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Dear Senator ___________ OR
Dear Representative _________________
I urge you to:
Reject the Administration’s recent proposal to terminate the Sea Grant in fiscal year
Ask that Congress fund the National Sea Grant Program at $80 million.
I support Sea Grant because this valuable federal-state investment contributes to the health
and resilience of the United States of America’s Great Lakes and seaboard coastal
communities. Sea Grant programs and services provide quantifiable economic, social and
environmental benefits to Minnesotans and the Great Lakes region. For example, Sea Grant
is helping to protect Minnesota's $4.2 billion recreational fishing industry through public
education and leadership on aquatic invasive species challenges. Sea Grant-funded science
is advancing our understanding of mercury accumulation in sports fish, which is a major
source of consumption advisories throughout the state. At the same time, Sea Grant experts
are partnering to explore the risks, rewards and hurdles associated with food-fish
aquaculture and aquaculture business in Minnesota.
Furthermore, Minnesota Sea Grant supports more than 100 promising university students
each year by funding graduate research fellowships in science and providing graduates and
undergraduates with a variety of professional development opportunities and activities.
Minnesota Sea Grant saves lives (for example, providing education on Great Lakes rip
currents) and livelihoods (for example, contributions to solving challenges regarding local
port corrosion, national ballast water management standards and Minnesota's wild rice
sulfate standards).
I urge you to support this unique program within the Department of Commerce’s National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that sends 95% of its appropriated funds to
Great Lakes and seaboard coastal states to solve those communities’ critical problems. Sea
Grant is known as an efficient, cost-effective partnership between state universities, NOAA,
coastal communities and businesses that leverages nearly $3 for every $1 appropriated by
For the United States to be more responsive to the sustainable economic development
potential of its coastal states, strengthen domestic aquaculture, improve coastal resilience of
the nation’s communities, and balance the economic and environmental challenges the
country’s coastal regions face, the Sea Grant Association is recommending federal funding
of $80 million in fiscal year 2018. These funds will support sustainable fisheries and
aquaculture, resilient communities and economies, healthy coastal ecosystems, and
environmental literacy and workforce development. This funding recommendation is
consistent with the enabling act which authorizes the Sea Grant program in Public Law 89688 - the National Sea Grant College Program Act of 1966, as amended (33 USC § 1121 et
Thank you for your commitment to serving the public of Minnesota and consideration of this