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Patients, parents, families, and friends are often confronted with words used in an
intensive care unit that they are unfamiliar with. We very well recognize this and
encourage anyone and everyone to speak up and ask questions of the medical staff at
any time. We have created a glossary of terms that are often used in medical centers
for families to use as a reference if they so choose.
Glossary of Terms used in the Pediatric Surgical Heart Unit
Acidosis………………………..a buildup of acid in the blood
Alveoli………………………….air sacs in the lungs in which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged
Anastomosis…………………..a surgical connection between two vessels or structures
Angiogram……………………..x-ray picture of arteries or veins
Angiography…………………...x-ray picture of the heart and coronary arteries in which a catheter is inserted
into a blood vessel in the groin or wrist or neck and guided into the heart over a
wire. Dye is injected through the catheter to trace blood flow in the artery or vein
to detect blockages or narrowing
Anterior…………………………term meaning front
Anticoagulant………………….medication to keep blood from clotting; also known as a blood thinner
Aorta……………………………the artery carrying oxygenated blood from the heart out to the body
Aortic valve……………………the valve (most commonly) between the left ventricle and the aorta
APN…………………………….Advance Practice Nurse is a board certified nurse with an advanced degree
Arrhythmia……………………..An irregular or uneven heartbeat causing the heart to pump less efficiently
Arterial blood gas……………..“blood gas” or ABG is a blood test that measures pH, oxygen, and carbon
dioxide levels; bicarbonate, hemoglobin, and lactate levels, and electrolytes
Arterial pressure lines………..a catheter in a smaller branch of an artery to monitor blood pressure
continuously during surgery and in the ICU; also used to draw blood (also
referred to as an “ART” Line)
Arteriole………………………..a smaller branch of an artery
Artery…………………………..a blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart to the body, brain, and internal
Ascending aorta………………the first part of the aorta that emerges from the left ventricle
Ascites…………………………a buildup of fluid within the abdomen around the intestines
Aspiration……………………...two definitions:
(1) removal of fluid or air by suction
(2) food, liquid, or saliva getting into the windpipe/trachea
Atresia………………………….absence or narrowing of a hole or opening in the body (i.e.: pulmonary atresia is
the absence of the pulmonary valve)
Atrial septal defect……………ASD is an abnormal opening or hole in the wall that separates the right and left
Atrial septectomy……………..surgical removal of the wall between the right and left atria
Atrioventricular………………..between the atria and ventricles
Atrium………………………….one of the two upper pumping chambers of the heart that receives blood from
veins and pumps it into the ventricles downstream
AV node……………………….a special group of cells between the atria and ventricles that slows the electrical
current of the heart rhythm as it passes through to the ventricles
Betadine……………………….an orange-brown colored skin disinfectant
Blood culture………………….a blood test done in the laboratory to detect an infection
Bolus tube feeding…………...periodic or scheduled tube feeding, usually lasting 20-30 minutes that is most
similar to eating a regular meal
Bradycardia……………………a slow heartbeat
Bundle branch block…………condition in which portions of the heart conduction system become unable to
conduct the electrical signal normally
Bypass machine……………...a machine that takes over heart and lung functions temporarily during heart
surgery (also called cardiopulmonary bypass machine)
Cannulation……………………surgical technique to insert a tube into a duct, cavity, or blood vessel
Capillaries……………………..the smallest of blood vessels that distribute oxygenated blood from arteries to
the tissues of the body and bring deoxygenated blood from the tissues back into
the veins
Cardiac output………………..the amount of blood the heart pumps through the circulatory system in one
minute with delivery of oxygen to the tissues/organs
Cardiopulmonary……………..term having to do with both the heart and lungs
Cardioversion…………………a medical procedure to restore an irregular or fast heartbeat to a normal rate
Central line……………………a special IV placed in a large vein, usually in the groin or chest, used to give
potent medications, draw blood samples, and to measure central venous
pressure (CVP)
Cerebral oximeter…………….a probe applied to the forehead to monitor blood oxygen saturation within the
brain tissue
Chaplain……………………….a member of the clergy who provides religious support at an institution such as a
Chest tube…………………….a tube inserted in the chest near the heart and lungs to drain excess fluid or
blood after surgery (the tube is along site the heart or lungs, not in)
Chlorhexidine…………………an antiseptic used to clean lines and wounds
Coarctation……………………narrowing of a blood vessel; usually refers to the narrowing of the aorta
Conduction system…………..a group of specialized cardiac muscle cells in the walls of the heart that send
electrical signals to the heart muscle causing it to contract
Coronary arteries…………….arteries supplying oxygenated blood to the heart muscle
