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Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries
When you have completed this exercise, you will be familiar with the storage of
the energy produced by solar panels using lead-acid batteries.
The Discussion of this exercise covers the following points:
Energy storage
Lead-acid batteries
Battery charge using a PV module
Battery connected to a PV module in the dark
Equivalent diagram of a PV cell
Blocking diode
Energy storage
When electric power is produced using PV panels, electrical energy is available
only during sunny periods. Therefore, to ensure continuous and reliable energy
supply, some means is required to store electrical energy when it is available.
This is where batteries enter into action as they serve as a means of storing the
excess in electrical energy produced during sunny periods. The energy stored in
the batteries during sunny periods can be pumped out afterward to achieve a
continuous electric energy supply. In brief, the batteries are charged during
sunny periods and discharged during cloudy periods as well as at night. Leadacid batteries are commonly used to store electrical energy produced by
PV panels.
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Discussion
Figure 44. Small solar panel battery charger used to recharge standard AA batteries. A single
battery can be recharged in two to three hours when the charger is exposed to sunlight (photo
courtesy of Peter Halasz).
Lead-acid batteries
Lead-acid batteries that are commonly available have a nominal voltage of 12 V.
Although several lead-acid batteries can be connected in series to obtain higher
operating voltages (e.g., 24 V, 48 V, 60 V, etc.), the rest of this discussion deals
with storing energy produced by PV panels into 12 V lead-acid batteries. The
same principles apply when energy is stored in lead-acid battery systems
operating at higher voltages.
As Figure 45 shows, when a battery supplies power to an electrical load
(discharges), current exits from the positive terminal and enters at the negative
terminal of the battery, and the battery voltage decreases gradually during
discharge. Conversely, a battery is charged by forcing a current to flow in the
opposite direction, i.e., by making current enter at the positive terminal and exit
from the negative terminal of the battery (see Figure 45). The voltage of the
battery increases gradually during charge.
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Discussion
Battery discharge cycle
Battery charge cycle
Figure 45. Charge and discharge cycles of a battery.
Figure 46 shows the relationship between the open-circuit voltage ‫ܧ‬ை஼ and the
state-of-charge of a 12 V lead-acid battery. The open-circuit voltage ‫ܧ‬ை஼ of any
lead-acid battery increases with the state-of-charge of the battery.
Open-circuit voltage (V)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
State-of-charge (%)
Figure 46. pen-circuit voltage versus state-of-charge of a 12 V lead-acid battery.
Battery charge using a PV module
Figure 47, shows a PV module connected to a 12 V lead-acid battery. When the
PV module is illuminated, it produces current that flows through the battery. The
current enters at the battery’s positive terminal and exits from the battery’s
negative terminal, thereby charging the battery.
The value of the charge current, for a given irradiance, depends on the battery
voltage (which in turn depends on the battery state-of-charge) as it sets the
operating point on the characteristic ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve of the PV module. When the
battery is severely discharged (low state-of-charge), its open-circuit voltage ‫ܧ‬ை஼
is low, and thus, the operating point is to the left of the knee in the ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve and
the charge current is close to the short-circuit current ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ of the PV module (see
point A in Figure 47). As the battery charges, the voltage across its terminal
increases, thereby shifting the operating point toward the knee of the ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve of
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Discussion
the PV module (see point B in Figure 47). This causes the charge current to
decrease slightly as the battery charges.
12 V
(a) Discharged
(b) Fully charged
(C) Overcharged
Figure 47. PV module connected to a 12 V lead-acid battery and ࡱ-ࡵ curve of the PV module.
The short-circuit current ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ of the PV module must be selected so that it does not
exceed the maximum charge current specified by the battery manufacturer. In
other words, the larger the battery capacity, the larger the PV module that can be
used to charge the battery. The selection of the PV module size also depends on
the electrical load connected to the battery. The higher the electrical load, the
larger the PV module (higher the short-circuit current ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ ) required to keep the
battery charged.
When charging any 12 V lead-acid batteries, the voltage across the battery
terminals should be at least 12.6 V but should not be allowed to exceed about
14.4 V (the gassing voltage value) in order to ensure optimal battery life. The
open-circuit voltage ‫ܧ‬ை஼ of the PV module should be carefully selected so as to
satisfy these requirements under normal operating conditions. PV modules
consisting of 36 PV cells are commonly used to charge 12 V lead-acid batteries
as their ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve (at standard test conditions) is well suited for this application.
