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Why is the nephron tubule so
long, surrounded by so many
A. Increased filtration
B. Increased absorption
C. Increased excretion
D. All of the above
2.4 mile swim
112 mile bike
26.2 mile run
16 hours!!!
Water poisoning (dilutional hyponatremia, natrium is
Latin for sodium) can occur in athletes that compete in
long, arduous events like the Ironman. What is this?
A. Takin in too much Gatorade (and other sports drinks)
B. Too little sodium due to sweating
C. Taking in too much water and too many nutrients
D. Takin in too much water and no nutrients
A.Day 1
B.Day 7
C.Day 14
D.Day 21
About when in the menstrual cycle is a
woman most likely to get pregnant?
The umbilical cord genetically and physiologically
belongs to the fetus. Knowing this, do the umbilical
arteries or veins transport oxygenated blood to the
A. Arteries
B. Veins
C. Both
D. Neither