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Coral Reef Food Web
Organisms of the Coral Reef
Coral (photosynthesis and eats phytoplankton)
Phytoplankton (photosynthesis)
Spiny blenny (eats phytoplankton)
Parrott fish (eats coral)
Sea cucumber (cleans up the ocean floor)
Algae (photosynthesis)
Pufferfish (eats algae and marine invertebrates)
Long-spined sea urchin (eats algae)
Great barracuda (eats other fish)
Moray eel (eats other fish)
Food Web
• This organism is both a autotroph and a
herbivore because it photosynthesizes and it
captures phytoplankton out of the water.
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Spiney Blenny
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Parrott fish
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Sea Cucumber
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Long-Spined Sea Urchin
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Great Barracuda
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Moray Eel
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