The knee in their ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve is at a voltage that is a little above the gassing
voltage (about 14.4 V) of a 12 V lead-acid battery (see Figure 48). As long as the
operating point is maintained to the left of the knee in the ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve of the
PV module, the battery is charged without producing gassing. If the electrical
load of the system decreased during a significant amount of time for any reason,
this could cause the operating point to move to the right side of the knee in
the ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve as the battery charges (see Figure 47c). This causes the battery
voltage to exceed the gassing voltage and gassing to occur in the battery. This
condition, which is referred to as battery overcharging, must be avoided as
gassing significantly reduces battery life.
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Discussion
‫ ܧ‬ൌ 14.5 V
‫ ܫ‬ൌ 98 mA
‫ ܧ‬ൌ 0.98 V
‫ ܫ‬ൌ 103 mA
‫ ܧ‬ൌ 15.6 V
‫ ܫ‬ൌ 95 mA
ܴௌ ൌ 0.6 ȍ
‫ ܧ‬ൌ 16.4 V
‫ ܫ‬ൌ 80 mA
‫( ܫ‬mA)
ܴ௉ ൌ 79.4 Ÿ
‫ ܧ‬ൌ 17.7 V
‫ ܫ‬ൌ 20 mA
PV cell equivalent diagram
RP calculation
‫( ܧ‬V)
RS calculation
߂‫ ܫ‬ൌ 3.5 mA @ 10.0 V
ܴ௉ for PV module (36 cells) ൌ ‫ܧ‬Ȁ߂‫ = ܫ‬2857 ȍ
ܴ௉ for 1 cell ൌ 2857 ȍ Ȁ 36 ൌ 79.4 ȍ
߂‫ = ܧ‬1.5 V @ 70.0 mA
ܴௌ for PV module (36 cells) ൌ ߂‫ܧ‬Ȁ‫ ܫ‬ൌ 21.4 ȍ
ܴௌ for 1 cell ൌ 21.4 ȍ Ȁ 36 ൌ 0.6 ȍ
Figure 48. Typical ࡱ-ࡵ curve of a 36-cell PV module used to charge 12 V lead-acid batteries.
Battery connected to a PV module in the dark
So far, we have discussed battery charging with a PV module when it is
illuminated. But what happens at night when the PV module is in the dark?
Representing a 36-cell PV module using the simplified equivalent diagram of a
PV cell shown in Figure 27 suggests that no current (or a very low current) would
flow in the system as the current source in each PV cell no longer produces
current and the battery open-circuit voltage ‫ܧ‬ை஼ is only able to apply a weak
forward bias to the diode in each PV cell. For instance, when the battery opencircuit voltage is 12.4 V, the forward-bias voltage across each PV cell is
only 0.34 V as shown in Figure 49. Actually, however, this is not exactly what
happens as some current does flow from the battery to the PV module, thereby
discharging the battery. A more complete equivalent diagram of the PV cell is
thus required to explain what happens.
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Discussion
0.34 V
PV module
at night
36 PV cells
0.34 V
voltage ൌ 12.4 V
12 V
0.34 V
Figure 49. Lead-acid battery connected to a PV module (in the dark) represented using the
simplified equivalent diagram of a PV cell.
Equivalent diagram of a PV cell
Comparing the simplified equivalent diagram of a PV cell shown in Figure 27 with
the actual equivalent diagram of a PV cell shown in Figure 50 reveals that the
latter includes a resistor ܴ௉ in parallel and a resistor ܴௌ in series with the current
source and diode.
Figure 50. Actual equivalent diagram of a PV cell.
The value of resistors ܴ௉ and ܴௌ can be evaluated from the ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve of a PV cell
as shown in Figure 51. The presence of the parallel resistor explains why the
PV cell current decreases a little with voltage in the constant-current region of
the ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve – the lower the value of ܴ௉ , the higher the decrease of cell current
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Discussion
with voltage. The presence of the series resistor explains why the PV cell voltage
decreases a little with current in the constant-voltage region of the ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve –
the higher the value of ܴௌ , the higher the decrease of cell voltage with current.
߂‫ @ ܫ‬voltage ‫ܧ‬
Current (A)
Ž‘’‡ ൌ
Voltage (V)
Evaluation of resistor ܴ௉
‫ܧ‬ை஼ 0.6
Current (A)
Ž‘’‡ ൌ
ൌ ܴௌ
߂‫ @ ܧ‬current ‫ܫ‬
Voltage (V)
‫ܧ‬ை஼ 0.6
Evaluation of resistor ܴௌ
Figure 51. Evaluation of resistors ࡾࡼ and ࡾࡿ from the characteristic ࡱ-ࡵ curve of a PV cell.
