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What Is An Upsell & How To Do It
An upsell is an impulse purchase of an additional product or service that you offer to your customer
immediately after they make a purchase. Your goal here is to increase your initial revenue. When doing
so, you must ensure that the offer is congruent with the purchase in which your customer just made. If
not, it will confuse or frustrate your customer.
The great benefit of integrating an upsell to your marketing funnel is that it can increase your initial
revenue by 100% - 500%...if done correctly.
The real kicker here is that if you want to market online successfully, an upsell is REQUIRED! An upsell
is the key that literally makes all the financial metrics of online marketing work…and work profitably.
If you’re offering something that is less than $50, then chances are you are only making a few dollars, if
anything at all…which is hardly worth your time or enough to cover your expenses. Therefore, an upsell
is pretty much necessary for covering your overhead costs and where the real money is made. In other
words, you make your profit on the backend (an upsell) while your initial offer simply covers your
operating costs and gets a new customer in your door.
Understanding the lifetime value of a single customer is crucial to your survival and necessary for
investing in your business’s future. Knowing how an upsell comes into play can make or break your
You can have more than one upsell. Allow me to explain: If a customer buys product A, then right after
that product is added to their virtual shopping cart OR after they just finished placing the order (depending
on how the online shopping cart is set up), they are offered product B. Product B has no bearing on the
results promised by product A. Additionally, your customer could be offered product B or product C in
which they could make a choice. Either way, every product (or service) compliments one another but in
no way affects the promised outcome or results of a person’s initial purchase.
An upsell is very often an impulse purchase by your customer. That’s okay. It’s not a bad thing. It just
means that you have an offer that will genuinely help them in an additional way.
However, under no circumstances should your upsell offer EVER affect the promises that you make
for their initial purchase. That’s kind of like a bait and switch. Your upsell should ALWAYS be a
compliment to their initial purchase…but never depended on one another.
At no point should your customer ever feel like they need to buy an additional product or service in order
to get the results that they were just promised or they thought they just purchased. Remember, an upsell
equals a compliment, not a necessity toward their initial purchase.
Are upsells a bad thing?
For some reason, some marketers (usually new marketers) think that upsells come off as too salesy or
pushy…or are ways to upset or irritate their customers. If you think this, you will struggle online.
But why? Why is an upsell actually a good thing?
…Because you are simply offering your best product or service to your customers at a discounted
price…WHICH is a huge benefit for them and to your pocketbook.
The fact is, if you have something that you truly believe in, is a great value, and will genuinely help your
customer, then you have nothing to be ashamed of or fear. Period! If you are to be successful online, I
highly suggest you get over this ‘issue’ quickly.
Just remember, if you never ask then you will never receive. …And realize that you’re not forcing anyone
to buy anything and your customer’s original purchase isn’t affected if they don’t buy the upsell. The
choice is completely theirs and only theirs. You are simply offering the upsell.
Make sure that your [discounted] upsell offer also comes with a money back guarantee, just like your
initial offer. A 10 day, 30 day, 90 day, etc. money-back guarantee is a great way to build trust and
genuineness with your customers.
Steps for Creating A Successful Upsell
1. Acknowledge and thank your customer for the purchase that they just made
Example: “Thank you for your purchase. I sincerely hope you find great value in (XYZ
a. This brings them comfort and makes them feel appreciated and respected
b. This step is important for continuity and congruency
c. You don’t want some random video pop up with your upsell that isn’t expected or related
to their purchase. That, in fact, will upset or irritate your customer.
d. Could be as simple as a single sentence
2. Inform your customer as to what they are about to read/listen to/see next
Example: “But before you go, I’d like to offer you this one-time bonus that would help you
(achieve this result)”
a. Again, could be as simple as a single sentence
Building that LOGICAL “bridge” to transition from your Thank You greeting to your upsell offer
a. People buy on emotion and then justify their purchase with logic.
b. Right after your customer’s purchase, give them what they paid for
c. Now you want your upsell offer to be focused on related skillsets that are not on the exact
topic of their initial purchase, but still needed.
i. From there, you can build a bridge as to why the upsell is the most logical step
4. Keep your upsell offer(s) short
a. Shouldn’t take more than 2-3 minutes for the customer to go through the offer
b. If you’re making a video, keep it less than 3 minutes
i. Typically, it takes about 2 minutes to get through a 1-page video script
c. If you’re writing out your offer, keep paragraphs to less than 3 sentences and use bullets!
i. Bullet points and short paragraph sentences keep the reader moving through
quickly without getting bored.
ii. Your customer doesn’t want to sit through another long offer after they just
purchased from you…they now want to consume their purchase, not be entertained
d. In other words, the shorter you can make the upsell offer, the better.
5. Reinforce the fact that your offer is optional and there is no need to purchase or upgrade to achieve
the result(s) that they were just promised by their previous purchase
a. This brings your customers additional assurance/confidence
b. Restate the money-back guarantee
c. Remember, this is an impulse buy
i. Your customer is in a buying mood (a “Buying High” if you will…)
d. Typically, an upsell is 2-3 times the cost of the product(s) or service(s) they just bought
6. Offer a massive incentive to purchase right now (this can vary greatly)
a. In my experience, the most effective incentive is a hugely discounted price (30%-70% off)
b. Other ideas include:
i. Doubling the order if you pay separate shipping & handling (do infomercials come
to mind here?)
ii. Free shipping on any additional products
iii. Additional training courses the compliment the training they just purchased
iv. Payment options (lower price if paid all at once as opposed to installments)
v. Different membership levels
7. Create REAL scarcity
a. “One time only” offer!
i. That massive discount that you just offered in step 6 is only valid if they order now
b. Don’t offer an incentive now and then offer it to them again a few days later
i. Doing this makes you a liar and immediately establishes mistrust