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Study Finds Green Tea Supplements
May Increase Liver Health
September 7, 2004 — Researchers from the University of Hong Kong reported in this month’s
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 742-751) that green tea polyphenols can
be useful dietary supplements in the promotion of liver health. The study specifically noted the
ability of green tea supplements to fight against free-radical damage.
To read the entire article, visit
Tegreen 97®
Green tea has been used traditionally in China for thousands of years for its health-preserving
and revitalizing power. Modern science has identified powerful antioxidants in green tea called
polyphenols. One group of polyphenols called catechins is particularly potent and is highly
effective at neutralizing free radicals at the cellular level. Catechins support healthy cell function
while providing antioxidant protection to critical cell structures such as DNA*. Recent clinical
studies show catechins interfere with the production of t-NOX, an enzyme involved in the growth
phase of mutagenic cells. Additionally, catechins have been demonstrated to cause a
thermogenic effect that enhances the body’s metabolic rate.
Tegreen 97® from Pharmanex is a proprietary, highly concentrated extract of the catechins found
in green tea. Tegreen 97® is one of the most potent antioxidant supplements on the market with
a 97 percent polyphenol content, 65 percent catechins. Each Tegreen 97® capsule contains the
catechin equivalent of approximately seven cups of green tea and is 99.5 percent caffeine free.
Recent clinical studies show consuming 400 to 600mg of catechins at one time (approximately 14
cups of green tea) will more effectively increase the level of catechins in the blood and increase
the amount of time they stay in the body. Pharmanex’s Tegreen 97® provides a convenient and
potent source of catechin antioxidants for maximum cell protection.
Tegreen 97® Benefits and Features
:: Provides potent antioxidant defense against cellular free radical damage*
:: Supports healthy cell function while protecting cell structures including DNA*
:: Interferes with t-NOX enzyme involved in the growth of mutagenic cells*
:: Thermogenic effect increases the body’s metabolic rate*
The Measurable Difference
Tegreen 97® provides the most concentrated levels of green tea polyphenols available in a
dietary supplement.* Green tea characteristics vary widely according to growing region, altitude,
climate, and processing techniques. Pharmanex adheres to the time-honored tradition of using
only the finest leaf buds and young leaves of tea plants cultivated in Zhejiang Province. This
province is the number one tea-producing region in China—producing some of the highest quality
tea in the world. Our proprietary process maximizes the concentration of the naturally occurring
polyphenols, while virtually eliminating caffeine. Tegreen 97® has been clinically proven to
improve the body's antioxidant defense system.
Each 250 mg capsule of proprietary Tegreen 97® is a 20:1 extract of green tea leaves (Camellia
sinensis) standardized to contain a minimum of 97 percent pure polyphenols, including at least
160 mg of catechins, of which, at least 95 mg is EGCg.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.