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Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Additives = In food, any of various chemical
substances added to produce desirable
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Atmosphere = layer of air surrounding the earth.
 Breakfast = morning meal .
 Carbohydrates ( carbs ) = Components of food
containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Convenience = comfort
 Customs = habits; traditions; conventions.
 Dairy = milk products.
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Diabetes = a blood sugar disorder.
 Diet = a plan to lose weight.
 Dishes = different food recopies.
Elements = parts.
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Fast food= food prepared quickly.
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Fats = important element of food.
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Habits = customs
 Insects
Low-carb diet = an eating system that is high
in protein but low in refined carbs.
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Minerals = chemical elements required by
living organisms. Potassium, Magnesium,
Calcium …etc.
 Preferences = things you like.
 Protein = one of the basic elements in healthy
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Soy products = any product that contains soy,
e.g. soy milk, soy juice, tofu ..etc.
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Diet = eat certain types of food.
 Lose (weight) = to decrease weight
 Prefer = to like better
 Prohibit = to forbid; ask not to do
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Famous = very well-known.
 Fried = cooked in hot oil.
 Frozen = made very cold in order to preserve it.
 Healthy = having good health or causing good
 Natural = produced by nature.
 Nutritious = valuable as food.
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Packaged = wrapped up or canned.
 Permitted = allowed.
 Religious = related to religion.
 Slim = very thin.
 Universal = of the whole world.
 Well-rounded = having a round shape.
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Probably = expectedly; not for sure.
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Start reading the passage. And
prepare yourself to answer some
comprehension questions.
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Paragraph A
 What are the meanings of the word “ diet” ?
Paragraph B
 Give examples of American and international
fast food .
 Why did these foods become universal ?
(4 reasons)
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Paragraph C
 Why do people buy or prepare fast food and
eat it quickly?
 What is the diet for people with high-blood
pressure / diabetes ?
 Why people in some cultures are always trying
to lose weight ? What kind of diet do they
follow ?
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Paragraph D
 Where do diet habits of cultures come from
 What is the typical Mexican diet?
 Japanese diet ?
 What diet does Muslims follow ?
Part 1 : Global Diet Choices
Paragraph E
 What are the necessary food elements ?
 What are the different types of food ?
 Are eating habits the same all around the