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Unit 8: Land Management Study Guide
Name: _________________________ Period: _____
Date: _____________
Directions: Please complete this study guide by looking at your lecture notes, the textbook, and any
assignments that we did throughout this unit. You should be able to answer all of these questions in
preparation for the Unit 8: Land Management Summative Test that will take place on Monday March 14th
Chapter 11: Forestry and Resource Management
1. About how much of Earth’s land surface is used for agriculture?____________
2. Soil, freshwater, wild animals, and timber are examples
3. Maximum sustainable yield, ecosystems-based management, and adaptive management are three
approaches to…_______________________________________________________
4. What is the Healthy Forests Restoration Act?
5. What is an old growth forest?_____________________________________________________
6. What is salvage logging?_________________________________________________________
Chapter 12: Soil, Agriculture, and Food Production
1. Why arid and semiarid lands prone to desertification?
2. Which soil conservation technique reduces wind erosion? _______________________________
3. What is aquaculture? ____________________________________________________________
4. What is Industrial Agriculture?
5. What is monoculture? ____________________________________________________________
6. What are feedlots? _______________________________________________________________
7. What does GMO stand for and what is the definition?
8. Explain the importance of pollinators to agriculture and identify factors leading to the cause in
pollinator populations.
9. Because of the Green Revolution, between 1961 and 2008, food
10. Ranches with cattle can lead to ____________________________________and worsen the soil.
11. What are the three main types of soil pollution?
12. Releasing love bugs to control the mosquito population of Florida is an example of
_________________________________________________________pest control.
13. How did growing wheat and grazing cattle contribute to the Dust Bowl and what can we do to
ensure another Dust Bowl does not occur?
14. List FIVE possible causes of desertification.
15. How do (a) chemical pesticides, (b) biological control, and (c) integrated pest management
protect crops from pests?
Diagram Labelling: Please label the soil horizons with the correct letter and type of soil layer.(i.e. J
Horizon: Environmental Layer)
**See your Edible Soil Horizon Lab and Soil Horizon Graphic Organizer to review**
Chapter 13: Mining
1. Which type of mining would not be used to mine coal? _________________________________
2. A main goal of the General Mining Act of 1872 was to:
3. A mineral or group of minerals that is mined so that a metal or metals can be removed it is called:
4. What are the benefits of recycling minerals?
5. What is smelting?
6. What is weathering?
7. What is the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920?
8. What is Open pit mining?
9. Be able to describe THREE of the seven methods of mining and mineral extraction.
10. Describe what a mining company must do to reclaim land after mining is complete.
11. Describe the positive and negative impacts mining has on both the environment and on society.