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CIVE 3066: Engineering systems and decision analysis
Fall 2016 (55NKN)
Solution LAB 1: Introduction to the MATLAB environment
Exercice 1: Create x is a row vector containing 10 double random numbers whose value is
between 3 and 10.
x=3 + (10-3)*rand(1,10,’double’);
Exercice 2: Create the following matrices:
A is a matrix with 2 rows and 3 three columns containing double random numbers whose
value is between 10 and 15.
A=10 + (15-10)*rand(2,3,’double’);
B is a diagonal matrix of size 2x2 with the random value in the principal diagonal.
% V is a vector containing 2 random values
% B is the diagonal matrix with the random values of V in the principal diagonal
C is a matrix of size 5x5 with the random values in the second diagonal
% V is a vector containing 5 random values
% C is the diagonal matrix with the random values of V in the principal diagonal
% inverse the column of C so that the values in the principal diagonal are moved to the second diagonal
D is a matrix with 7 rows and 5 columns which is created by concatenating the matrices
A and B in the two first rows and the matrix C in the five last row as the following matrix
(A(i,j) represent the value of the matrices A at row i and column j, and so on):
A(1,1) A(1,2) A(1,3) B(1,1) B(1,2)
A(2,1) A(2,2) A(2,3) B(2,1) B(2,2)
C(1,1) C(1,2) C(1,3) C(1,4) C(1,5)
C(2,1) C(2,2) C(2,3) C(2,4) C(2,5)
C(3,1) C(3,2) C(3,3) C(3,4) C(3,5)
C(4,1) C(4,2) C(4,3) C(4,4) C(4,5)
C(5,1) C(5,2) C(5,3) C(5,4) C(5,5)
D=[A B; C];
E is a sub matrix of size 6x2 which takes the values in the rows from 1 to 3 and from 5 to
7 and in the columns 2 and 4 of the matrix D.
E=D([1:3 5:7], [2 4]);
Exercise 3:
Create a vector x of 10 abscissa values linearly spaced between 0 and Pi.
CIVE 3066: Engineering systems and decision analysis
Fall 2016 (55NKN)
x=linspace(0, pi,10);
Create three vectors of the values taken by the functions sinus, arctangent and square
on the values of the abscissa vector.
Plot the curves of functions sinus, arctangent and square between 0 and Pi.
Improve the previous plot by adding the title “Plot of sin, square and arctangent
functions by your name”. (put your name in the title (VD: Nguyen Van A))
title 'Plot of sin, square and arctangent function by Nguyen Van A';
Add a label for the abscissa ‘x’ and for the ordinate ‘y’
xlabel 'x';
ylabel 'y';
Use ‘*’ markers and solid line for the curve of the square
set(p(3),'LineStyle' , '-', 'Marker', '*');
Use a dashed line style for the curve of the arctangent
set(p(2),'LineStyle' , '--');
Use dotted line, magenta color and square markers for the curve of the sinus
set(p(1),'LineStyle' , ':', 'Color', 'm', 'Marker', 's');
Add legend for the three curves above
Limit the plot to the ordinates between 0 and 6 for y and 0 to pi for x.
axis([0 pi 0 6]);