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Unit 2 Latin America Unit Test Review 2015-2016
Please define the following key terms and provide characteristics/details for the concepts
1. What is the definition of culture? A group’s shared beliefs, behaviors & customs
2. Give 5 examples of culture traits (ABC s of culture) that are represented in the Latin
American Cultures. Religion (Catholocism), Holidays (Dia de los Muertos), Language
(Spanish), Sports (pokta pok), Architecture (Chichen Itza)
3. What is cultural diffusion & culture borrowing? Where are these found most often &
Cultural diffusion is the spread of ideas or customs between cultures
Cultural borrowing is the borrowing of ideas by a culture and making them their own
Cultures with many immigrants have the most cultural diffusion and borrowing
4. What are characteristics of a Limited Government? Please provide an example of a
country within Latin America that we have studied and state the specific type of
government they have.
Control by the people, free market economy, people vote and have more freedom
EX. U.S. and Mexico
5. What are characteristics of an Unlimited Government? Please provide an example of a
country within Latin America that we have studied and state the specific type of
government they have.
Controlled by the government, dictator, command economy, people have little to no
freedoms, cannot vote
EX Cuba
6. What are characteristics of a communist government and how it affects the citizens?
Give an example of a country in Latin America that has a communist government.
7. Controlled by the government, dictator, command economy, people have little to no
freedoms, cannot vote
EX Cuba
8. What are characteristics of a democracy and how it affects the citizens? Give an
example of a country that has a democracy.
Control by the people, free market economy, people vote and have more freedom
EX. U.S. and Mexico
9. What are the characteristics of a command economy? Who is responsible for making
the decisions about the products & services in a command economy?
Government controls all business and production, people work for the government, no
entrepreneurs, little variety, no supply and demand, no competition
10. What are the characteristics of a market economy? Who is responsible for making the
decisions about the products & services in a market economy?
Citizens control business, production, wages, and prices, entrepreneurs, great variety,
great competition, supply and demand
11. Describe supply & demand of products and how the scarcity of an item affects the cost.
As demand for an item increases, so does price and production of supply of that item
As demand for an item decrease, so does price and businesses stop production or supply
of that item
12. What are indicators of economic development and why are these important to
understand when you are looking at different country’s economies and their standards
of living? Economic indicators show the health of a country’s economy. They are used
to determine if a country’s economy is developed, developing or underdeveloped
13. Look at the following Indicators of Economic Development. Describe what each one
measures and describe why these are important to a countries standard of living.
a. What does literacy rate measure? Tells number of people over 18 that can read
and write
b.What does gross domestic product (GDP) measure?Amount of money coming into
a country passed on their production of goods
c. What does life expectancy measure?Average age a person in a country is expected
to live to
d. What does birth rate measure?How many babies are born in a country per year
e. What does infant mortality rate measure?number of babies out of 100 who live
past one year of age
f. What does death rate measure? Number of people who die in a given country per
14. How has the Mexican farming community changed over time? It has gone from being
subsistence farming to commercial farming
15. What are some issues that the Mexican economy is facing? Pollution and immigration
of people out of the country
16. What is subsistence farming and who does it benefit?Farming to provide for yourself
and your family. It benefits the family and individual
17. What is commercial farming and who does it benefit?Farming to sell goods for a profit.
It benefits the consumer and the farmer
18. How do transportation barriers & corridors affect eh economy of an area?Barriers block
transportation and make trade difficult; corridors open trade and make trade easy.
Faster trade is better for the economy because more money can be made.
19. What is the Panama Canal and why did the United States finish the construction of the
canal? The Panama Canal is a transportation corridor in Panama that connects the
Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and shortens the sea route
20. What is slash-and-burn agriculture? Why was it used?Type of agriculture practiced by
the ancient Maya. They would cut down trees and burn the area, then they would
plant crops there for several years. When the soil had lost its fertility, they would plant
trees back and move to another area where they would start the process over again.
21. What are the main religions of the Mexican culture today? Roman Catholocism
22. How would you describe the Mexican economy compared to the United States? Why
do you think that the Mexican economy is not as successful as the United States’
economy? Mexico has a developing economy while the U.S. has a developed economy.
There is a big gap in Mexico between the wealthy and poor, overpopulation, less
industrialization, and higher crime. All these things lead to the difference in their
economic levels.
23. What was the Columbian Exchange? And what countries were involved? The exchange
of goods, ideas & diseases between European countries and their colonies in Latin
24. Mayan Civilization:
a. Where in Latin America was the ancient Mayan civilization located? (What are
the present day locations?)Yucatan Peninsula
b.What are the people of the Mayan civilization known for
(contributions/achievements)? What are the four remarkable achievements that
the Maya are given credit for? Describe each of these achievements and how
they affected the future generations of the areas. TRADE ROUTES: improved the
life of the Ancients by giving a better variety of goods—may have led to
advanced, modern trade systems, ARCHITECTURE: still remains today and is
tribute to what great architects they were, NUMBER SYSTEM: first civilization
to come up with concept of zero which is still used today, CALENDAR: came up
with 365 day calendar which is what is still used today.
c. What happened to the Mayan civilization around 900CE?They suddenly
abandoned their cities and no one knows for sure why
d. How was the Mayan civilization organized politically? Strict social class
centered around city states where each state had its own ruler
e. In what ways does the Mayan culture still exist? They Maya never disappeared,
they just spread out and parts of their culture can still be seen today in the
Yucatan Peninsula
25. What is the largest river system in South America? What physical feature is present in
Brazil that allows for the logging industry? Amazon River; forrests
Additional Study Items
For this test you will be required to read maps, charts, and graphs. You will be
required to use coordinates to locate different locations and physical features.
Remember to study your Challenge 1 & 2 from the Latin America Mapping Lab.
You will need to be able to differentiate between different types of thematic maps
and be able to locate major countries and bodies of water that are part of Latin
America. The Thematic Maps that we have studied this year are: Political Maps,
Population Maps, Economic Activity Maps, Vegetation Maps, and Climate Zone
Please review any warm-ups that we have had as well.
What do the following thematic maps show or measure?
Vegetation Maps tells type of plants & vegetation growing in an area
Economic Activity Maps tells how the land is used to make money
Political Maps shows man-made boundaries Ex. States, countries, territories
Physical Maps shows physical features EX. Rivers, mountains, lakes, valleys
Climate Zone Maps shows patterns of weather over time--climate
Population Maps shows the number of people living in a given area