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Lesson 13—Human Health—Read p. 76-9 and complete the following:
Definitions and notes:
1. Several body systems work together to transport food and oxygen, the materials for cellular respiration, to cells.
Explain the function of each of the following systems. Describe how these systems work in homeostasis with
each other.
a. Nervous system
b. Digestive system
c. Circulatory system
d. Respiratory system
2. Our bodies need a variety of nutrients to stay healthy. Explain how each of the following is used by the body
and name some foods that contain each.
a. Starches and sugars
b. Proteins
c. Vitamins and minerals
d. Lipids
3. Draw a simple diagram of the portions of each of these foods (fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, milk). (They
are not all 25% of the plate.)
4. Define—toxic
5. Explain some of the toxic effects of tobacco on health.
6. Define—addiction
7. What are the effects of second-hand smoke?
8. Define—drug
9. Define—drug abuse
10. Explain some of the short-term and long-term effects of drug abuse.
11. Explain some of the short-term and long-term effects of alcohol abuse.
Focus on Inquiry—read the information and design an experiment. First, define each of the following terms:
Independent variable
Dependent variable
Controlled variable
Lesson Review
1. Which systems work together to deliver oxygen to the cells of the body?
a. Muscular and circulatory
c. respiratory and circulatory
b. Skeletal and digestive
d. digestive and respiratory
2. Which of these foods is a major source of both protein and fat?
a. Peas
b. bread
c. cheese
d. oil
3. Which is the best definition of addiction?
a. A physical dependence on a substance
c. any behavior that is harmful to health
b. A dependence on an illegal substance
d. an unavoidable side effect of taking medicine
4. Which of these best explains why driving after drinking alcohol is dangerous behavior?
a. Drinking alcohol can cause nervousness and agitation.
b. Drinking alcohol can affect thought processes and slow reaction time.
c. Drinking alcohol can lead to liver damage.
d. Drinking alcohol can speed up heart rate and breathing rate.
Lesson 14—Diseases—Read p. 82-85 and complete the following:
Definitions and notes:
Infectious disease
Take notes on the following:
Fungus (fungi)
Virus (why are viruses not considered living?)
Bacteria (include shapes)
List examples of diseases caused by:
Bacteria (antibiotics)
Discussion Question: Should antibiotics be used to treat diseases such as African sleeping sickness, the common cold,
and the flu? Why or why not?
Lesson Review
1. Which of these diseases can be treated by antibiotics?
a. Lyme disease
b. the common cold
c. influenza
2. Which type of pathogen causes athlete’s foot?
3. Which of the following reproduces by injecting its genetic material into a host cell?
4. Which of the following are likely to be either spherical, rod-shaped, or spiral-shaped?
a. Bacteria
b. viruses
c. eukaryotes
d. parasites
Lesson 15—Public Health—Read p. 87-90 and answer the following questions:
Definitions and Notes:
Public health is the science that deals with __________________________________.
Public health scientists inspect ____________________________________________.
Scientists work to develop ________________________________________________.
They research ___________ and look for ways to prevent them.
They learn how _______________ are passed from one person to another.
Infectious disease (define and give examples)
Pandemic (define and name some)
Name several infectious diseases among plants and animals.
Vector (define and give examples)
Name several ways to prevent infectious disease.
People recover from infections because of the body’s __________________________.
Vaccines can prevent some diseases caused by _________________.
Vaccine (define and describe how it works)
Discussion Question: Your mother is worried because she heard that the chickenpox vaccine your younger brother is
going to receive is actually a weakened form of the virus that causes chickenpox. How do you explain to her that being
injected with the disease will actually help protect your brother?
Lesson Review
1. An event in which a disease spreads to many regions of the world is called
a. An epidemic
b. an outbreak
c. a pandemic
d. a pathogen
2. A mosquito that transmits malaria from one person to another is
a. A bacterium
b. a parasite
c. an infection
d. a vector
3. A vaccine is made from
a. Proteins produced by the body’s immune system
b. A weakened or dead form of a pathogen
c. Body cells that are immune to a disease
d. An antibiotic used to treat an infectious disease.
Lesson 16—Biotechnology—Read p 92-95 and complete the following:
Definitions and notes:
Some of the earliest forms of biotechnology involved ______________________________.
In crossbreeding, ____________________________________________________________.
Selective breeding is intentional mating of organisms to _____________________________.
Genetic modification
Describe gene splicing.
How can DNA fingerprinting be used to solve crimes?
Bioremediation uses existing kinds of bacteria to ___________________________________.
Describe one way bioremediation is used.
Describe some risks of biotechnology.
Discussion Question: Not everyone agrees that biotechnology should be used to modify crop plants. What is your
opinion? Explain your reasoning.
Lesson Review
1. A genome is
a. A sequence of units in a short segment of DNA.
b. A gene inserted into a bacterial chromosome.
c. The complete sequence of an organism’s DNA.
d. Part of a chromosome.
2. Which of these is an example of genetic modification?
a. Use of herbicides
c. heart surgery
b. Crossbreeding
d. gene splicing
3. Which process uses a body cell to create a new organism?
a. Crossbreeding
c. genetic modification
b. Cloning
d. gene splicing
4. Which of these is not a way in which biotechnology can benefit agriculture?
a. Increasing crop production
c. producing better-tasting fruit
b. Reducing the loss of crops to insects
d. improving farm machinery
Chapter 4 Review
1. What is an epidemic?
a. A disease that is spread by mosquitoes
b. A disease that affects many people in an area
c. A disease that spreads throughout the world
d. A disease that is spread by coughing or sneezing
2. All drugs can be described as substances that
a. Result in addiction
c. cause a change in a person’s body or behavior
b. Relieve pain or other symptoms of illness d. are illegal
3. Influenza is caused by a
a. Bacterium
b. fungus
c. parasite
d. virus
4. Which of these is a concern about the use of biotechnology?
a. Increased crop yield
c. increased job opportunities
b. Development of new vaccines
d. creation of new pathogens
5. Which of these foods should make up the largest part of a healthy diet?
a. Fruits and vegetables
c. cereal and eggs
b. Meat and cheese
d. milk and fruits
6. Which of the following is a vector involved in the spread of Lyme disease?
a. Water containing bacteria
c. a tick carrying bacteria
b. Virus particles in the air
d. an object handled by a person with Lyme disease
7. An animal that has exactly the same set of genes as its parent is an example of
a. A pathogen
b. a clone
c. a spliced gene
d. a genome
8. A DNA fingerprint is
a. A unique sequence of repeating units in a section of DNA.
b. A gene inserted into a bacterial chromosome
c. The complete sequence of an organism’s DNA
d. A copy of a chromosome
9. What is an antibiotic?
a. A drug that kills bacteria or slows their growth
b. A drug that kills viruses or slows their growth
c. A substance that helps the body resist an infection
d. A substance that changes the body’s DNA
10. Which of the following systems play a role in providing oxygen to cells for cellular respiration?
a. The immune and circulatory systems
b. The circulatory and respiratory systems
c. The digestive and respiratory systems
d. The immune and digestive systems
11. Why is a virus not considered to be a living thing?
12. How does good hygiene help stop the spread of diseases?