CPAP………………………….”Continuous Positive Airway Pressure” is a respiratory treatment that uses mild
air pressure to help keep the airways open
CVP……………………………“Central Venous Pressure” is a measurement of how much pressure is needed to
fill the right side of the heart with blood. It is also used to monitor the amount of
fluid in the blood vessels
Cyanosis………………………bluish coloring of the skin, nails, lips, or tongue due to a lack of oxygen-rich blood
Deoxygenated………………..blood that is not carrying a lot of oxygen
Developmental care…………individualized care for infants designed to minimize the stress of an intensive care
Diastolic pressure……………the amount of pressure in the arteries or chamber when the heart is relaxed and
the lower of the two blood pressure numbers
Dilate………………………… open or widen
Diuretic………………………...a type of medication used to get rid of extra fluid in the body causing more urine
to be made (examples include furosemide [Lasix] and chlorothiazide [Diuril])
Dysphagia……………………..a swallowing problem
ECHO………………………….”Echocardiogram” is an ultrasound test used to produce pictures of the heart
ECMO………………………….”Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation” is a treatment that uses a
cardiopulmonary bypass machine to take over the work of the lungs and
sometimes the heart to provide time for an infant or child’s body to rest while he
or she is very sick
Edema…………………………build-up of fluid in the body tissues causing swelling
EKG……………………………”Electrocardiogram” is a recording on a graph monitoring the electrical activity of
the heart
Endocardium………………….the most inner lining within the heart
ET Tube……………………….the ”Endotracheal” tube is inserted into the trachea (windpipe) to allow assisted
breathing with a mechanical ventilator
ENT…………………………….a physician/surgeon trained in the medical and surgical treatment of the Ears,
Nose, and Throat
Enteral Feeding…………… of nutritionally complete feeding (formula or breast milk) to the stomach
Epicardium…………………….a thin membrane covering the outside surface of the heart muscle
Fenestration…………………...a surgical procedure to create a new opening/hole between two chambers
Foley……………………………a catheter or tube inserted into the bladder that is connected to a bag to collect
and measure urine output
Foramen Ovale……………….a normal opening between the right and left atria in the fetal and postnatal heart
Gastroenterologist……………a physician specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of digestive system
Hypertension………………….high blood pressure
Hypertrophy…………………...abnormal thickening/enlargement of the heart muscle
Hypoplastic……………………under-formed structure with a lack of function
Hypotension…………………..low blood pressure
Inferior…………………………a term meaning “below”
Inotrope……………………….medication given to increase the force of the heartbeat
Intubation……………………..placement of a breathing tube (ET Tube) in the trachea (windpipe)
Ischemia………………………inadequate blood supply to an organ or part of the body, especially the heart
muscles, caused by a blockage or damage to an artery
IVC…………………………….”Inferior Vena Cava” is the large vein that returns “blue” (deoxygenated) blood
from the lower body to the right atrium of the heart
Ligate………………………….a term meaning “to tie off”
Mitral Valve…………………...the valve between the left atrium and left ventricle
Murmur……………………… extra or unusual sound heard between heartbeats
Myocardium…………………..the middle, muscular layer of the heart wall
Nasal Cannula………………..a device used to delivery supplemental oxygen or airflow to a person in need of
respiratory help
NPO……………………………”Nil Per Os” is Latin for “nothing by mouth”; it means no eating or drinking by
mouth for a certain period of time
NG tube……………………….”Nasogastric” tube is a special tube that carries food and medicine to the
stomach through the nose
Nitric Oxide……………………a gas given along with oxygen to help dilate or widen blood vessels in the lungs
(also referred to as NO)
Normal Sinus Rhythm……….a normal rhythm (with each heartbeat originating appropriately from the sinus
O2………………………………abbreviation for oxygen
Occlusion……………………...blockage or closing of a blood vessel
OT……………………………...”Occupational Therapist” is a licensed healthcare professional who helps
patients develop, recover, and improve skills needed for daily living, working, and
Pacemaker…………………….a device to regulate the heartbeat; it may be permanent when the device is
implanted into the chest or abdomen or temporary with wires coming out of the
chest and connected to a device
PAP…………………………….Pulmonary artery pressure is the blood pressure within the pulmonary
Patent………………………….a connection that remains open
PDA……………………………”Patent Ductus Arteriosus” is a small vessel connecting the aorta and pulmonary
artery that doesn’t close after birth, it is a normal part of fetal circulation
PFO……………………………”Patent Foramen Ovale” is an opening in the wall between the right and left atria
that is present at birth but does not close completely
Perfusion……………………...circulation of blood through organs and tissues
Pericardial effusion…………..fluid build-up around the heart
Pericardium…………………...the sac or membrane that surrounds the heart
PT………………………………”Physical Therapist” is a licensed health care professional who helps improve or
restore mobility
Pleural effusion……………….fluid buildup around the lungs
Posterior……………………….term for back or rear
