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‫ بشرى جبار‬. ‫د‬
Medical Biology
Lecture 3
Loose Ordinary Connective Tissue
Loose connective tissue (LCT) is literally found everywhere in
the body, as filling between apposed body parts. It is also called
areolar tissue. It consists of both fibrous extracellular molecules
and a number of different cell types. In whole mount spreads of
areolar tissue the extracellular fibers are very evident. Collagen,
a tough, supporting fiber, appears as wide pink stained
bundles, where as elastin fibers appear as thin black line
(Areolar Tissue). Within these spreads the predominant cell
type, the fibroblast, is also observed. In sections, LCT contains
obvious collagen bundles, fibroblasts, and capillaries with their
associated pericytes (Loose Connective Tissue). The
"open"areas in this micrograph are filled with the amorphous
matrix molecules, glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans. LCT
matrix molecules also exist within organs providing support for
the resident cells. These fibers, reticular fibers, are arranged in
a mesh-like arrangement through organs (Reticular Fibers).
Elastin fibers are also found in many organs, and with special
stains are visible in a "ribbon candy" morphology (Elastin
Adipose Tissue
Adipose or fat tissue is the padding of the body. It is organized
into groups of cells called lobules which are separated by
‫ بشرى جبار‬. ‫د‬
Medical Biology
Lecture 3
collagenous and reticular connective tissue septa (Adipose
Tissue). In the formation of a fat cell the cell produces
numerous lipid containing vesicles which fuse into one large
intracellular lipid droplet. The cell (Adipocyte) becomes so full
of lipid that the nucleus and other cellular organelles become
compressed into a small crescent of cytoplasm .
consists of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells
(leukocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes), which are tiny
pieces of bone marrow cell. Plasma also contains water, salts,
sugars, lipids, and amino acids. Blood is approximately 55
percent plasma and 45 percent formed elements. Blood
transports substances from one part of the body to another
and plays an important role in the immune system.
dense connective tissue
Also known as fibrous connective tissue. It has a matrix of
densely packed collagen fibers. There are two types of collagen:
regular and irregular. The collagen fibers of regular dense
connective tissue are lined up in parallel. Tendons, which bind
muscle to bone, and ligaments, which join bones together, are
examples of dense regular connective tissue. The strong
‫ بشرى جبار‬. ‫د‬
Medical Biology
Lecture 3
covering of various organs, such as kidneys and muscle, is
dense irregular connective tissue.
(from the Latin, meaning “gristle”) is a connective tissue with
an abundant number of collagen fibers in a rubbery matrix. It is
both strong and flexible. Cartilage provides support and
cushioning. It is found between the discs of the vertebrae in the
spine, surrounding the ends of joints such as knees, and in the
nose and ears.
Bone is a rigid connective tissue that has a matrix of collagen
fibers embedded in calcium salts. It is the hardest tissue in the
body, although it is not brittle. Most of the skeletal system is
comprised of bone, which provides support for muscle
attachment and protects the internal organs.
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