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Purloining the U.S trade secrets
by Venkatesh Prabu Loganathan - Sunday, May 31, 2015, 4:21 PM
6 Chinese nationals have been charged with stealing trade secrets.
Each and every company have their own data privacy policies, and to enforce that most
of the companies have high security over their network with web trackers, to continuously
monitor the data over their network. Its the duty of each and every employee to abide by
the policies of the company they work, and its their duty to report if they find a breach in
the security. Both these companies have failed to find the theft immediately when it
Having said about the failure of the companies web security, few employees take
advantage of lack of web security to purloin the data of their company and use that for
their benefits. These 6 people should be given the judgement they deserve for their act.
All the companies should make sure these kind of theft don't happen in their premises.
Re: Purloining the U.S trade secrets
by Gilles Polla - Monday, June 1, 2015, 8:33 PM
This article shows up one of the biggest threat Hi-Tech companies have to be cautious
about. Technological espionage is a serious risk that existing organization or entrepreneur
(innovating graduate student) must protect themselves from. While doing the risk
assessment of a business, importance of security is essential. Skyworks and Avago
Technologies had certainly an efficient security system installed, but what could they do to
protect themselves against the human factors? Everywhere there are people involving in
any process, system's loophole will always exist because of human nature. So as we are
treating about project management in this course, we must deal with that issue legally
through patent protection and with procedural security for confidential information.
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Re: Purloining the U.S trade secrets
by Surya Sahithyan Suresh Kumar - Friday, June 5, 2015, 5:43 PM
Internet is a sick tool so it should be handled with care by companies with confidential
data. The reason I said it's a sick tool is because anyone with Internet will be able to get
into the open network if its not protected. If the company know the confidential data they
they have is worth to others too then they a need a excellent team of web security analyst
and engineers to protect the information.