When the ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve of a PV module (series–connected PV cells) is used to
calculate the value of resistors ܴ௉ and ܴௌ , the calculated values correspond to
the total parallel resistance and total series resistance of the PV module. The
total parallel resistance and total series resistance are distributed over the cells in
the PV module. The total parallel resistance is simply divided by the number of
cells in the PV module to obtain the mean value of the parallel resistance ܴ௉ of
each cell. Similarly, the total series resistance is simply divided by the number of
cells in the PV module to obtain the mean value of the series resistance ܴௌ of
each cell. Figure 48 of this discussion shows the calculations of the values of
resistors ܴ௉ and ܴௌ made with the ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve of a 36-cell PV module implemented
with the Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Panel.
Figure 52 shows a 36-cell PV module at night represented using the actual
equivalent diagram of the PV cell (see Figure 50). This representation reveals
that at night time current flows in the PV module through the series combination
of ܴ௉ and ܴௌ in each PV cell, thereby discharging the battery. The value of the
discharge current ‫ܫ‬஽௜௦௖௛Ǥ . can be calculated using the battery open-circuit
voltage ‫ܧ‬ை஼ and the total parallel resistance ܴ௉ and total series resistance ܴௌ of
the PV module (‫ܫ‬஽௜௦௖௛Ǥ ൌ ‫ܧ‬ை஼ Τሺܴ௉ ൅ ܴௌ ሻ. Note that the discharge current is usually
small with respect to the battery capacity.
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Discussion
Battery discharge current ‫ܫ‬஽௜௦௖௛Ǥ
PV module
at night
36 PV cells
12 V leadacid battery
Figure 52. At night, current flows in the PV module through ࡾࡼ and ࡾࡿ in each PV cell, thereby
slowly discharging the battery.
Blocking diode
Although the battery discharge current at night is usually low, it is common
practice to add a diode (blocking diode) in series with the PV module to avoid
battery discharge at night (see Figure 53). When the PV module is illuminated,
the diode is forward biased and charge current flows into the battery. At night, the
PV module stops producing current and the battery voltage applies a reverse
bias to the diode. The blocking diode prevents current flow thereby avoiding the
battery discharge.
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Procedure Outline
Diode is
forward biased
Diode is
reverse biased
PV module
(36 cells)
PV module
(36 cells)
12 V leadacid battery
During day
12 V leadacic battery
At night
Figure 53. A diode is added in series to avoid battery discharge at night.
The Procedure is divided into the following sections:
Open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current of a 36 cell PV module
operating at near room temperature
Characteristic E-I curve of a 36-cell PV module operating at near room
Battery charging using a PV module
Battery discharge at night time
Evaluation of the parallel and series resistances of the PV module
Operation of the circuit with a blocking diode when the PV module is in
the dark
Operation of the circuit with a blocking diode when the PV module is
1. Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix A to obtain the list of
equipment required to perform this exercise.
To ensure greater consistency between the results obtained during the various
exercises, make sure that you are using the same Monocrystalline Silicon
Solar Panel and Solar Panel Test Bench modules as in Exercise 2 (same
serial numbers).
2. Install the Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Panel in the Solar Panel Test Bench
then install the Solar Panel Test Bench into the Workstation. Adjust the
position of the solar panel so that the short-circuit current ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ of the “lower”
PV module is as close to 100 mA as possible at near room temperature.
Steps 4 to 9 of Exercise 2 provide detailed directions for installing the
modules and setting ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ to about 100 mA.
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Procedure
Open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current of a 36 cell PV module
operating at near room temperature
In this part of the exercise, you will connect the two PV modules of the
Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Panel in series to form a 36-cell PV module. You
will measure the open-circuit voltage ‫ܧ‬ை஼ and short-circuit current ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ of
the 36-cell PV module when it operates at near room temperature.
Risk of burns. The halogen lamp and the surrounding components can become
very hot during this exercise.
3. Once the Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Panel is properly positioned in the
Solar Panel Test Bench and the temperature has stabilized, connect the two
PV modules in series and measure the open-circuit voltage ‫ܧ‬ை஼ , short-circuit
current ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ , and PV panel temperature. Refer to Figure 34 and Figure 35 if
Open-circuit voltage ‫ܧ‬ை஼ ൌ
Short-circuit current ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ ൌ
PV panel temperature ൌ
°C (°F)
4. Compare the open-circuit voltage ‫ܧ‬ை஼ measured with the two PV modules
connected in series with the open-circuit voltage ‫ܧ‬ை஼ measured with a single
PV module in step 12 of Exercise 2. What can you conclude about the
difference between the values?
