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УДК 330.341.1:338.432
M.F. Babiyenko, Professor, Honored Worker Agriculture of Ukraine.
M.M. Kulayets, Professor, Honored Economist of Ukraine.
V.A. Pabat, Professor, Honored Worker Agriculture of Ukraine.
National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine
Innovative promotion of food security in Ukraine
The article deeply theoretical, methodological and practical principles of innovation
to ensure food safety in Ukraine.
Keywords: food security, promote innovation, quality food.
Issues of food security have always been and remain global for our planet. They
acquire special importance for Ukraine. In the proposed paper-ordinated paid great
attention to the importance of the relationship with the quality of food. Deals with a
number of components of the stabilization and expansion of food safety and quality of
agricultural products and foodstuffs.National University of Life and Environmental
Sciences of Ukraine Innovative promotion of food security in Ukraine
Analysis of the main research and publications. The problems of developing
such issues dedicated works R.Fostera, M. Portera, O.Vytvytskoy, V. Zbarskoho, P.A.
Musycy, M. Kropyvka, M. Kysilya and other domestic and foreign scientists and
The purpose of research - to prove the urgent need to build innovative food
resources - an important component of food security of Ukraine.
The main material. Innovation is not horrible value play in addressing food
security with in our country and the world.
Ukraine has more than 70 Farm-podarskyh land, including arable land - almost 33
million hectares, or 80% of their area. Oc-MILITARY total land fund - 60% (compared
to 12% in the U.S.).National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Innovative promotion of food security in Ukraine. Must we all recognize, first of all,
farmers in solving the problems of food resources negatively affects the deterioration of
natural productivity of our fields, especially during the years of independence. Take into
vuyuchy that Ukraine ranks first in the world in proportion of black soil. On the black
soil with high humus content in Ukraine is 63% soil cover, which is almost 27 million
hectares of arable land.
Thus, the agricultural sector of the economy has powerful natural potential - large
areas of high-performance permanent cover as a specific method of agricultural
As already mentioned, the soil fertility of Ukraine by its very diverse. In addition to
black soil, high fertility almost 40% of the land area is covered with scanty, poor
nutrient soils of sod-podzolic, podzolic, salt, marsh, mountain and a large area of eroded
lands. All kinds of soil may solve the food problem without eliminating the many
ingredients. That soil fertility can be realized by some factors - land reclamation (radical
improvement of the natural properties of the soil), agrochemical (in improving the
circulation of substances), physical (tillage, erosion control) and biological
(improvement of crop rotation, etc.) [1].
Relevance of research on this issue definitively , they carry out science- kovtsi and
educators not only NSC "Institute of Agrarian Economy ," National University of Life
and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine , but also scientists all over Ukraine and the
The study , in which a solution to this extremely important issue , all is not taken
into account in connection with the new economic conditions in the agricultural sector
and , in particular, Ukraine's entry into the market area.
Among the urgent tasks is to practice these mechanisms and approaches that would
enable our population to ensure national food quality at affordable prices.
Solving this problem requires the use of a complex of measures on the one hand, to
ensure uninterrupted receipt of the consumer market growing number of different food
quality, and the other - the purchasing power of the population of Ukraine. It should still
be emphasized that further performance of our fields compared to developed countries
remains low , which significantly affects the food security. Depleted land, slowly
increasing returns per hectare, wearing fixed assets, dramatically aging technique.
Expansion of cultivated areas and in particular cultivated crops were disastrous for
the future , as accompanied by a reduction in natural grasslands . Especially thoughtless
land use was from 1960 to 1990. The plow in those years in Ukraine has reached more
than 80% of agricultural land in some areas more than 90%, and in a lot of areas and
households, this figure reached 95%. Such tillage did not and does not have any
civilized country.
Now we must note: so far failed to stop the decline in living standards in the world,
and particularly in Ukraine, as illustrated by the data in the table.
Food consumption
1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 standards
(per person per year, kg)
Meat and meat products (in
terms of meat, including fat 68
and offal in kind)
Milk and dairy products
(milk equivalent)
373 244 199 226 235 225 214 212 206 205 215
Eggs pieces.
272 171 166 238 251 252 260 272 290 310 307
Fish and fish products
17,5 3,6 8,4 14,4 14,1 15,3 17,5 15,1 14,5 13,4 13,6
50 32 37 38 40 40 41 38 37 39 38
11,6 8,2 9,4 13,5 13,6 14,3 15,0 15,4 14,8 13,7 13,0
131 124 135 136 134 130 132 133 129 139 140
Vegetables and melons food
102 97 102 120 127 118 129 137 144 163 163
Fruits, berries and grapes
47 33 29 37 35 42 44 46 48 53 53
(excluding wine)
Grain products (bread, pasta
in terms of flour, flour,
141 128 125 124 120 116 115 112 111 110 109
grains, legumes)
Statistical Yearbook of Ukraine for 2012 State Statistics Service of Ukraine
The data in the table show that the population of our country consumes the major
product only within 50-70% physiological nutritional standards . This is primarily for
meat and meat products, milk and dairy products , fruits , berries and grapes.
In Ukraine in 1990, the energy value of daily food intake per capita was 3597
calories from protein 105 g, Ms. ¬ py - 124 g, and now these figures are much lower
(about 3tys kcal, 79.3 g protein, and 87.8 fat).
For food safety and quality of agricultural products and foodstuffs heavily
influenced by culture as winter and spring wheat , corn , rice, peas , barley, oats ,
potatoes and vegetables.
A significant number of farms of different ownership and research facilities,
introducing high farming, every year more and receive 50-60 quintals per hectare of
grain crops. So the challenge is to become the foremost experience all property facilities.
The priority of the government should be encouraging the production of highquality competitive products using resource-storage and environmentally friendly
technologies. Of course, the path to advanced domestic and foreign markets of
agricultural products is through technical and technological renewal technosphere farm,
adapting the whole chain of the innovation process to a market economy, new
approaches to the state science and technology policy in agriculture.
This innovative orientation plays a dominant today, and probably you, rishalnu role
in determining the number of participants of competition in the future as innovations
allow you to create strategic advantages in doing so.
It should be emphasized that the primary objectives of innovation activities in
agriculture, in our view, include: life support agribusiness in terms of domestic and
foreign competition; development and consistent implementation of the program of
agriculture development.
It is important to recognize that innovation is a prerequisite for successful business
as enhance quality and reduce production costs, ensuring the competitiveness of goods
and services.
We need to master the methodology and skills innovation, be aware of the
principles of the formation and implementation of public policy innovation.
Conclusions and recommendations for further research.
Profound theoretical, methodological and practical principles of the formation and
development of innovation in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. An innovative model of
domestic agricultural production will help the competitiveness of agricultural products in
Ukraine. And, most importantly, improve the living standards possible, primarily due to
a balanced agricultural policy of our country.
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