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What are atoms?
Learning target: I will be able to describe the Bohr model of atoms.
What are atoms
made from?
Learning target: I will be able to explain correctly the different
parts of an atom.
Is that always true of neutrons?
How do we use
a periodic table?
Learning target: I will be able to use the periodic table to get
information about elements.
What is a magnet?
Learning target: I can explain how magnets work.
Which sub atomic
particle do you think
electricity is linked
That means they either gain or lose
So they become positive or negative..
Learning target: I can explain how atoms become charged
and how this can lead to electricity.
How do Atoms become charged?
Activity 1
* Collect a balloon and a few pieces of tissue
•Now blow the balloon up and rub it on
your head or sweater fast for 1 minute.
* Now bring the balloon close to the Tissue
paper. What happens?
Activity 2
•Again rub your balloon on your sweater as fast as you can
for 1 min.
•This time I would like you to place the balloon on the wall or
•the ceiling?
What happens?
The electrons are literally rubbed of the atom!
The charge is passed by physical contact.
Induction charging is a method used to charge an object
without actually touching the object to any other
charged object.
Why electrons?
What do we call
the movement
of electrons?
Learning target: I will be able to explain static electricity and
how it can impact living things.
Van De Graff generator
Where do we experience static
electricity in our lives?
Learning target: I will be able to construct and compare
series and parallel circuits.
Learning target: I will be able to construct and compare
series and parallel circuits.
* The primary difference between DC and AC is the direction of current flow.
* In a DC circuit, all electron current flow is in one direction.
. *In an AC circuit, current flows CHANGES DIRECTION.
An example of DC is the output of a battery. An example of AC
is the power present in a home electrical system.
Learning target: I can explain the difference between conductors,
insulators and semi conductors.
Learning target: I will be able to explain the link
between voltage, resistance and
They are all showing what????
The amount of fight a system puts up the few electrons
can pass. That means Increase resistance reduce current!
Learning target: I will be able to make an electromagnet and
explain how it works.
All motors require electromagnets.