Download piece of ivory (象牙) and decided to carve a beautiful woman from it

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Greek mythology in popular culture wikipedia , lookup

The Greek Myth
In ancient Greek mythology, Pygmalion was a gifted
sculptor from Cyprus. He showed no interest in the local
women. Instead, he concentrated on his art until one
day he ran across a large, flawless (无瑕) piece of
ivory (象牙) and decided to carve a beautiful woman
from it. When he finished the statue, Pygmalion found
the image of his ideal woman so lovely that he fell in love
with it. Then he went to the temple of Aphrodite ( the
goddess of love, beauty and fertility ) to ask her to bring
the statue to life. When he returned, he found the statue
which he named Galatea alive and humbled himself at
her feet. At last they got married.
Pygmalion,the play by George Bernard Shaw,
is an adaptation of the Greek story.
According to the myth,
Pygmalion created a female
statue and treated it with such
affection that, through
Aphrodite's intervention, the
statue came to life and
responded to him. Such is the
essence of the self-fulfilling
prophecy: what we expect
tends to come true.
The author-----George Bernard Shaw,who is
an Irish dramatist, literary
critic, and a leading figure in
the 20th century theater.
His main works:
Widowers' Houses
Man and Superman (1902),
John Bull's Other Island (1904)
Major Barbara (1905)
This play, Pygmalion, was
also made into a film called
My Fair Lady.
Have you seen the film?
If you have,did you like it?
Have a discussion and give
Are you interested in Psychology? If
yes, have you ever heard of the
“Pygmalion Effect ”?
What is it?
The Pygmalion Effect is
that people tend to
behave as you expect
they will. If you expect a
person to take
responsibility, they
probably will. If you
expect them not to even
try, they probably won’t.
Eliza Doolittle(E): a poor flower girl who is
ambitious to improve herself.
Professor Higgins(H): an expert in phonetics,
convinced that the quality of a person’s
English decides his/her position in society.
Colonel Pickering(P): an officer in the army
and later a friend of Higgins’ who sets him a
impatient, rude, confident,
superior, self-important
kind, polite, generous,
enthusiastic, eager, confident
anxious, eager, emotional,
ambitious, unsure
What other things show one’s status in
Society apart from how one speaks?
You can show your social status by:
• Clothes you wear
• Expensive possessions (like cars or
• Attitudes and behavior
• Education level
• How many foreign language spoken
and countries visited
Stage direction
The word or words, which appear in italics,
provide the director and actors with guidance about
how words should be said ( ie tone of voice ) or what
action actors should take as they say the words ( ie
behaviour )
Tone of voice---
P29 ( surprised )
( uncomfortably )
( still worried )
( hopefully )
( kindly )
( holds up some dead flowers )
( leaves )
( begins to cry )
( sees a man taking notes and gets worried )
( gives her a handkerchief )
( hands over the paper covered with writing )
( pushes it back at him )
( looking confused )
In dramatic dialogue, the dash lets the reader
and actor know that the character who is speaking
has either been interrupted by another character or
has decided not to finish what he / she intended to
say for some unknown reason