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Wireless Communications Symposium – Globecom 2010
Best Paper Award Candidates
Paper #1569300535: Statistical Modeling of Cognitive Network Interference
Authors: Alberto Rabbachin, Tony Q. S. Quek, Moe Z. Win
Opportunistic spectrum access allows the opening of under- utilized portions of the licensed spectrum
for secondary reuse, provided that the transmissions of secondary radios do not cause harmful
interference to primary network.
The paper proposes a new statistical interference model for cognitive network based on the amplitude
aggregate interference, which accounts for the parameters related to the sensing procedure, spatial
reuse protocol employed by secondary users, and environment dependent conditions like channel
fading and shadowing. The authors derive the characteristic function and the n-th cumulant of the
cognitive network interference on the primary user. By using the theory of truncated-stable
distribution, they show how to approximate the cognitive network interference analytically. It is further
shown how to apply the model to derive system performance measure such as bit error probability in
the presence of cognitive network interference.
The paper has received the highest score in the review process of wireless communications
symposium. The topic is of great interest; the paper is well written and organized. This work can serve
to bring additional understanding of cognitive network interference for successful deployment of
cognitive networks in the future, potentially having a great impact on the analysis of such systems.
Relevance and
Technical content and
Quality of
Novelty and originality
scientific rigour
Excellent work and
A pioneering piece of work.
Excellent (5)
outstanding technical content.
Excellent. (5)
Striking novel ideas or results. (5)
Strong aspects (Comments to the author: what are the strong aspects of the paper)
In this paper, authors propose a new statistical interference model for cognitive network based on the
amplitude aggregate interference, which accounts for the parameters related to the sensing procedure,
spatial reuse protocol employed by secondary users, and environment dependent conditions like
channel fading and shadowing. The idea is novel, and it will have much help for future research in this
Weak aspects (Comments to the author: what are the weak aspects of the paper?)
This paper is good enough.
Recommended changes (Recommended changes. Please indicate any changes that should be
made to the paper if accepted.)
No need to change anything.
Comments to the TPC (Confidential comments to the TPC (will be not sent to Authors))
This paper is good. I strongly suggest to accept this paper.
Reviewer Independency (I have had no recent associations with the authors, such as submitting
or publishing a joint paper, being coworker, et similia (cf. IEEE Publication Services and
Products Board Operations Manual, Sec. 8.2.2.B) (If statement is not true, specify association in
"Confidential comments to the TPC").)
I have had no recent associations with the authors.
Relevance and
Technical content and scientific
Novelty and originality
Quality of presentation
A pioneering piece of work.
Striking novel ideas or results. Excellent. (5)
Strong aspects (Comments to the author: what are the strong aspects of the paper)
The paper addresses a highly important and up to date issue. The paper is well written and presented.
The technical aspects of the paper are deep and well treated. The paper proposes a new theoretical tool
which will be important for analysing the future cognitive networks.
Weak aspects (Comments to the author: what are the weak aspects of the paper?)
Although both single and multi thresholds protocols are derived in the paper, only single threshold
protocol is shown in the results.
Recommended changes (Recommended changes. Please indicate any changes that should be
made to the paper if accepted.)
No recommended changes.
Reviewer Independency (I have had no recent associations with the authors, such as submitting
or publishing a joint paper, being coworker, et similia (cf. IEEE Publication Services and
Products Board Operations Manual, Sec. 8.2.2.B) (If statement is not true, specify association in
"Confidential comments to the TPC").)
I have had no recent associations with the authors, such as submitting or publishing a joint paper, being
coworker, et similia
Excellent (5)
Excellent work and outstanding
technical content. (5)
Strong aspects (Comments to the author: what are the strong aspects of the paper)
This paper proposes ased on the amplitude aggregate interference,
Weak aspects (Comments to the author: what are the weak aspects of the paper?)
This paper is good well organized well structured
Recommended changes (Recommended changes. Please indicate any changes that should be
made to the paper if accepted.)
This paper is good well organized well structured
Comments to the TPC (Confidential comments to the TPC (will be not sent to Authors))
I recommend to accept the paper
Reviewer Independency (I have had no recent associations with the authors, such as submitting
or publishing a joint paper, being coworker, et similia (cf. IEEE Publication Services and
Products Board Operations Manual, Sec. 8.2.2.B) (If statement is not true, specify association in
"Confidential comments to the TPC").)
Relevance and
Technical content and
scientific rigour
Good (4)
Solid work of notable
importance. (4)
Novelty and
original work
and novel
results. (4)
Quality of presentation
Well written. (4)