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Solar Radiation
List four ways in which solar radiation makes life on Earth possible.
Albedo –
Reflected solar radiation
Reflected by what
Examples of items with high and low albedo
Absorbed solar radiation
What the absorbed energy is used for
Temperature changes with latitude
Near the equator, the sun’s rays hit ______________
1. Energy is ______________ concentrated
2. Produces ______________ temperatures
3. Rays of light pass through a shallower envelope of air
Near the poles, the sun’s rays hit more ______________
1. Energy is ______________ concentrated because _____________________________
2. Produces ______________ temperatures
3. discuss rays of light entering atmosphere obliquely:
Temperature changes with seasons
Degree of Earth’s tilt:
Cause of seasons:
Discuss the dates each hemisphere tilts toward the sun and the corresponding seasons.
III. The Atmosphere
Define the atmosphere and it’s role on Earth.
State the composition of the atmosphere, including what makes up the 1% “other”
List the layers of the atmosphere in order from Earth’s surface to space, and add a couple of details for
Atmospheric Circulation
Describe the circulation of the atmosphere
Surface Winds
Define wind:
Describe what causes wind
Explain the Coriolis effect
List and describe the atmosphere’s three prevailing winds
The Global Ocean
global ocean:
list the 4 sections of the global ocean
Patterns of Circulation in the Ocean
Prevailing winds:
The Coriolis effect:
Vertical Mixing of Ocean Water
Discuss density and the ocean conveyor belt.
Ocean Interactions with the Atmosphere
Discuss El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and its global effects
Discuss La Niña
Weather and Climate
Define “rain shadow” and explain why deserts form in the rain shadows of mountains
(leave room here for a drawing we’ll make in class)
Internal Planetary Processes
What are tectonic plates?
What is the relationship between locations of earthquakes and plate tectonics?
What is the relationship between locations of volcanoes and plate tectonics?
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