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The Tainos
Migration and development
The Taínos inhabited the Greater Antilles from Cuba to the Virgin
Islands after the year 1200.
They were the most advanced culture in our part of the Caribbean
Archeologist do not rule the possibility that the Taínos were part of a
new group of Arawaks from Venezuela.
However, evidence suggested that the Taínos were a result of the
transformation of the Arawks groups that had inhabited our islands
for hundreds of years.
Social Structure of the
p. 150
Taíno Social Structure
• Naborias – were the common
people. They farmed, build,
fished, hunted and fought in
wars. Largest social class.
• Bohique – spiritual leader of the
village. In charge of religious
ceremonies. Also acted as
teacher and medicine man.
Considered the guardian of the
history of the Taíno.
• Nitaino – compose of families or
clans that had privileges.
• Lived in bigger huts
• Men married more than one
• Supervised the storage and
distribution of food.
• In charge of military matters.
• Answered to the cacique
• Most powerful member of the
Taino social system.
• Leader of the Yucayeque
• Highest authority in political.
Religious, social, and military
• Both men and woman could be
• Lived in Caney (hut of the
Territorial division of Boriquen
• Divided in cacicazgos.
• Each cicazgos was compose of several yucayeques, or villages.
• Cacicazgos were governed by a main cacique but each yucayeke was
governed by a minor cacique.
• Separated by natural boundaries ( mountains, rivers, forest)
• There were 12-15 cacicazgos on our island when the Spaniards arrived.
Taino houses
• Were huts built of wood, vines, leaves
and woven straw.
• Did not have windows
• Only use for sleep or when sick
• Only furniture was hammocks
• Caciques house
• Called Caney
• Inside had hammocks, and dujo a kind of low chair made of
wood or stone. The Dujo was mainly used in ceremonies.
Batey, Petroglyphs and Batu
• Batey
• Main square of the village
• Rectangular and surrounded by rocks carved with petroglyphs
• Hold religious ceremonies and exchange of products.
• Petroglyphs
• inscriptions made on rocks.
• Represented animals and religious elements.
• Batu p.156
• Ball game play by the Tainos
• Played in the batey
• Polytheist – Culture that believed in many gods.
• Taino believed that gods controlled all of nature’s elements and events.
• Zemis – images of Taino gods made out of stone
or other materials.
• Areytos – Main religious activities of the Tainos.
• Took place in the Batey and were led by the cacique.
• Tainos dance, sang, play instruments, and told stories to
the younger generation.
• Guanin – gold metal ornament that hung from
the cacique’s chest.
• Batu – a game played by the members of the yucayeque.
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