Premature contraction……….a heartbeat that comes too early
Prophylaxis……………………a preventative measure (ex – a treatment given to prevent infection or disease)
Prostaglandins………………..hormone-like substance that promotes smooth muscle relaxation (often used to
keep a PDA open)
PSHU……………………….….”Pediatric Surgical Heart Unit”
Pulmonary………………….….term relating to the lungs
Pulmonary arteries…………...blood vessels that carry blue (de-oxygenated) blood to the lungs from the right
ventricle in the normal heart
Pulmonary hypertension….….high blood pressure in the lungs; can be caused by increased blood flow to the
lungs in some heart defects or by constriction of the blood vessels within the
Pulmonary valve………………valve between the right ventricle and pulmonary artery
Pulmonary vascular resistance……...the amount of pressure in the blood vessels of the lungs that the heart
has to pump against
Pulmonary veins……………...blood vessels that carry red (oxygenated) blood from the lungs back to the left
atrium within the normal heart
Pulse oximeter………………..a machine that uses a light to measure the amount of oxygen the blood is
carrying in the body (AKA pulse ox)
Regurgitation………………….a condition in which blood leaks backwards into the heart through the valves that
do not close completely (also called leakage or insufficiency)
Reflux………………………….a condition in which stomach contents back up from the stomach into the
esophagus (AKA gastroesophageal reflux or GER)
Renal…………………………..term relating to the kidneys
Renal oximetry………………..probe applied to kidney area to monitor the blood oxygen saturation within the
kidney tissue
Reperfusion……………………return of normal blood flow to an organ after a period of poor blood flow
RT………………………………”Respiratory Therapist” is a licensed healthcare professional who helps patients
breathe better
Sats…………………………….term to describe the oxygen saturation, how much oxygen the blood is carrying
in the body
Septal defect………………….a hole in the wall separating the atria or in the wall separating the ventricle (ASD,
Septum………………………...wall separating two chambers (ie between the two ventricles or two atria)
Shunt…………………………..a connection or communication allowing blood to flow either in one direction or
both directions from one chamber to another (can be through a preexisting septal
communication or a piece of tubing placed surgically)
Sinoatrial node……………….Sinoatrial node, a special group of cells located in the right atrium of the heart
that produces the electrical impulse needed to stimulate the heartbeat in the
normal heart
Social worker………………….licensed healthcare professional that help patients get the health and social
services they need
ST………………………………“Speech Therapist” is a licensed healthcare professional that assesses and
promotes safe and efficient oral feeding; also assesses and addresses early
cognitive skills and communication skills as children age and develop
Stenosis………………………..a narrowing, usually refers to a valve or blood vessel
Stent……………………………a stainless steel mesh tube placed inside a blood vessel to hold it open
Sternal Precautions…………..handling recommendations to avoid discomfort and promote proper healing of
the sternum (breastbone) after open heart surgery
Sternotomy…………………….an incision down the breastbone (sternum)
Stroke volume…………………the actual amount of blood pumped by the left ventricle with one heartbeat
SVC…………………………….Superior vena cava is the large vein that returns blue (deoxygenated) blood from
the upper body to the right atrium in the normal heart
SVO2…………………………..mixed venous saturation is a measurement of the amount of oxygen in the blood
after supplying the organs and tissues with oxygen
Systemic……………………….having to do with the body
Systemic vascular resistance………..the amount of pressure in the blood vessels of the body that the heart has
to pump against
Systole…………………………the contraction phase of the heartbeat when the muscle squeezes and pumps
blood to the lungs and body
Systolic pressure……………..the higher of the two numbers used to measure blood pressure; amount of
pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts
Tachycardia………………… heartbeat
Tachypnea…………………….fast breathing
Telemetry……………………...remote way of monitoring heart rate and rhythm
TPN…………………………….total parenteral nutrition is intravenous or IV nutrition; that is absorbed into the
body by the blood
Transthoracic………………….through the chest wall
Tricuspid valve………………..the valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle
Trophic feeds………………….practice of feeding very small amounts of enteral (to the stomach) feedings to
stimulate the development of the gastrointestinal tract (GI)
Valve…………………………...structural part of the heart and veins that act like doors to prevent blood from
flowing backwards
Valvuloplasty…………………..reshaping of a heart valve with surgical or catheter techniques (opening up a
tight valve)
Vasodilators……………………medications that dilate or open up arteries or veins
Vasopressors………………….medications that increase blood pressure
Vein…………………………….a blood vessel that returns blood to the heart from the body or lungs
Ventricles………………………lower pumping chambers of the heart
VSD…………………………….”ventricular septal defect” - an abnormal opening or hole in the wall that
separates the left and right ventricle of the heart allowing crossover (shunting) of