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Pathobiology: Introduction and Normal Cell Cycle (Bosch)
Normal Cell Replication: occurs in labile and stable cells
Basic Process:
o GF binds to/transiently activates its receptor
o Activation of signal transducing proteins (ie. via phosphorylation) and signal transmission to the
nucleus (directly or indirectly)
o Activation of nuclear transcription regulatory factors  DNA transcription promoting entrance into the
cell cycle (ie. production of cyclin D)
Growth Factors:
o Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
o Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF)
o Transforming growth factor (TGF)
Growth Factor Receptors:
o Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
o PDGF receptor
o Tyrosine kinase receptor
Signal-Transducing Proteins:
RAS: encodes a family of membrane attached GTP-binding proteins
o Function: transient intracellular signal transduction
GF binds to GFR resulting in activation of RAS proteins (GDP bound  GTP bound)
Stimulation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade
Nuclear signals for cell proliferation
o Termination of Signal:
GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) bind to activated RAS proteins (which have intrinsic
GTPase activity), resulting in enhanced GTP hydrolysis
Inactivation of RAS proteins (back to GDP bound) and termination of signal
Note: inactivation of RAS by hydrolysis of GTP can be blocked, resulting in mutant RAS (most
common oncogene)
Nuclear Transcription Regulatory Factors:
MYC: encodes a nuclear protein integral to both cell proliferation and apoptosis
o Function:
GF binds to GFR resulting in mitogenic signal transduction to the nucleus
Rapid induction of MYC and production of the MYC protein
Formation of MYC-MAX protein heterodimers that can bind DNA, leading to the activation of
genes promoting cell division
 Note: cell division is downregulated by MAX homodimers and MAD-MAX
MYC activation WITHOUT GF stimulation (ie. inappropriately activated)  cellular apoptosis
Entrance into the Cell Cycle:
Transcriptional activation of:
o Cyclin D
o CDK4 genes
Common Theme:
Inactive CDKs bind to cell-cycle specific cyclins resulting in CDK phosphorylation and activation (this process can
be modulated by CDK inhibitors)
Active CDKs phosphorylate key proteins necessary for progression through the cell cycle
Specific Phases of the Cell Cycle:
G0 (resting) and G1 (growth/gap 1) Phases:
o HYPOphosphorylated RB protein bound to E2F TF complex (inhibiting its function)
G1 Phase: organelles double in number
o Synthesis of cyclin D and later cyclin E, resulting in production of D/CDK and E/CDK
Phosphorylation of RB protein leading to dissociation from E2F complex and transcriptional activation
of E2F targeted genes (essential for progression through G1/S restriction point)
S (DNA Synthesis) Phase: nuclear DNA is replicated
o Synthesis of cyclin A  formation of phosphorylated A/CDK
G2 (growth/gap 2) Phase: new membranes are made in preparation for cell division
o Synthesis of cyclin B  production of phosphorylated B/CDK  initiation of mitosis
M (mitosis and cytokinesis) Phase:
o Stages: prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
o Completion: characterized by removal of phosphate groups from RB protein (regeneration of
HYPOphsophorylated RB)
Regulation of the Cell Cycle:
CDK Inhibitors: respond to growth suppressing signals
o Block progression of cell cycle
o Inactivate cyclin/CDK complexes OR inhibit their formation (directly or indirectly)
Cell-Cycle Check Points:
o G1/S: checks for DNA defects prior to replication
Detection of DNA damage results in increases levels/activation of p53 protein
Cell cycle arrest via transcriptional upregulation of p21 (which encodes a CDK inhibitor)
Stimulation of DNA repair
 Successful DNA repair: p53-induced transcriptional activation of a protein to
degrade itself and resumed progression through cell cycle
 Unsuccessful DNA repair: p53-induced transcriptional activation of apoptotic genes
(ie. BAX) and repression of pro-proliferative genes/anti-apoptotic genes (ie. cyclins,
BCL2)  apoptosis or senescence
o G2/M: checks for DNA defects after replication and before separation of the chromatids
Detection of DNA damage  cell-cycle arrest via both p53-depedent and independent