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SUPPORTING INFORMATION: Densification of Ionic Liquid Molecules
within a Hierarchical Nanoporous Carbon Structure Revealed by Small Angle
Scattering and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
José Leobardo Bañuelos,1,* Guang Feng,2,* Pasquale F. Fulvio,1Song Li,2 Gernot Rother,1 Sheng
Dai,1 Peter Cummings2 David J. Wesolowski,1
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
S1. Effect of Overfilling. SAXS curves of MC-127 overfilled with RTIL. Samples filled with
140% and 210% of the RTIL amount used in S4. At low Q values, the scattering is
predominantly due to the RTIL/MC-127 composite particle and excess RTIL interface. Filling
beyond the pore volume capacity increasingly fills the macropores between carbon particles,
thereby reducing the scattering contrast. This behavior is in contrast to the increased intensity
values as the pores within the particle fill and the composition of the particle changes, as shown
in Fig. 2 and 4 of the main text.