Download 2015 FPS Grape Meeting Minutes

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 9:00am-noon
Peter Christensen Conference Room,
Trinchero Family Estates Building, UC Davis
Adib Rowhani, Alan Wagner, Andy Walker, Anna-Liisa Fabritius, Benjamin Kaesekamp, Bill Merz, Bob
Ludekens, Carole Lamb, Chuck Fleck, Clay Shannon, Clint Neagley, Cory Auric, Dan Martinez, Dave
Fujino, David Marion, Deborah Golino, Denise Meade, Dennis Frick, Dustin Hooper, Ed Nikssarian, Erick
Morales Galvez, Francois Guillaume, Glenn McGourty, James Stamp, Jay Jensen, Jeffrey Wheeler, John
Duarte, John Everson, Joshua Kress, Joshua Puckett, Judit Monis, Justin Jacobs, Karl Krist, Keith Striegler,
Kristen Farrar, Larry Bettiga, Lori Leong, Maher Al Rwahnih, Michael Carriere, Neil McRoberts, Nick
Dokoozlian, Phuong Lao, Rhonda Smith, Sal Captain, Sean Dayyani, Stan Grant, Steve Maniaci, Mysore
Sudarshana, Sue Sim, Susan Captain, Ted Rieger, Tia Russell, Vicki Klaassen, Yaqin Ma, YunPing Zhang,
Lynn Wunderlich, Sebastian, Traviesa, Adam Lovgren, Brad Kroeker, Tefera Mekuria, Ernie Bowman,
Pierre-Marie Guillaume, Maria Rojas, Jerry Uyemoto.
Agenda Items:
Welcome and Introductions
Nick Dokoozlian, Chair of the Foundation Plant Services Grape Advisory Committee, called the
meeting to order and asked the attendees to introduce themselves.
Approval of Minutes from November 20, 2014 Committee Meeting
Glenn McGourty moved to approve the minutes from the meeting on November 20, 2014. Steve
Maniaci seconded and the motion was approved unanimously.
Recent Grape Introductions and Releases
Nancy Sweet, Staff Research Associate at Foundation Plant Services, was unable to attend the
meeting. Dr. Deborah Golino presented the new introductions and releases. A handout was
provided on the over 60 new grape introductions to FPS in 2015.
Updates on Grapevine Pinot Gris Virus
Dr. Maher Al Rwahnih, Associate Project Scientist at Foundation Plant Services, reviewed the
history of Grapevine pinot gris virus (GPGV) as an emerging pathogen first identified in Italy in
2012 and is reported in asymptomatic and symptomatic vines in many countries. GPGV is
closely related to grapevine berry inner necrosis virus, however, GPGV does not cause inner
berry necrosis. The virus can be detected in symptomatic and asymptomatic vines using high
throughput sequencing. Vines with symptoms have slightly more virus. GPGV may be vector
transmitted by mites. The virus is easily eliminated through tissue culture. Russell Ranch vines
have been screened for GPGV and none were infected with the virus. Of the vines in the
classical foundation, 1760 plants were tested and one asymptomatic vine was positive. There is
no indication that there is active spread to adjacent plants and this selection has not been
Developing Evidence-Based Sampling Plans for Grape Virus Detection and Management
Dr. Neil McRoberts, Associate Professor of Plant Pathology at UC Davis, discussed the
development of a sampling plan for grape virus detection for CDFA. His research is based on
data for Grapevine leafroll virus-3 and Red Blotch. In order to achieve 90% accuracy at 1%
disease incidence, one would need to sample 250 vines. It is an economic question for the
community to determine if that is feasible. It is less expensive to sample fewer plants, however,
that increases the incidence of plant disease. Composite samples may also be used. Neil is
prepared to hand over this information to CDFA. A sample size calculator will be available online as a tool available through FPS, however, further discussion regarding proper use of this tool
is necessary.
Development of Red Blotch Virus Diagnostics
Dr. Bob Gilbertson, Professor of Plant Pathology at UC Davis, provided an overview of Red
Blotch. His lab has confirmed that Grapevine red blotch-associated virus (GRBaV) is the causal
agent of Red Blotch. Both herbaceous plants and grape vines were inoculated and the virus was
isolated/detected by PCR. Dr. Gilbertson would like to make antigenic antibodies to the coat
protein to be used in ELISA testing. However, his attempts detect the coat protein of GRBaV
have not yet been successful. Currently, PCR is the best method for detecting Red Blotch.
He will continue to work on developing an ELISA test for Red Blotch as it’s less expensive and
Not Only Do They Resist PD – They Look Like Grapes, Taste Like Wine Grapes, and Make Very Good
Wine, and Are Getting Ready for Release!
Dr. Andy Walker, Professor of Viticulture and Enology at UC Davis, discussed his breeding
program for Pierce’s disease resistant varieties. He provided an overview of Pierce’s disease and
background on breeding efforts. Genetic mapping of Pierce’s disease resistance and markerassisted selection of genes can be used to identify progeny seedlings with resistance to PD.
Using aggressive growing techniques he was able to optimize classic breeding techniques to get
seed from crosses to resistant parents in two years. Using marker-assisted selection for
multigenic and single gene resistance, his breeding program objectives are to look at 20
dominant varieties with elite vinifera types. Field testing of Pierce’s disease resistant selections
is underway in Davis, Napa, Temecula, Texas and Alabama. The first release will be a 94%
vinifera red wine selection, 07355-75. The next phase of his research is to discover, characterize
and map new sources of resistance to ensure that materials are genetically diverse.
Update on the Potential Revision of CDFA’s Grapevine Registration and Certification Program
Josh Kress, Programs Supervisor for the Nursery Services Program at CDFA, provided an
overview of the Grapevine Registration and Certification Program. The first scoping meeting
with growers was in December of 2014 and they have had five regional scoping meetings to
date. The grapevine regulations were last updated in 2010, prior to the first identification of
grapevine red blotch. The recommendation form the working group of nurseries, growers and
scientists is to include red blotch in the regulatory package. CDFA plans to have standards
developed for testing red blotch in place by fall 2016
Progress Report on the Activities of the National Clean Plant Network
Dr. Deborah Golino, Director of Foundation Plant Services, welcomed the group to the new
Trinchero Family Estates Building and provided an update on the activities of the National Clean
Plant Network (NCPN). APHIS is a good caretaker of the NCPN program and they are currently
working on funding for FY2016-2017. Foundation Plant Services receives a good deal of funds
from the NCPN program. There are currently 19 programs throughout the country: Davis and
Prosser are the largest. NCPN funds largely supported the upgrading of facilities. Thanks to
those who lobbied to congress to support NCPN funding.
Other Business
There was no other business.
Respectfully submitted,
Kristen Farrar
Staff Research Associate
Foundation Plant Services