
darkness will be revealed in the light.
That is true not only in this world
but also in the next. The joy of faith is that
it promises an eternal life with God. Life is
wonderful. It is full of amazing
If Tamara can trust God to pay the
bills for the ministry at the Windsor Youth
Centre, if we can trust God to pay for what
he has ordered up in our ministry, then it is
simply one more step of faith to trust God
to also provide for our needs in eternity.
We often forget that. We forget that
this life is practice for the next. What we
learn in this life about God and our
relationship to God will carry over into
eternity. What is more, what we do in this
life is practice for what we will do in the
next. People often get the wrong impression
of the kingdom of God. They think that we
become angels who play harps and preen
our wings while sitting on fluffy white
clouds in the sky. We need to understand
that the Bible never describes such a scene.
First of all, people don’t become angels.
Angels are a different order of creation.
Angels are angels. People are people.
People can no more become angels than
pigs can become horses. Furthermore, I
would not relish playing a harp for eternity.
There will be far too many other interesting
things to do. We forget that in the kingdom
of God there will be ordinary things. Food
will have to be grown and grass will have
to be cut. The dishes will still have to be
done and someone will still have to clean
the toilet.
So what’s the difference? There are
really two differences and they both have
to do with light. The first one has to do
with our attitudes. In this life, our attitudes
can be all over the place. We can be good
and we can treat each other with kindness,
respect and love. Or we can be nasty,
hateful and impatient. We can hold grudges
and we can be afraid. But in God’s
kingdom, there is no place for those
negative attitudes. That’s because Jesus is
the light and he will be there. Remember
that where there is light, there is no need to
fear. In John 14:2 (CEV) Jesus said, “Don’t
be worried! Have faith in God and have
faith in me. There are many rooms in my
Father’s house. I wouldn’t tell you this
unless it were true. I am going there to
prepare a place for each of you.” Jesus said
not be worried. Don’t be afraid. Those are
the lower story attitudes of this world.
They have no place in God’s kingdom
because Jesus has gone to prepare a place
for each of us.
That’s the first difference: our
attitudes. The second difference is in what
will be revealed to us in the Kingdom; what
will come to light if you will. 1 Corinthians
13:9-10, 12 (NIV) says this: “For we know
in part and we prophecy in part, but when
disappears... Now we see but a poor
reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see
face to face. Now I know in part; then I
shall fully know, even as I am fully
What this means is that the unknown
things of this life will be known in the
kingdom. The questions that we have will
be answered. All of the mysteries will be
revealed when they are place under the
light of Christ. We will fully know because
we will see God face to face and be fully
I want to end with just one more
Bible verse from Matthew 4:16 (NIV) in
which Matthew wrote about Jesus, “The
people walking in darkness have seen a
great light; on those living in the shadow of
death a light has dawned.” Unto us a light
has dawned. And his name is Jesus. Are
you afraid of the dark? You don’t need to
be. There is no need to fear because Jesus is
the light of the world!
violence that wracks those corners of
creation. Enable nations and peoples to put
aside their pride for the cause of peace.
Give us the courage to resist the temptation
to make beasts out of those with whom we
Blessed are you, O God, whose river
of hope washes over us with refreshment
and healing. We thank you for your
presence in our lives. When we call you
come to us with love and compassion.
When we are blinded, you enable us to see.
We pray, finally, for those who are
When we are deaf, you unstop our ears. By sick at home or in hospital. We think,
your love, you invite us to enter into life especially of Marilee Matte. Bless her and
fully and freely in Jesus' name.
all who are sick with your healing touch,
filling them with your Holy and Healing
We offer our thanks for the gifts of Spirit. All of these prayers, we lift to you in
creation. Thank you for the warmth of the Jesus’ name. Amen.
days and for cooling evening breezes.
Thank you for fishing and walks in the
bush. Thank you for the songs of birds and
the cry of the ducks and geese.
We thank you, also, for police
officers who enforce the laws of the land
and remind us of the need to follow the
rules. Thank you for their dedication even
in the face of great danger to making our
cities and towns safer places to be.
