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Factores de la Producción Vegetal Agropecuario Inglés ESPECIFICACIÓN DE LOS ÍTEMS DE PRUEBA Read the following situation: Cultivation and production of endives are taking place mainly in Los Andes. Robert, a specialist in agricultural and vegetable production is informing Luis, the owner of a six – acre field in that city, that the cultivation of endives will succeed in an ordinary garden soil not deficient in humus and normal moisture. The climate is good for cultivation of endives, but there must be made an exact study of the process on how to cultivate them, because it is rather difficult and it requires two steps, the first one is planting the endive, and the second one is transplanting it. A green endive will reach its maturity in approximately 90 days. Robert is counseling Luis to search the web so as to look for some articles referring the exact cultivation and production process of endives. Learning Objective N° 1 Apply reading strategies and techniques to identify general information from a text and identify the possible readers to whom the text was written for extract and interpret information of the text. According to the text already read, answer the following questions: 1. Who is Robert? A. A productor of endives B. A specialist in agricultural and vegetable production* C. The owner of a six ‐acre field in Los Andes D. A farmer in charge of the production and cultivation of endives Correct Answer B. A specialist in agricultural and vegetable production 2. What is the name of the owner of the six‐acre field? A. Robert B. Luis* C. Pedro D. Juan Correct Answer B. Luis 3. Where are endives being cultivated and produced? A. Mainly in Valparaiso B. Mainly in Los Andes * C. Mainly in Casablanca D. Mainly in Puerto Montt Correct Answer B. Mainly in Los Andes 4.
What should the condition of the soil be, so as to succeed in the cultivation of endives? In a very dry soil In a closed place with lots of water In an ordinary garden not deficient in humus and moisture * In a desertic area without any humidity condition Correct Answer C. In an ordinary garden not deficient in humus and moisture 5. What does the cultivation of endives consist of? A. Three different steps, plantation, cleaning process ,and rotation of the endive B. Two different steps, planting ,and transplanting the endive * C. Two different steps, wetting ,and drying the endive D. One only step, planting the endive Correct Answer A. Two different steps, planting ,and transplanting the endive 6.
How long does it take the endive to be ready? 90 months 90 minutes 90 days * 90 hours A.
Correct Answer C. 90 days 7. What does Luis have to do in order to know more about the cultivation and production of endives? A. Ask local farmers about it B. Search the web for some articles referring cultivation and production of endives * C. Ask Robert what to do about it D. Nothing, the process of cultivating and producing endives is well known for Luis Correct Answer B. Search the web for some articles referring cultivation and production of endives