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As our Pets Get Older
By Dr. Ed Mapes
A very good friend of mine is a plastic surgeon. Aging of his clients is the source of
many of his procedures – face lifts, wrinkle treatments, liposuction, etc. Cosmetic
problems of this nature aren’t a problem for our pets, but they are susceptible to agerelated problems nonetheless, and we as pet owners should be aware of these changes
to avoid discomfort and disease that they bring. Just as the life expectancy of humans is
steadily increasing, improvements in medical and surgical procedures, pharmaceuticals,
and nutrition have allowed our pets to have longer life spans. The aging pet population
makes geriatrics an important segment of Veterinary medicine as we recognize the
senior animals’ needs.
Normal aging processes produce numerous changes that are not pathologic and cause
no physical problems. A reduced interest in vigorous activity, for example, can be a
normal consequence. Likewise, lenses of the eyeball thicken as the animal grows older,
producing a “milky’ appearance that we call nuclear sclerosis. This is often mistaken for
cataract, but in fact causes no change in the vision.
Many of the problems encountered are chronic and difficult to identify, since their onset
takes place slowly and with few clinical symptoms. It’s very common to discover a
number of problems on older pets during routing examination – many of which the
owner had not recognized. Depressed liver and kidney function, a number of eye
problems, anemia, mild to severe dehydration, urinary bladder stones, prostate
enlargement, and several important diseases relating to hormonal disorders are prime
Hearing loss, decreased visual acuity, cognitive deficits, tumor growth, inability to cope
with temperature extremes, loss of house training, and bad breath are problems more
noticed by pet owners because they cause recognizable symptoms.
Sudden onset of severe itching can be seen in older animals that develop a food
allergy. Rapid weight loss, excitability, and a ravenous appetite will appear in a cat with
hyperthyroidism. Hair loss, depressed energy levels, and aversion to cooler
temperatures are seen in dogs with hypothyroidism. An increase in the thirst, weight
loss, decreases in appetite, vomiting and diarrhea can be seen in a number of diseases.
These are symptoms that all pet owners should recognize and take note of because
they accompany a wide range of problems: diabetes mellitus, renal or liver disorders,
tumor growth, and the endocrine diseases called Cushing’s syndrome and Addison’s
disease all have the above symptoms in common. Increased thirst and urination are
especially significant findings, and warrant a visit to the Veterinarian to make a
diagnosis the cause.
Heart and lung disease can be especially sneaky – a mild cough and decreased
exercise tolerance may be the only clues seen. We listen to the lungs and heart very
carefully, and then do chest X-rays, EKG, and blood pressure sometimes to help
elucidate problems. A variety of medications are available to treat heart and lung
conditions; often enabling the pet to live a normal life.
Obesity is the foremost problem encountered by our pets – it was the subject of a threepart series of articles published a few months ago. Pets’ metabolic rates usually decline
with age (as with hypothyroidism that is common in elderly animals) and they burn
calories much more slowly than in their younger days. Weight gain is the outcome for
many. Carrying excess weight predisposes our pets to a variety of maladies; much the
same as those seen by humans – diabetes, muscle and joint pain, decreased ability to
exercise, and chronic diarrhea are good examples.
This could become a long article if each possible age-related disorder was described
and discussed in any detail. Suffice it to say that pet owners should be aware that
senior pets deserve special attention to prevent needless discomfort or suffering. My
best recommendation is that they receive a complete veterinary examination at least
yearly. This should include a blood profile, heartworm test, urinalysis, and fecal exam.
Many pets should also have radiographs taken, blood pressure assessed, and other
procedures when indicated.