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Plant Life In Teaneck, New Jersey
The nightshade
These poisonous berries where found all around the Teaneck creek. They grew in little
bunches sort of like grapes, a few feet off the ground. The colors were mainly black but
others were shades of magenta. Nightshades are significant to our area because they are
very invasive, are a type of weed, and kill other plants around them.
Jersey Tomatoes
Tomatoes are significant to this area because New Jersey is famous for growing
tomatoes. The tomatoes grow in the summer, July through September. Tomatoes also
grow in farms or in people’s gardens. There is a very large variety of kinds of tomatoes,
they include plum tomatoes, Cherry tomatoes, and yellow tomatoes.
The Common Blue Violet
The Common Blue Violet is significant to this area because it is
New Jersey’s state flower. The Common Blue Violet is also native to eastern North
America. Other than being used as decoration, The Common Blue Violet has
historically been used for food and medicine. The flowers leaves and roots are
edible, and the Cherokee used it to treat colds and headaches. The common Blue
Violet will thrive in cool, moist, and shady conditions, and will also tolerate drought
conditions. It flowers April through June.
Corn is grown on every continent accept for Antarctica, and Corn is America’s number
one field crop. Corn is a vegetable and can grow up to 12 meters in height. There are
about 800 kernels in 16 rows on each ear of corn. Corn has many parts to it, the tassel ,
kernel, silk, ear, husk, stalk, and the root. Corn crops are planted in the beginning of April
and last into June.