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Curriculum Vitae
EL Sayed Said Mohamed Mohamed
Date & place of Birth: 21/2/1975, Sharkiya, Egypt.
Sex & Marital
Male, Married
23 Joseph brows Tito St., El – Nozha El- Gedida,
Cairo, Egypt (Beside Cairo International airport)
P.O. Box: 1564 Alf – Maskan.
02 6225835 / 026996150/020161445686
02 2625833
salama55_55@yahoo .Com
-B.Sc. Agriculture (Soil Science) Fac. of Agric,
Al-AzharUniv in Cairo.
Degree very good (2000)
M.Sc. ( Soil Science) Fac. of Agric, Zagazg Univ. (2006) . under title:-“
Optimum landuse planning for some newly reclaimed soils west of Suez
canal ,using Remote sinsing teqniques”.
PhD (soil Science) Fac.of soil Science , Moscow State University Lomonosiv.(2011) under title “ assessment of land degradation east Nile
delta using remote sensing
: Researcher of Soils, The National Authority for
Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS).
Fields of Interest
: Remote Sensing&GIS applications in
Mapping Geomorphology and Soils,Pedology,
Land and water resources and landuse planning.
Environmental hazards monitoring and their
-control, Soil Information System,
English :
very good
Rassuan :
very good
Membership in Scientific Society
1-Egyptian soil Science Society.
2-Egyptian Remote Sensing Society.
Professional Experiences:
1. Certificate in International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) 2003
2. Certificate in ArcGIS I,II 2003
Scientific Activities:
-Investigator of the Following Projects :
1- Digital Soil Map of Egypt scale 1 : 25000 by using remote sensing
and geographic information system techniques, 2002.
2 - Geo Environmental Study of Siwa Depression and Environs,2002
3 - Land and water resources of Some Egyptian lands using remote
sensing and Geographic Information System technique 2003-2004
4 - Optimum landuse planning of some Egyptian arable using land
remote sensing and Geographic Information System technique 20042005.
5- Soils and Optimum Landuse Planning for 6th of October Project
Using Satellite Images and Geographic Information System.2005-2006 .
6 - using on - the Go Sensors ,Advance in Spatial Sampling and
Predction to Charactrize Soil and Wheat Crop Variability for Precision
Farming 2008-2013
List of pubblication :
2- optimum land and water resources intnational Symposium Agro
Environ 2006 27 -31 .October 2006 Cairo .Egypt
2- ElNahry A..H, Yosef N.N Mohamed E.S.,2007 . Using Remote Sensing
and GIS Techniques for Idntifiing Land and Water Resources , West of Suez
Canal , Egypt . Egypt .J of Appl. Sci. ; 21(5) 2006
3- ElNahry A..H,Mohamed E.S.,2007 .Using remote sensing and Gis
techniques for optimum land use plain in of Nile river plain west of suez
canal ,Egypt ,International Symposium on River Sedimentation 2007, 1-4
august 2007 Moscow ,Russia
4-Mohamed E.S,2008 .Identifying the Soil Salinity Using Remote Sensing
Techniques at Pallasovsky region - Russia, International conference (Rol of
land reclamation and water resources in the implementation of national
projects 22-24-aprel . v 1 (181-189)
5-EL Nahry A. Mohamed E.S. Using remote sensing and spatial analyses
techniques for optimum landuse planning , west of suez canal .Egypt .Egypt .J
. Remote sensing & space science Sci., V.11,pp, 27-42
6- EL Nahry A. Mohamed E.S (2010 ) Potentiality of land and water resources
in African Sahara: a case study of south Egypt. Environmental Earth Sciences
7-Mohamed E.S.,Morgun E.G.,2010 Land Evaluation for land use using
Remote sensing and GIS in East of Nile Delta –Egypt, Jornal Isvestya of
St.Petersburg state Agricultural University – Russia 2010. V 19 N 2(64-69).
8-Mohamed E.S.,Morgun E.G.,2010 Assessment of Soil Salinity in some
areas west Suez canal (Egypt) using geoinformation techniques. Moscow
University Soil Science Bulletin Volume 65 N.2 65-73.
9- Mohamed E.S. 2010 GIS-Integrated for land suitability evaluation in
some areas east of Nile Delta –Egypt . International conference of Moscow
Stat university 12-14 April -2010
Meetings:1- 3rd int Symposium Agro Environ 2002
26-29 .October 2002 Cairo .Egypt
2- 6Th National Confranc of the Egyptian Society of Soil Sciences, 2002 .
3- 7Th National Confranc of the Egyptian Society of Soil Sciences, 2004
intnational Symposium Agro Environ 2006
27 -31 .October 2006 Cairo .Egypt.
5- International conference (Rol of land reclamation and water resources in
the implementatin of national projectes 22-24-aprel 2008 ) .
6- International conference of Moscow Stat university 12-14 april -2010.
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