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What is The Solace Centre?
The Solace Centre is a Sexual Assault Referral Centre, a free service which provides local
communities with a safe, discreet and caring environment to support all victims of rape and
sexual assault. It is a 24/7 service that is accessible to any person of any gender or age who
lives within the Thames Valley. We offer help whether the police are involved or not.
The Centre offers to:
 Listen and give all options
 Carry out a forensic examination by a forensic medical examiner.
 Provide crisis support at the initial visit and arrange follow up appointments.
 Provide telephone advice
 Provide independent advocacy and support with practical matters
 Introduce or refer to other support services, for example Rape Crisis or Victim Support.
Thames Valley Sexual Assault Referral Centre (TV SARC) works from two sites, one in Bletchley
which covers the north of the valley, and the other one in Slough, covering the south.
Any professional can refer a person to the service. Police referrals are seen as soon as possible
after the incident being reported. Self-referrals (no police involvement) are also welcome and
they are seen during daytime (08:00 – 18:00) by appointment. An appointment will be made
for the next available time. Anyone can self-refer to the SARC and not involve the police, but if
the person is under 18 or they or someone else is at risk of serious harm or there is a risk to the
general public, then we explain to the client that we would have to inform applicable agencies
for safeguarding reasons. We can store forensic evidence for up to 2 years.
Our teams are formed by professionals including Crisis Support Workers and Forensic Medical
Examiners. They are here to support the victim through the process. The doctors are highly
trained specialists who will treat the victim with dignity and respect and will always fully
explain the process and obtain the consent of the victims before a forensic examination. A
gender choice of doctor is available wherever possible.
The Crisis Support Workers are above all there to make sure that during the time the victim is
at the SARC she/he is treated with dignity and respect and they remain in control of the
process. They will be with the client throughout the process. They have all the information the
client needs to make decisions about the immediate options. They represent the client’s best
interests and will explain the options the client has and the process of a forensic medical
examination. They will support the victim in the immediate aftermath of an assault. The
victims are in full control of the process and it will be dealt at their pace and at any time the
process can be interrupted. The aim is to help the clients put their lives back together.
We offer to carry out onward referrals on behalf our clients (with their consent) to applicable
agencies such as Sexual Health, GP, Rape crisis , Refuge (Independent Sexual Violence Advisor),
Survivors Trust , SAFE (support for young people) Domestic Violence services , Mental Health ,
Substance misuse services, Social care and counselling.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on:
0300 1303036
Or alternatively please visit our website: