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Review questions for
Sc.912.L.14.3 / sc.912.L.15.6 / Sc.912.L 15.8/Sc.912.L.15.13
What You Need to Know...
. You need to know the general structures of plant and animal cells and how
plant and animal cells are alike and different
. You need to know the general structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
and how they are alike and different
. You need to know how the structure relates to the function for the
components of plant or animals cells. Structures you
need to know are the cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, plasmids,
ribosomes, flagella, nucleus, nuclear envelope,
nucleolus, chromatin, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, microtubules,
microfilaments, vacuoles, mitochondria, Golgi
apparatus,chloroplasts, lysosomes, and cilia
. You need to understand the role of the cell membrane as a highly selective
barrier that comes out passive and active
1. Cells are classified as either prokaryotic or eukaryotic according to
differences in their structure.
However, these cells also share several fraits Which of the following may be
found in all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
A nucleus
B. cell wall
C. chloroplasts
D plasma membrane
2. Different types of cells can have certain organelles and structures in
common. Which types of cells definitely contain cell
A plant and animal cells
B plant and eukaryotic cells
C. plant and prokaryotic cells
D. animal and eukaryotic cells
3. A biologist wants to classify protein secretions into groups based on the
principal function of the protein. Which cell would the
biologist select to study and why?
A. The cell on the left, because it has genetic information organized into
B. The cell on the left, because it has organelles that secrete proteins.
C. The cell on the right, because it has free proteins throughout its
D. The cell on the right, because it has a flagellum that enables movement.
4. There are some similarities between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Which of the following structures is found in both
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
A. lysosome
B. mitochondrion
C. nucleus
D. ribosome
5. Cells need to bring in molecules to carry out cellular processes. Often,
this requires moving the molecules across the cell
membrane against the concentration gradient. How do these molecules get into
the cell?
A. passive transport by diffusion
B. active transport using ATP
C. passive transport by osmosis
D. phagocytosis
6.Which type(s) of cells have genetic material that is contained in a
A. bacteria
B. only animal cells
C. protists
D. both plant and animal cells
7 Which characteristic do most plants have in common?
A. they are unicellular
B. they are prokaryotic
C. they produce seeds
D. they are autotrophic
8. Which cell structure is correctly paired with its primary function?
A. ribosome - protein synthesis
B. mitochondrion - movement
C. vacuole - cell division
D. nucleus - storage of nutrients
Solar energy is used to produce energy-rich compounds in which structure?
A. A
B. B
C. C
10. A person with swollen gums rinses his mouth with warm salt water and the
swelling decreases. Which of the following has
A. The swollen gums have absorbed the saltwater solution.
B. The saltwater solution lowers the temperature of the water in the gums.
C. The salt in the solution has moved against the concentration gradient.
D. The water in the g unis has moved out due to the high concentration of
salt in the solution.
11. The diagram below represents a cell.
Which organelle is the site where amino acids are synthesized into proteins?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
Which of these best completes this concept map?
A. an animal cell
B. a prokaryotic cell
C. a virus
D. a plant cell
The cell membrane of the red blood cell will allow water, oxygen, and
carbon dioxide to pass through. Because other substances are blocked
from entering, this membrane is called
A. perforated
B. semi-permeable
C. non-conductive
D. permeable
SC.912.L 15.6 Classification of organisms (p.524)
What You Need To Know
. You need to know the distinguishing characteristics of the domains and
kingdoms of living organisms.
. You need to know how organisms are classified based on evolutionary
. You need to explain the reasons for changes in how organisms are
14 . Which organism can most likely be classified in the domain Bacteria?
A a predatory organism that depends on hunting plant-eaters for food
B. a multicellular organism that reproduces via spores and gets its food from
a dead log
C. a photosynthetic organ sm that undergoes sexual reproduction and produces
seeds in cones
D. a unicellular organism that has a simple structure and is commonly found
in human intestines
15. Members of which kingdoms are capable of conducting photosynthesis?
A Animalia, Bacteria
B Protista, Bacteria
C. Archaea, Fungi
D Fungi, Protista
16. The diagram below shows an example of a prokaryote and a eukaryote.
The eukaryote shown above is a one-cell organism. Into which group should it
be classified?
A. domain Archaea
B. domain Bacteria
C. kingdom Protista
D. kingdom Animalia
Which statement correctly identifies the cells?
A.Cell 1 is prokaryolic; cell 2 is eukaryotic.
B. Cell I is cukaryotic; cell 2 is prokaryotic.
C. Both cells are prokaryotic.
D. Both cells are eukaryotic.
Which statement is true for both prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
(A) They can only reproduce asexually.
(B) Their DNA is found within a nucleus.
(C) Their DNA is found within the mitochondria.
(D) Their DNA is replicated during reproduction.
Which term below does NOT describe an organism from the kingdom Protista?
(A) eukaryotic
(B) multicellular
(C) prokaryotic
D) unicellular
18 Fungi used to be classified in the same kingdom as plants. In time,
scientists observed a key characteristic that
required reclassification. What was that characteristic?
A Fungi are eukaryotic
B Fungi are multicellular.
C Fungi are heterotrophic.
D Fungi reproduce sexually and asexually
.19. Organisms classified as fungi have unique characteristics. Which of the
following characteristics is found only in organisms classified in the
kingdom fungi?
A. single cells without a nucleus
B. multicellular with chloroplasts
C. multicellular filaments that absorb nutrients
D. colonies of single, photosynthetic cells that reproduce asexually
The diagram below represents possible evolutionary pathways of certain
Which species is most closely related to species L?
A. species E
B. species F
C. species G
D. species I
21. Which kingdoms have photosynthetic organisms?
A. fungi and plants
B. fungi and protists
C. protists and plants
D. plants and animals
22.some characteristics of a recently discovered organism are listed in the
following table.
Based on the given characteristics, this organism would be classified in
which kingdom?
A. eubacteria
B. fungi
C. plantae
D. protista
23. Which kingdoms have photosynthetic organisms?
A. fungi and plants
B. fungi and protists
C. protists and plants
D. plants and animals
24. In 1990, CarI Woese introduced the three domain system for classifying
many things, after the advancement of
DNA analysis allowed for a comparison of species genetic code. Which of the
following is the best explanation for why
domains were added to the previous system of classification?
A. The old system of classification was wrong and needed to be corrected.
B. New species are evolving too quickly to keep up with the old system of
C. Domains have always been included; they were just made official recently.
D. Some organisms, which were previously characterized together, were
determined to be genetically very different.
SC.912.L 15.8 Origin of Life (p.557)
What You Need To Know
Items may address the conditions required for the origin of life on
Earth but may not require specific knowledge of the age of Earth or
its eras, periods, or epochs.
 Items may assess how contributions of scientists such as Pasteur,
Oparin, Miller and Urey, Margulies, or Fox aided in the development
of the scientific explanation of the origin of life but will not assess
what each scientist contributed.
 Items assessing the origin of organic molecules, chemical evolution,
and/or eukaryotic cells should be conceptual.
 Items may refer to the endosymbiotic theory but may not assess the
term in isolation.
 Items assessing a scientific claim are limited to the scientific
explanations of the origins of life on Earth.
.25. In 1966, Dr. Lynn Margulis formulated the endosymbiotic theory, which
examines the cooperative
existence of multiple prokaryotic organisms. What is the significance of such
A. It shows that the first prokaryotic orgamsms lived in large communities.
B. It explains how organelles and eventually eukaryotic cells could have
C. It proves that different prokaryotic orga.msnls mated to produce
eukaryotic organisms.
D. It provides insight into the now well understood interdependence in food
chains and webs.
26 When life first appeared, Earth s atmosphere did not contain significant
amounts of oxygen as it does
today. Which of the following processes was responsible for the oxygenation
of the atmosphere?
A. cellular respiration in plants
B. photosynthesis in blue-green bacteria
C. eruption of many volcanoes in a short period
D. deconiposition of large amounts of organic matter
27. The Miller-Urey experiment was a famous experiment designed to test
whether life on early Earth
could have been created by the energy of lightning cau&ng gaseous molecules
in Earth’s atmosphere
to combine into amino acids. The experiment created a model of life on early
Earth by using a set of
gases and a spark of electricity to represent lightning. The diagram below
shows how the experiment
was set up.
What combination of gases should the experiment have used?
A.the gases that are most likely to produce life
B. the gases that are least likely to produce life
C. the same gases that are present in today’s atmosphere
D. the gases that were present in the atmosphere of early Earth
Harold Urey and Stanley Miller conducted an experiment duplicating the early
atmosphere of Earth. They
combined methane (CH4) ammonia (NH3), and hydrogen (l-l) and exposed them to
an electric charge to
simulate lightning. The setup is diagrammed above
When they analyzed the results of the experiment, they found that simple
organic molecules were formed.
What kind of molecules did they find?
A lipids
B. proteins
C. amino acids
D. nucleic acids
Which of the following best describes current scientific thinking about the
origins of
life on Earth?
(A) It has been proven that life came to Earth on comets.
(B) Scientific explanations have changed based on new information.
(C) Fossil evidence of the earliest form of life is common and well accepted.
(D) The creation of organic molecules in ancient“soup” is the only possible
explanation for
the origin of life on Earth
One”of the accepted scientific theories describing the origin of life on
Earth is known as chemical evolution. Accorng
to this theory,which of the following events would need to occur first for
life to evolve?
A.onset of photosynthesis,
B.origin of genetic material,
C.synthesis of organic molecules,
D.formation of the plasma membrane
Which is NOT considered a possible location on primitive Earth where
conditions would have allowed the synthesis of
complex organic compounds?
A.near volcanoes,
B. dry, hot deserts,
C. deep ocean vents,
D. shallow seashores
What important role did blue-green bacteria play in the history of life on
A.They performed photosynthesis and filled the atmosphere with water vapor.,
B.They provided the basis for a food web that eventually supported plants.,
C.They performed photosynthesis and led to an oxygenated atmosphere.,
D.They performed respiration and filled the atmosphere with oxyqen.)
28. One of the accepted scientific theories describing the origin of life on
Earth is known as chemical evolution.
According to this theory, which of the following events would need to occur
first for life to evolve?
A. onset of photosynthesis
B. origin of genetic material
C. Synthesis of organic molecules
D. formation of the plasma membrane
29. Which types of organisms developed first due to the early environmental
conditions on Earth?
A. prokaryotic and aerobic
B. prokaryotic and anaerobic
C. eukaryotic and aerobic
D. eukaryotic and anaerobic
30. The Miller-Urey experiment of 1953 was designed to test the hypothesis
that lightning supplied the energy needed
to turn atmospheric gases into organic molecules such as amino acids. Which
of the following describes why the
Miller-Urey theory is widely accepted today?
A. Amino acids spontaneously form from molecules in the atmosphere today.
B. Orçjanic molecules are present today in extremely high concentrations.
C. The process of synthesizing organic molecules from a
mixture of gases has been successfully modeled in the laboratory.
D. No other alternative hypotheses have been introduced.
31. The diagram below shows a proposed theory of the origin of eukaryotic
cells, called
32. Which of the following explains why cells that contained mitochondria
like organelles had an evolutionary
A. They were able to photosynthesize
B. They had more DNA
C. They were able to make more use of available energy
D. They were immune to bacterial invasion.
SC.912.L 15.13 Natural selection(chap.17)
What You Need To Know
You need to know the conditions required for natural selection to occur.
These include:competition, limited
resources, overproduction of offspring, inherited variation, and the struggle
to survive, which result in
differential reproductive success
You need to understand genetic drift and gene flow
. You need to know how mutation and genetic recombination increase genetic
Certain traits become more or less common in a population as a result of
differential reproductive
success. Which of the following examples describes the condition most likely
to change the
frequency of a trait within a population?
.A large coal mine has been closed and abandoned, thus providing a brown bat
population with a new hibernation site.
B. The food availability for a population of brown bats is severely
diminished when a drought reduces
the number of mosquitoes
C. Injured brown bats are taken to a rehabilitation center where the animals
can recover before they are released into
the wild.
D.After a gestation period of 50 days, female brown bats give birth to
healthy pups that remain with their mothers for
three weeks.
34. Scientists have discovered bacteria that can survive in the hot
temperatures found in the lava of volcanoes. Which
statement best explains how bacteria could survive in this environment?
A.Bacteria are small enough not to be killed by heat.
B.Bacteria are simple organisms and can live in any Conditions.
C.Bacteria have mutated and those suited to the environment survive there.
D.Bacteria grow faster in hot conditions and so are suited to the
35.During his trip to the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin observed that
finches on different islands had different
Ultimately, how did this observation contribute to Darwin’s theory of natural
A.He concluded that every instance of species variation results in a
beneficial mutation.
B He concluded that mutation inhibits the chance that an organism will adapt
to its environment.
C.He concluded that species develop mutations exclusively because of
electromagnetic radiation.
D.He concluded that traits well suited to an organism’s environment are more
likely to be passed on to successive
1. Science
2. Biology
3. Microbiology
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