We pray for the churches in Essex
Presbytery as so many congregations
struggle to find their missions and goals in
life. Open us, O God to the wonder of your
unseen power. Reveal you way through the
light of Jesus and help us to find the
courage to step forward in faith.
We lift up our concerns for the
world. We pray for peace in the Ukraine
and Iraq as we mourn the senseless
You sow the seeds, O God. You water the plants
June 22, 2014 / Pentecost 2 / Proper 7
and send the sunshine. You make all things grow,
O God of Creation. What we give to you is yours
Genesis 21:8-21; Psalm 86:1-10, 16-17; Romans already. Our prayer is for the wisdom and courage
to use it to the glory of your Kingdom. Amen.
6:1b-11; Matthew 10:24-39
Turn your ear to us, O God;
Hear our prayer.
Turn your eyes to us, O God;
see our actions.
Turn our lives to you;
in worship and praise.
O God, be in our head, and in our understanding.
God be in our eyes, and in our looking. God be in
our mouths, and in our speaking. God be in our
hearts, and in our thinking. God be at our
beginnings and at our departings. We gather in
worship and praise to remember your great love
for us. Fill us with your Spirit and open our hearts
to your incredible Word in Jesus Christ. Amen.
God of Mercy, forgive us our sins as we forgive
those who sin against us. We open our lives to
your mercy. Nothing can be hidden from you for
you know all things. You see us at our best and at
our worst. You notice every success and every
failure. Turn us from our self-imposed path of
destruction and lead us unto the streets of gold that
are in your heavenly Kingdom. Amen.
God sees the sparrows and cherishes their every
breath. How much more does God love us. The
Mercy of God is great. The love of God is
everlasting. God calls us to repentance that we
might be freed from our sins and live the renewed
life in Christ.
May the love of God be with you. May the grace of
the Son rest upon your face. May the strength of
the Spirit renew your life and give you peace.
How much are we willing to trust God?
The Rev. Kim Gilliland
June 22, 2014
What God orders up, God pays for!
Don’t be afraid of anyone! Everything
that is hidden will be found out, and
every secret will be known. Whatever I
say to you in the dark, you must tell in
the light.
Matthew 10:26 (CEV)
Jesus used a set of opposites: lower
story fear and upper story light.
The things that scare us the most are
often the things we can’t see.
Once the unknown becomes known,
the fear dissipates.
There is only one person to fear.
Don’t be afraid of people. They can
kill you, but they cannot harm your
soul. Instead, you should fear God
who can destroy both your body and
your soul in hell.
Matthew 10:28 (CEV)
Do not be afraid of those who kill the
body but cannot kill the soul. Rather,
be afraid of the one who can kill both
the body and the soul in hell.
Matthew 10:28 (NIV)
CEV in this case is much more clear
than the NIV.
Only God should be feared because
only God can destroy body and soul.
That’s because only God is all
powerful - omnipotent.
It is an act of faith.
All things are revealed in Christ.
What is hidden in the darkness will be
revealed in his light.
These promises are true in this life and
into eternity.
This life is practice for what we will
do in eternity.
There are two differences between this
life and the next.
Both involve light.
All questions will be answered, all
mysteries revealed.
We will fully know because we will be
fully known by God.
The people walking in darkness have
seen a great light; on those living in the
shadow of death a light has dawned.
Unto us a light has dawned.
His name is Jesus.
There is no need to fear because Jesus
is the light of the world!
1. The first difference is our attitudes.
Here we can have all sorts of attitudes
- positive and negative.
In the kingdom of God we will only
have positive attitudes.
Don’t be worried! Have faith in God
and have faith in me. There are many
rooms in my Father’s house. I
wouldn’t tell you this unless it were
true. I am going there to prepare a
place for each of you.
John 14:2 (CEV)
Don’t be afraid. Jesus is light and he
will be there.
2. The second difference is our
All things will be revealed to us in the
light of Christ.
For we know in part and we prophecy
in part, but when perfection comes, the
imperfect disappears... Now we see but
a poor reflection as in a mirror; then
we shall see face to face. Now I know
in part; then I shall fully know, even as
I am fully known.
What is unknown in this life will be
known in the kingdom.
1 Corinthians 13:9-10, 12 (NIV)