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УДК: 619:614.31:579:637.52
S.А. Tkachuk , Doctor of Veterinary Science , Professor *
The necessity veterinary control meat products for microbiological
indicators that prevents poisoning in humans. According to a study highlighted an
increased amount in the sample MAFAM minced pork .
Meat ,
A large share in retail turnover owned meat , sausages, canned meat ,
prepared food, concentrates , etc. [ 7]
However, the problem of the origin of food poisoning and acute intestinal
infections remains relevant because the microbial contamination of food products
- is an important problem during the processing of raw materials [ 2].
Contamination by microorganisms muscle tissue of slaughtered animals
depend on welfare in the economy, transportation to the place of processing ,
their maintenance and adherence to ante technological conditions of processing.
Sources of contamination of carcasses during processing numerous and very
varied. But the main one - the gastrointestinal tract , where an unsatisfactory
development technology carcass meat can get a large number of
microorganisms , including bacteria are a group of E. coli , Proteus, spore
saprophytic aerobes and micrococci [ 3].
Exogenous contamination of meat is not only during post-mortem
operations, but also during cooling , freezing and transportation. Microflora ,
which is on the surface of the meat during this period, relatively quickly multiplies
and reaches 1 centimeter surface of carcasses 1010 microorganisms and more.
The aim - veterinary- sanitary inspection of meat products for
microbiological indicators , based on the fact that meat products during
colonization by microorganisms may cause diseases dangerous to humans . This
is due to non-compliance with sanitary- epidemiological requirements in the
production , processing, packaging, storage, transportation and sale of meat
Material and methods research. According to " the minimum list of
research materials, products of animal and vegetable origin, animal feed raw
materials, feed, vitamins , etc. , Which should be in the state veterinary
laboratory and the results are issued veterinary certificate ( F-2 ) " in Meat semifinished products tested for toxic elements , pesticides, mycotoxins,
nitrosamines, hormones, radionuclides and for mikrobiolohichnichnymy
Frequency control the content of toxic elements , mycotoxins, nitrosamines
, pesticides, hormones , radionuclides , microbiological parameters in semi set
according to guidelines 4.4.4-108 MR .
Meat preparations according to the criteria of security must comply with the
law. Determination of the number of mesophilic aerobic microorganisms and
fakultatyvnoanaerobnyh ( MAFAM ) in food .
The procedure for the detection of E. coli bacteria in food.
The procedure for detecting bacteria of the genus Salmonella in food . "
Результати дослідження. Detection of increased amounts MAFAM
constitutes a violation of temperature conditions during production or storage of
food , poor sanitary conditions of production.
The results of repeated studies are inconclusive . Take appropriate
hygiene measures.
Meat preparations where any discrepancy is detected parameters according to
regulatory documents were utilized .
1. During the study JANUARY meat products for microbiological indicators
highlighted the increased number of CFU MAFAM in a sample of minced pork
that is 6,1h106 CFU in 1 g of the maximum permissible level of less than 5 x 106
CFU in 1 g of this product by regulations.
2. According to the research necessity veterynarnosanitarnoho control and
supervision of safety indicators that prevents poisoning in humans.
1. ДСТУ ISO 4833:2006 Микробиология пищевых продуктов и кормов
для животных. Горизонтальный метод подсчета микроорганизмов. Метод
подсчета колоний при температуре 30 град. C (ISO 4833:2003, IDT). – К.:
Держспоживстандарт України,
2006. –
2. Кравців Р.Й. Харчові токсикоінфекції, бактеріальні токсикози та
інфекційні хвороби тварин, небезпечні для людини: [навч. посіб.] // Р.Й.
Кравців, Ю.І Остап’юк. – Львів: ЛНАВМ ім. С.З. Гжицького, 2006. – 200 с.
3. Лузина Н.И. Микробиология мяса и мясных продуктов: [учеб. Пособ.
]/ Лузина Н.И. – Кемерово: Кемеров. техн. ин-т пищ. пром-сти, 2004. – 75с. 4.
Олексієнко Н. Мікробіологічна безпека харчових продуктів / Н.Олексієнко, В.
Оболкіна, І. Сивній. – Режим
5. Постанова кабінету Міністрів України N 833 від 14 червня 2002 р
“Про затвердження Порядку відбору зразків продукції тваринного,
рослинного і біотехнологічного походження для проведення досліджень”. –
Режим доступу:
6. Постанова №139 від 7.11.2001 р. “Про затвердження Державних
санітарних правил і норм “Мікробіологічні нормативи та методи контролю
7. Пічкур, Т. Стан Українського ринку м’яса і м’ясопродуктів / Т. Пічкур,
Г. Бандуренко, Д. Засєкін // Товари і ринки. – 2011. – № 2. – С. 46–53.
Proved the need for veterinary control meat products for microbiological
indicators that prevents toxic in humans. According to the study was allocated an
increased number of MAFAM such as minced pork. Meat products,
microbiological indicators, veterinary and sanitary examination.