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Responses to the Gospel Work of Christ
Pastor Josh Kappes
July 3, 2016
Are you familiar with the account of King Solomon in scripture?
Solomon’s story… a great start and a horrible ending. He asked
God for the wisdom to lead his people. Not for power and wealth
but wisdom. God was so pleased with his request, that he also
gave him wealth and power. But something tragic happens. He
married many foreign women who turned his heart away from
God. (1 Kings 11)
To show the practical
application of all that we have
learned about Jesus ministry.
Pretend you have been given the opportunity to pick 5 advisors to
your life.
A marriage/family advisor
A business/finance advisor
A wisdom advisor
A health and wellness advisor
A joy advisor
You can pick them
You have the team assembled
And you never go to them.
This is how many of us treat not only the Bible, but Jesus Himself.
Read Hebrews 10:19-25
2 Realities that Belong to Us Because of Christ
#1 (v. 19-20) We have confidence to enter the holy places
The source of our confidence (Matt. 5:48)—How can we be perfect?
- by the blood of Jesus (The Perfect one has made me perfect cf. Matt 5:48)
- through the new and living way (cf. John 14:6)
Jesus sacrifice split the veil of separation between God and man. Because of that we can draw near to Him.
It’s not narrow minded, but loving to point someone to Jesus.
#2 We have a great priest over the house of God (this is ref. to people of God not a building) (the first reality
can’t be lost because of this one)
- He always lives to make intercession for us
- He “sat down” because His work is finished
We don’t have to do ANYTHING to earn salvation.
more you believe this is true, the more peace you will have. Let’s be led by faith and truth and watch as our
feelings follow.
What are some of the issues we struggle with?
Self-Atonement—(I must work, I must suffer)
Self-worth or esteem—(I’m not enough, I’m not loved)
Relational security—(I can’t trust people)
We think we messed up so bad we have to work to earn our forgiveness. We don’t have to do anything! It is
finished, He did it ALL!
Who else’s approval do we need?
This frees us from people pleasing and serving for the wrong reason. This frees us from being controlled by
our feelings and circumstances.
3 Responses to Gospel Work of Christ
#1. Continually draw near to God-- How do we draw near to God with a true heart?
- with a true heart (A heart turned towards God and that truly desires relationship with Him)
What are the things that stir your love and affection and devotion to Jesus Christ?
What are the things that dull your love, affection and devotion to Christ?
- in full assurance of faith (Picture of chair or jumping in pool)
(this is reciprocal in that it takes faith to draw near and when we draw near our faith is increased)
“COMMUNION WITH GOD” 1 Peter 3:18 “The Garden; The Veil and the significance of the veil and new way"
This is who I am (Sprinkled and clean, purified and perfected) —————> I have access to the living God —
——> I will come to Him by Faith for everything
For some this is an underused gift. For some this is an under appreciated gift (a car sitting in the driveway)
Many Christians are content to stay in the outer courts. They are content to just come to church on Sunday, to
just thought a 5 minute prayer out there before going to sleep, to not get involved. They’re content to just have
a little bit of Jesus. They don’t know what is available to you.
DON’T STAY IN THE OUTER COURTS. Don’t be content with just having a little bit of Jesus and not getting
involved. Jump in, be involved.
What are some ways we can keep from staying in the outer courts?
What is available to us from Jesus?
#2 Hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for He is faithful
What is the confession of our hope? Jesus in my place! It’s Jesus
It’s access to the living God through person of Jesus, forever!
This is what we build our lives on and this is what we are building our church on.
Without wavering for He is faithful!
#3 Consider one another toward love and good deeds
What makes a person a part of this local church?
- It’s not attendance on Sunday mornings
- It’s not liking us on Facebook or watching our live feed
- It’s not signing a piece of paper
How can we be involved in our local church? How about in our community?
It’s a group of people, saved by Christ, concerned for and considering others in authentic community, as we
carry out the mission of God for the church.
When the writer says let us consider one another toward love and good deeds not forsaking assembling
together, American church is completely foreign to him.
When we look at “church” in the book of Acts it’s never about buildings or bands or children’s ministries. It’s
about Jesus’ people, filled and empowered by Jesus’ Spirit, deeply invested in each other’s lives (vastly
diverse) to the point of great sacrifice, while they take the gospel to the world.
How can we invest in the lives of others?
WE DON’T WANT TO BE A NORMAL CHURCH! Normal church will get its teeth kicked in, in the world we
are living in and rapidly approaching.
What ways can we practically live this out?
Ephesians 3:16–19, “May the Father grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with
power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith — that you,
being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth
and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may
be filled with all the fullness of God.”