5. Compare the short-circuit current ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ measured with the two PV modules
connected in series with the short-circuit current ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ measured with a single
PV module in step 9 of Exercise 2. What can you conclude about the
difference between the values?
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Procedure
Characteristic E-I curve of a 36-cell PV module operating at near room
In this part of the exercise, you will plot the characteristic ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve of a 36-cell
PV module operating at near room temperature.
6. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 54.
Figure 54. Circuit used to determine the characteristic ࡱ-ࡵ curve of a 36-cell PV module (built
with two 18-cell PV modules connected in series) operating at near room temperature.
7. Using the potentiometer as a variable load, vary the output voltage from
minimum to maximum by increments of about 0.5 V. For each voltage
setting, record the output voltage, output current, and temperature in Table 5.
Table 5. Characteristic ࡱ-ࡵ curve of a 36-cell PV module.
Temperature of the PV panel during the measurements ൌ
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
°C (°F)
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Procedure
8. Using the values in Table 5, plot the characteristic ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve of the 36-cell
PV module in Figure 55.
Current (mA)
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Output Voltage (V)
Figure 55. Characteristic ࡱ-ࡵ curve of a 36-cell PV module.
9. Using the values in Table 5, determine the PV module voltage and current at
the maximum power point (MPP), and indicate the point in Figure 55.
PV module voltage at MPP ൌ
PV module current at MPP ൌ
Battery charging using a PV module
In this part of the exercise, you will charge a lead-acid battery using the 36-cell
PV module used in the previous subsection of the exercise. You will check the
state-of-charge of a battery. Then you will observe the voltage and current at the
beginning of the charging cycle, and after fifteen minutes of charge. You will
locate each system operating point on the ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve of the PV module.
10. Measure the open-circuit voltage ‫ܧ‬ை஼ of the lead-acid battery located at the
right in the Lead-Acid Battery module.
Open-circuit voltage ‫ܧ‬ை஼ ൌ
11. Determine the state-of-charge of the battery (expressed in percentage)
corresponding to the open-circuit voltage measured in the previous step
using the open-circuit voltage versus state-of-charge curve shown in
Figure 46.
State-of-charge ൌ
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Procedure
The state-of-charge of the battery should be between 40% and 70% at this
moment to observe the behavior of the battery during the charge and
discharge cycles. Ask your instructor for instructions if the state-of-charge of
your battery does not match this range.
12. Connect the output of the 36-cell PV module (two 18-cell PV modules in
series) to the 12 V battery at right in the Lead-Acid Battery module as shown
in Figure 56. Note that the two 18-cell PV modules connected in series are
represented as a single PV module in this figure.
Halogen lamp
PV module
(36 cells)
12 V
One battery
in the Lead-Acid
Battery module
Figure 56. Battery being charged by a PV module.
13. Measure the PV module voltage and current.
PV module voltage at the beginning of the charge cycle ൌ
PV module current at the beginning of the charge cycle ൌ
14. Does the polarity of the current indicate that the battery is being charged or
discharged? Explain.
15. Let the battery continue to charge. Using the PV module voltage and current
measured in step 13, place the system operating point on the PV module
characteristic ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve in Figure 55.
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Procedure
16. Is the system operating point located to the left of the knee in the
characteristic ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve (i.e., in the constant-current region)?
‰ Yes
‰ No
17. Is the charging current close to the short circuit current ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ ?
‰ Yes
‰ No
18. Wait for the battery to charge for about 15 minutes. You should observe that
the PV module voltage slowly increases as the battery charges while the
current is relatively constant or decreases a little. As the battery charges, the
system operating point moves toward the knee of the PV module
characteristic ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve.
Measure the PV module output voltage and current and place the operating
point on the PV module characteristic ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve in Figure 55.
PV module voltage after 15 minutes of charge ൌ
PV module current after 15 minutes of charge ൌ
Battery discharge at night time
In this part of the exercise, you will observe the voltage and current when the
PV module is not illuminated by the halogen lamp. You will observe that the
battery discharges via the PV module in this condition.
19. Turn the halogen lamp and fan off in the Solar Panel Test Bench to simulate
night-time conditions.
Measure the PV module voltage and current.
PV module voltage ൌ
PV module current ൌ
20. Is current flowing even though the halogen lamp is off?
‰ Yes
‰ No
21. Does the polarity of this current indicate that the battery is being discharged?
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Procedure
Evaluation of the parallel and series resistances of the PV module
In this part of the exercise, you will evaluate the parallel and series resistances of
the PV module.
