Download Multilingual Cognitive Development and Impact

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By –
Neha Gupta
Ajay Rajaram
How are multi-linguistic skills developed in
Difference in cognition of multi-linguists and
Impact of multi-linguistic skills on other
aspects of cognition and creativity
How does bilingualism affects cognitive
processes across the life span of human
Neuroscience View on the working of the
brains of bilingual people – uses NeuroImaging to study brain activation when a
person switches one language to another
Study by Anatoliy Kharkhurin examines the
possible impact of bilingualism on creativity
The suggestion is that bilingualism seems to
have a positive impact on creativity
However, does bilingualism have a direct
impact on creativity or does it impact the
mechanisms and processes underlying
creativity? (Hommel et al. 2011)
Studies cognitive factors in bilingual children,
and how children develop the ability to speak
the right language at the right time
“Dialogue through design: visual
communication across the cultural divide”,
Kara Pecknold
“In translation: a visualization of Language”,
Linda Becker
Survey of related work
Experiments to support the conclusion
Paper providing an insight into the
development and impact of multi-linguistic
skills, especially in children
Correlation between linguistic skills and other
non-linguistic creative and cognitive abilities
- music, arithmetic, art, etc
Experimental data pertaining to
multilingualism and to support the above