22. Using the voltage and current measured in step 19 during night-time
conditions, calculate the resistance of the 36-cell PV module. This resistance
includes the total parallel resistance and total series resistance of the 36-cell
PV module.
Resistance of the 36-cell PV module ܴ௉ ൅ ܴௌ ൌ
23. Using the characteristic ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve plotted in Figure 55, determine the total
parallel resistance and total series resistance of the 36-cell PV module as is
shown in Figure 51. For better accuracy, do not use values near the knee of
the curve to calculate the parallel and series resistance values.
Total parallel resistance ܴ௉ ൌ
Total series resistance ܴௌ ൌ
Total resistance of the 36-cell PV module ܴ௉ ൅ ܴௌ ൌ
24. Compare the total resistance value determined using the voltage and current
measured during night-time in step 22 to the value determined using the
characteristic ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve in step 23. Are the resistance values similar?
‰ Yes
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
‰ No
The two methods used to determine the resistance values give approximate
results. A difference of up to 30% between the calculated resistance values is
considered normal.
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Procedure
Operation of the circuit with a blocking diode when the PV module is in the
In this part of the exercise, you will observe that a diode can be used to prevent
the battery from discharging via the PV module when it is in the dark (night-time
25. Add a blocking diode between the PV module and the battery, and modify
the voltmeter connections as shown in Figure 57.
Halogen lamp
PV module
(36 cells)
12 V
One battery
in the LeadAcid Battery
Figure 57. Circuit used to observe the effect of a blocking diode when the PV module is in the
dark (night-time conditions).
26. Describe how the diode will affect the circuit operation.
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Procedure
27. Measure the voltage at the diode terminals when the PV module is in the
Voltage at the diode terminals ൌ
28. From the voltage measured in the previous step, determine if the diode is
forward or reverse biased when the PV module is in the dark.
29. Is current flowing from the battery to the PV module?
‰ Yes
‰ No
30. Do your observations confirm that the blocking diode prevents the battery
from discharging when the PV module is in the dark?
‰ Yes
‰ No
Operation of the circuit with a blocking diode when the PV module is
In this part of the exercise, you will observe the effect of the blocking diode when
the PV module is illuminated by the halogen lamp.
31. Turn the halogen lamp and fan on to simulate daytime conditions and modify
the voltmeter connections as shown in Figure 58.
Halogen lamp
12 V
One battery
in the LeadAcid Battery
PV module
(36 cells)
Figure 58. Circuit used to observe the effect of a blocking diode when the PV module is in the
32. Measure the PV module voltage and current.
PV module voltage ൌ
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Conclusion
PV module current ൌ
33. Using the PV module voltage and current measured in the previous step,
place the system operating point on the PV module characteristic ‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve
in Figure 55.
Does the operating point remain to the left of the knee in the characteristic
‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve (i.e., in the constant-current region) of the PV module?
‰ Yes
‰ No
34. If you answered yes to the last question, determine if the new operating point
is nearer or farther from the knee of the curve, and explain why.
In this exercise you learned that energy produced by photovoltaic solar panels
during sunny periods can be stored in batteries to ensure a continuous reliable
energy supply. You learned that the open-circuit voltage of a battery varies with
the state-of-charge. You saw that current enters at the battery’s positive terminal
when the battery is being charged, and that it exits the battery’s positive terminal
when the battery is being discharged (supplying a load). You saw that during the
charging cycle, the system operating point moves toward the knee in the
‫ܧ‬-‫ ܫ‬curve of the PV module, but that it is maintained at the left of the knee in the
curve to prevent gassing.
You learned that the actual equivalent diagram of a PV cell adds a parallel
resistor and a series resistor to the current source and diode in the simplified
equivalent diagram of a PV cell. You saw that these resistors cause the battery
connected to the PV cell to discharge at night if no blocking diode is added in the
1. In which direction does the current flow when a battery is being charged by a
PV module.
© Festo Didactic 86352-00
Exercise 4 – Storing Energy from Solar Panels into Batteries  Review Questions
2. Describe the relationship between the open-circuit voltage and the state-ofcharge of a lead-acid battery.
3. Explain why PV modules consisting of 36 PV-cells are well suited to charge
12 V lead acid batteries?
4. What causes a battery to discharge via a PV module during night?
5. What can be done to prevent a battery connected to a PV module from
discharging during night?
© Festo Didactic 86352-00